2023 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference
To be held March 12th – 14th, 2023, at George Mason University’s Mason Square Campus.
Educating the Inclusive Engineer: Diverse, Innovative, Accountable
The Southeastern Section of ASEE has a long-standing tradition of fantastic conferences which are open to everyone interested in improving the engineering education experience. Participants include faculty, students, department chairs, college deans, and industry leaders in engineering, engineering technology, and computing education. Join a community of your colleagues from throughout the region, see familiar faces, learn new ways to engage engineering students, and engage through roundtable discussions and workshop activities.
Contact Information
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
Technical Program Chair | Anna Howard | NC State University | anna_howard@ncsu.edu |
Conference Site Coordinator | Christopher Carr | Georgia Mason University | ccarr21@gmu.edu |
Call for Papers

Conference Host
The 2023 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference will be hosted by the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, from March 12th-14th, 2023. The conference will feature workshops, roundtables, formal technical sessions, a student poster competition, and an awards banquet.
Conference Theme
Educating the Inclusive Engineer: Diverse, Innovative, Accountable
Invitation Message
The ASEE Southeastern Section Conference is open to everyone interested in improving the engineering education and technology experience. Participants include faculty, students, department chairpersons, college deans, and industry leaders in engineering, engineering technology, and computing education. The conference is an excellent opportunity to interact and reflect with colleagues over a myriad of engineering education issues and topics, as well as chart new directions and collaborations.
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit full-length manuscripts for presentation at the conference and inclusion in its proceedings. Papers addressing the conference theme will have priority and may include topics related to the following:
- Changing the Face of Engineering
- First Year Engineering Programs
- Cross-Discipline Practices
- Online, Distance, and Blended Approaches
- Technologies for Efficient Learning
- K-12 Outreach Programs
- Learning Communities
- Innovative and Theoretical Concepts Exploring
- Culturally Competent Curriculum Development
- Peace Engineering
- Experiential Learning
- ABET Accreditation Projects
- Recruitment and Retention
- Industry Partnerships
- Engineering Common Cores
- Capstone Design Courses or Projects
- Ethics and Professional Development
- Counternarratives in Engineering Education
- AI, Social Justice, and Public Policy
- Next G Technology
Final papers will be accepted based on the peer review of abstracts and draft submissions. Authors must present their papers at the conference to facilitate knowledge transfer through discussion and debate. Only those accepted papers presented by a timely registered author will be included in the conference proceedings.
Author Submission Deadlines
Date | Deadline |
Monday, September 19th, 2022 | Abstract Submission |
Monday, September 26th, 2022 | Notification of Abstract Acceptance |
Monday, November 7th, 2022 | Draft Manuscript Submission (Blinded, Line Numbers) |
Monday, December 5th, 2022 | Notification of Draft Manuscript Acceptance with Peer Reviews |
Monday, January 9th, 2023 | Final Manuscript Submission |
Monday, January 16th, 2023 | Notification of Final Paper Acceptance |
Sunday, February 19th, 2023 | Early Registration Deadline |