Computer Science and Software Engineering, Miami University
Deadline: Reviews are ongoing
Chair & Professor to be the academic and administrative leader of the department. The department chair will serve as a member of the Leadership Council of the College of Engineering and Computing and will report to the Dean of the College. Responsibilities for the position of department chair center on academic advancement and fiscal and managerial responsibilities. Academic responsibilities include enhancing the strength of the undergraduate program; growing the master’s level graduate programs; overseeing curriculum and accreditation processes; broadening research efforts; recruiting and promoting a diverse faculty and student body; and supporting a vision for the department’s future direction. Fiscal and managerial responsibilities include budgeting, staffing, scheduling, and supervising; overseeing facilities; mentoring faculty to achieve personal and departmental goals; working with staff, students, and other constituents; and engaging in alumni outreach. Responsibilities also include teaching and performing research as appropriate.