Women in Engineering Division Travel Grants Available

Postdocs and graduate students:

Current graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to submit an application at this link https://bit.ly/ASEE-WIED-PanelistApp to present at the ASEE 2022 annual national conference in Minneapolis on a panel sponsored by the ASEE Women in Engineering Division (WIED): “Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Perspectives on Advancing Women and Gender Equity in Engineering“.  Panelists will be invited to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas on advancing women and gender equity in engineering.  Those selected will receive a travel grant from WIED of up to $1500 as reimbursement for their conference expenses.  Applications are due by April 15, 2022, 11:59 PM.  Applicants will be notified of their selection status beginning May 1, 2022, so that panelists may register for the conference at the conference’s Early Bird rate before May 17.  Please direct any questions about this opportunity to the panel organizer, Lily Wang (lilywang@unl.edu).  Thank you for your consideration!

Faculty members:
Up to four, $1,200 travel grants are available to support faculty members (instructional faculty and tenure/tenure-track) interested in attending the ASEE conference, and in particular, the Women in Engineering Division events. These funds are intended to support faculty members who otherwise would be unable to attend the conference. Please submit up to 250 words in a statement (can be an email or an attachment to an email), explaining who you are, why you need support, and your goals for attending the conference, to Lily Gossage, lggossage@cpp.edu, by April 30th.

Nominations for Panelists to the ASEE WIED Grad/Postdoc Panel in Minneapolis

Current graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to submit an application at this link https://bit.ly/ASEE-WIED-PanelistApp to present at the ASEE 2022 annual national conference in Minneapolis on a panel sponsored by the ASEE Women in Engineering Division (WIED): “Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Perspectives on Advancing Women and Gender Equity in Engineering“.  Up to four panelists will be invited to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas on advancing women and gender equity in engineering.  Those selected will receive a travel grant from WIED of up to $1500 as reimbursement for their conference expenses.  Applications are due by April 15, 2022, 11:59 PM.  Applicants will be notified of their selection status beginning May 1, 2022, so that panelists may register for the conference at the conference’s Early Bird rate before May 17.  Please direct any questions about this opportunity to the panel organizer, Lily Wang (lilywang@unl.edu).  Thank you for your consideration!

CoNECD Award Deadline 1/3/22

The CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity) Conference Planning Committee invites nominations for 2 awards that recognize individuals, groups and organizations for their commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in engineering and computer science. These awards will be given out at the 2022 CoNECD conference in February.

Information about both awards is given below. To nominate a program or individual, please visit https://forms.gle/uQgveRcXBYd6jgt7A.  (self-nominations are permitted)

Program of the Year Award:

This award honors the development and/or implementation of a service activity that has significantly enhanced the participation of students from diverse populations that are historically underserved in engineering and computing, while enriching the students’ learning experience in engineering and computer science.

The Program of the Year Award recipient will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Program impact
  • Participant satisfaction
  • Evidence of using evaluation data to improve the program

Rising Star in Diversity Award:

The Rising Star in Diversity award recognizes an individual in their profession for less than 10 years who has actively worked to enhance diversity and inclusion by mentoring, supporting and/or advocating for the success of historically underserved individuals in engineering or computer science, or for climate and culture change that supports such success.

The Rising Star in Diversity Award recipient will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Fostering community to promote networks that provide professional support for students from  diverse populations that are historically underserved in engineering and computer science
  • Mentoring or leadership development
  • Recruiting, retaining, or advancing underserved individuals in engineering and/or computer science
  • Engaging in professional development opportunities focused on diversity and inclusion
  • Promoting awareness of issues affecting underserved individuals

Deadline: January 3, 2022

CoNECD Awards Nominations

The CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity) Conference Planning Committee invites nominations for 2 awards that recognize individuals, groups and organizations for their commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in engineering and computer science. These awards will be given out at the 2022 CoNECD conference in February.

Information about both awards is given below. To nominate a program or individual, please visit https://forms.gle/uQgveRcXBYd6jgt7A.  (self-nominations are permitted)

Program of the Year Award:

This award honors the development and/or implementation of a service activity that has significantly enhanced the participation of students from diverse populations that are historically underserved in engineering and computing, while enriching the students’ learning experience in engineering and computer science.

The Program of the Year Award recipient will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Program impact
  • Participant satisfaction
  • Evidence of using evaluation data to improve the program

Rising Star in Diversity Award:

The Rising Star in Diversity award recognizes an individual in their profession for less than 10 years who has actively worked to enhance diversity and inclusion by mentoring, supporting and/or advocating for the success of historically underserved individuals in engineering or computer science, or for climate and culture change that supports such success.

The Rising Star in Diversity Award recipient will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Fostering community to promote networks that provide professional support for students from  diverse populations that are historically underserved in engineering and computer science
  • Mentoring or leadership development
  • Recruiting, retaining, or advancing underserved individuals in engineering and/or computer science
  • Engaging in professional development opportunities focused on diversity and inclusion
  • Promoting awareness of issues affecting underserved individuals

Deadline: January 3, 2022

Registration for CoNECD 2022’s pre-conference workshops is now open!

For more information, visit Pre-Conference Workshops on our page!

All pre-conference workshops are scheduled for Sunday February 20, with the first workshops beginning at 1:00pm.  The cost to attend each workshop is $15. For workshop registration, go to the CoNECD 2022 website, select Conference Registration and when registering, click on “Get Tickets and Build Schedule”.  The list of workshops is there as part of the Sunday schedule.   Below is a list of the workshops being offered:

Inclusive Leadership Development for Engineers
Speaker: Dr. Meagan Pollock
This workshop equips participants with a standards-aligned, strategy-driven leadership development model for equipping engineering students with skills to appreciate differences in the workplace and to collaborate and lead inclusively. We will use interactive and engaging learning activities where participants explore, discover, and apply their learning.

Aspire’s Inclusive Professional Framework: Supporting Faculty Enhancing Diversity & Inclusion
Speakers: Dr. April Dukes and Dr. Jacqueline El-Sayed
This session is designed to engage participants in considering their own instructional roles, and how identity, power, and positionality inform their practice, and impact student learning. Key to the session will be the opportunity to put into practice their reflection and learning.

Advising Graduate Students: Lessons Learned from the Dissertation Institute
Speakers: Dr. Holly M. Matusovich, Dr. Mayra S. Artiles, Dr. Stephanie Adams, and Dr. Juan Cruz
The Dissertation Institute is a one-week intervention for minority students in the final phases of the doctorate. During this intervention, students are given a series of talks and tools for succeeding in the doctoral pursuit as well as time to practice these skills, particularly those relevant to writing. This workshop is designed for all faculty who currently advise graduate students. Early career faculty are particularly encouraged to attend.

Appropriate Evaluations of Applicants’ Diversity Statements for Improved Inclusivity and Convergent Thinking
Speakers: Dr. P.K. Imbrie and Dr. Teri Reed
This workshop proposes to lead participants in understanding the relationship between diversity statements and convergent thinking; the general and unique characteristics of the organizational culture the applicant desires to enter; the expectations for different levels of leadership in the organizational culture; and finally, the development of rubrics for judging the strength of candidates’ diversity statements depending on the convergence culture and leadership position needed.

Peer Reviewing: Cultivating an Equitable and Inclusive Scholarly Community
Speakers: Dr. Lisa Benson, Dr. Rebecca Bates, Dr. Karin Jensen, Mia Ko, and Dr. Gary Lichtenstein
The workshop will lead participants through a discussion of the review process, how peer review can help build an equitable and inclusive scholarly community, and how they can contribute to the process. Through interactive discussions, small group activities, and individual reflection, participants will explore the role of peer review and how they fit into the process, quality criteria for scholarship in engineering education, equitable and inclusive practices when applying those criteria in the peer review process, and aspects of a high quality peer review.

For more information, visit Pre-Conference Workshops on our page!

Nominate Someone for the 2022 CoNECD Awards!

The CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity) Conference Planning Committee invites nominations for 2 awards that recognize individuals, groups and organizations for their commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in engineering and computer science. These awards will be given out at the 2022 CoNECD conference in February.

Information about both awards is given below. To nominate a program or individual, please visit https://forms.gle/uQgveRcXBYd6jgt7A.  (self-nominations are permitted)

Program of the Year Award

This award honors the development and/or implementation of a service activity that has significantly enhanced the participation of students from diverse populations that are historically underserved in engineering and computing, while enriching the students’ learning experience in engineering and computer science.

The Program of the Year Award recipient will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Program impact
  • Participant satisfaction
  • Evidence of using evaluation data to improve the program

Rising Star in Diversity Award

The Rising Star in Diversity award recognizes an individual in their profession for less than 10 years who has actively worked to enhance diversity and inclusion by mentoring, supporting and/or advocating for the success of historically underserved individuals in engineering or computer science, or for climate and culture change that supports such success.

The Rising Star in Diversity Award recipient will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Fostering community to promote networks that provide professional support for students from  diverse populations that are historically underserved in engineering and computer science
  • Mentoring or leadership development
  • Recruiting, retaining, or advancing underserved individuals in engineering and/or computer science
  • Engaging in professional development opportunities focused on diversity and inclusion
  • Promoting awareness of issues affecting underserved individuals

Deadline: January 3, 2022

CoNECD Registration Open

The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
February 20-23, 2022
New Orleans, LA

The only conference dedicated to all the diverse groups that comprise our engineering and computing workforce.

We look forward to hosting you in New Orleans for the 2022 The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD) February 20-23, 2022. Please visit https://sites.google.com/vt.edu/conecd2022/home?authuser=0 for more information.

The vision of the CoNECD (pronounced, “connected”) Conference is to provide a forum for exploring current research and practices to enhance diversity and inclusion of all underrepresented populations in the engineering and computing professions including gender identity and expression, race and ethnicity, disability, veterans, LGBTQ+, 1st generation and socio-economic status.  Please visit: https://monolith.asee.org/public/conferences/267/registration/new to register.

The ASEE Housing Service is open and you may reserve your conference hotel room online for the 2022 The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD) conference at: https://book.passkey.com/event/50189680/owner/22799/home

We look forward to hosting you in New Orleans!


All deadlines occur 23:59 EDT on the days listed.

December 1, 2021 (Wednesday) Acceptance/Rejection of Final Draft

January 10, 2022 (Monday) Author Registration Deadline

ASEE WIED Call for Papers

The WOMEN IN ENGINEERING DIVISION (WIED) is seeking papers for the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2022. Abstract submission opens October 11, 2021, and the deadline for submission is November 8, 2021. Papers that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion on topics related to women in engineering, computing and/or technology are strongly encouraged. This work might include outreach and recruitment of K-12 students, faculty recruitment and retention, innovative student retention programs and assessment. Topics that concern mentoring, recruitment, retention, leadership and professional development for women faculty and administrators (for example, work/life balance and dual-career issues) are relevant and timely. Other topics might include workplace climate, university programs, policies, and reports on initiatives. Transformative research that informs the development of impactful and forward-thinking programs and policies also are of high relevance. Popular sessions at recent conferences have included panels focused on a variety of topics, including improving the experience of marginalized students on engineering design teams, advocacy for gender equity, listening and negotiation, well-being, interactive theater to promote difficult dialogues about inequities in engineering education, managing dual careers, work/life integration issues, care for family members, and academic leadership strategies. If you have ideas for panels and/or would be willing to help organize a panel, please contact the program chair. Panels that can be co-sponsored with other divisions are strongly encouraged.

Authors should submit an abstract of 300 words or less on their paper topic. All ASEE divisions are publish to present. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit a full paper for review and acceptance in order to be included in the WIED program at the conference and in the conference proceedings. Panels must also submit an abstract and may optionally submit a full paper. Please note that there are two levels of review: first a review of the abstract, then a review of the submitted paper (submission deadline is February 7, 2022). The review processes are double blind – therefore please do not include names of authors or institutions within the title or body of the abstract or paper. The final paper with blind indicators removed is due May 16, 2022. The author’s kit is found here: https://www.asee.org/annual-conference/2022/paper-management/for-authors

For additional information, please contact Kristi J. Shryock, WIED Program Chair, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. Email: kshryock@tamu.edu.

2021 Division Meeting

Thank you to all website division members, officers, and representatives for attending our virtual division meeting on July 29, 2021.  We look forward to seeing you in person in Minneapolis in 2022!