Executive Board
Position | Name | Affiliation | Contact |
President | Natalia Cardelino | Mercer University | cardelino_nh@mercer.edu |
President-Elect | Anna Howard | North Carolina State University | anna_howard@ncsu.edu |
Immediate Past President | David Calamas | Georgia Southern University | dcalamas@georgiasouthern.edu |
Vice-President of Programs Unit | Simon Ghanat | The Citadel | sghanat@citadel.edu |
Vice-President of Awards & Recognition Unit | M.A. Karim | University of West Florida | mkarim@uwf.edu |
Vice-President of Publications and Promotions Unit | Chuck Margraves | Univeristy of Tennessee Chattanooga | Charles-Margraves@utc.edu |
Treasurer | Charles “Chuck” Newhouse | Virginia Military Institute | NewhouseCD@vmi.edu |
Secretary | Sally Pardue | Tennessee Tech University | spardue@tntech.edu |
Representative for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Cecelia Wigal | University of Tennessee Chattanooga | cecelia-wigal@utc.edu |
Unit Officers
Programs Unit
Position | Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Chair | Simon Ghanat | The Citadel | sghanat@citadel.edu |
Vice-Chair & Technical Program Chair | Nancy Moore | NC State University | njmoore3@ncsu.edu |
Secretary | Adam Barnes | University of Virginia | ab6uy@virginia.edu |
Awards and Recognition
Position | Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Chair | M.A. Karim | University of West Florida | mkarim@uwf.edu |
Vice-Chair | Kweku Brown | The Citadel | kbrown16@citadel.edu |
Secretary | Laura Moody | Mercer University | moody_le@mercer.edu |
Publications and Promotions
Position | Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Chair | Chuck Margraves | University of Tennessee Chattanooga | Charles-Margraves@utc.edu |
Vice-Chair | Morgan Green | Mississippi State University | green@me.msstate.edu |
Secretary | Rami Haddad | Georgia Southern University | rhaddad@georgiasouthern.edu |
Appointed Officers
Position | Name | Affiliation | Contact |
Paper Management Platform Coordinator | Todd Schweisinger | Clemson University | todds@clemson.edu |
Section Website Coordinator | David Calamas | Georgia Southern University | dcalamas@georgiasouthern.edu |
Newsletter Editor | Priya Goeser | Georgia Southern University | pgoeser@georgiasouthern.edu |
Proceedings Editor | John Brocato | University of Georgia | John.Brocato@uga.edu |
Campus Representative Coordinator | Kenneth Ball | George Mason University | ball@gmu.edu |
2025 Host Site Coordinator | Morgan Green | Mississippi State University | green@me.msstate.edu |
Division Officers
Professional-Interest Divisions
Bio and Chemical Engineering
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | John Brocato | University of Georgia | john.brocato@uga.edu |
Vice-Chair | Vacant | Vacant | Vacant |
Secretary | Vinayak Vijayan | Clemson University | vinayav@clemson.edu |
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | M. A. Karim | University of West Florida | mkarim@uwf.edu |
Vice-Chair | Geoff Knowles | Bryan College | jknowles3910@bryan.edu |
Secretary | Adaline Buerck | Mercer University | buerck_am@mercer.edu |
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Eve Klopf | High Point University | eklopf@highpoint.edu |
Vice-Chair | Patrick Martin | Virginia Commonwealth University | martinp@vcu.edu |
Secretary | Philip Lee | University of Kentucky | philip.lee@uky.edu |
Engineering Graphics
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Stephanie Laughton | The Citadel | slaughton@citadel.edu |
Vice-Chair | James Righter | The Citadel | jrighter@citadel.edu |
Secretary | Sally Pardue | Tenessee Tech University | spardue@tntech.edu |
Engineering Technology
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Andy Pardue | Tennessee Technological University | Bpardue@tntech.edu |
Vice-Chair | Dimitra Michalaka | The Citadel | dimitra.michalaka@citadel.edu |
Secretary | Daniel Wilson | Clemson University | dwilso9@clemson.edu |
Industrial Engineering
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Amro Khasawneh | Mercer University | khasawneh_an@mercer.edu |
Vice-Chair | Cecelia Wigal | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | Cecelia-Wigal@utc.edu |
Secretary | Mazen Hussein | Tennessee Tech University | mhussein@tntech.edu |
Mechanical Engineering
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Nancy Moore | NC State University | njmoore3@ncsu.edu |
Vice-Chair | Chandan Roy | Mercer University | roy_ck@mercer.edu |
Secretary | Felix Ewere | NC State University | Feewere@ncsu.edu |
Special-Interest Divisions
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Chuck Newhouse | Virginia Military Institute | newhouseCD@VMI.edu |
Vice-Chair | Cecelia Wigal | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | Cecelia-Wigal@utc.edu |
Secretary | Beth Todd | University of Alabama | btodd@ua.edu |
Educational Research and Methods
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Kweku Brown | The Citadel | kbrown16@citadel.edu |
Vice-Chair | James Righter | The Citadel | jrighter@citadel.edu |
Secretary | Chandan Roy | Mercer University | roy_ck@mercer.edu |
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Aaron Smith | Mississippi State University | smith@me.msstate.edu |
Vice-Chair | Stephanie Laughton | The Citadel | slaughton@citadel.edu |
Secretary | Jennifer Brown | University of Georgia | Jsbrown@uga.edu |
Pre-College Engineering Education
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Felix Ewere | North Carolina State University | feewere@ncsu.edu |
Vice-Chair | Georg Pingen | Union University | gpingen@uu.edu |
Secretary | Sarah Bauer | Mercer University | bauer_sk@mercer.edu |
Professional Skills
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Stephen Hill | Mercer University | hill_sd@mercer.edu |
Vice-Chair | George Prpich | Prpich@virginia.edu | University of Virginia |
Secretary | John Aaron Louis Grimes | Mississippi State University | Agrimes@bagley.msstate.edu |
Undergraduate Research and Design
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Michael Potter | Michael.Potter@fmarion.edu | Francis Marion University |
Vice-Chair | Adam Barnes | University of Virginia | ab6uy@virginia.edu |
Secretary | Kumar Yelamarthi | Tennesee Tech University | kyelamarthi@tntech.edu |
Host Site Coordinators
Year | Host Site | Coordinator | |
2025 | Mississippi State University | Morgan Green | green@me.msstate.edu |
2026 | University of Memphis | Daniel Kohn | dekohn@memphis.edu |
2027 | Virginia Military Institute | Chuck Newhouse | newhouseCD@VMI.edu |
2028 | University of Georgia | John Brocato | john.brocato@uga.edu |