Student Poster Competition

Competition Overview

The Southeastern Section of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) hosts a Student Poster Competition at each annual Section Conference. The competition is the only venue where undergraduate students can present their technical research at the conference. Unlike conference papers, the posters are not required to have engineering education-related content.


Students may submit a poster to one of the following divisions.

  • Lower-Division Team (First-Year and Second-Year/Freshmen and Sophomore)
  • Upper-Division Team (Third-Year and Fourth-Year/Junior and Senior)
  • Individual Undergraduate Research

Teams are categorized based on the classification of the highest-ranking member of their team. For example, a team composed of two second-year students and one third-year student would submit as an Upper-Division Team.

Poster Requirements

  • The maximum size of the poster is 36 in high Ă— 48 in wide.
  • Mounting hardware will be provided at the conference venue.
  • All supporting display material must fit on or under the poster board in the floor space provided.
  • Students may not use a personal computer as part of their presentation.
  • Electrical power will not be provided and may be unavailable.

Evaluation Criteria

The extended abstract, the poster, and effective communication will be evaluated using a rubric. To download a copy of the rubric, click the button below. If the download does not start, please right-click and “Save As.”

Presentation Logistics

  • Students should sign in at the conference registration table Monday morning before or during breakfast.
  • Students should set up their posters between 10:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
  • The poster session will be open for viewing from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM when students must be physically present at their poster.
  • Award winners in each division will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Monday evening. Students are expected to attend.

Contact Information

Chair, Undergraduate Research and Design DivisionDr. Michael PotterFrancis Marion