Join the ASEE Hub’s BED Group to get up-to-date announcements and news: https://aseehub.asee.org/hom
Join the ASEE Hub’s BED Group to get up-to-date announcements and news: https://aseehub.asee.org/hom
BMES is seeking eligible candidates for ABET Engineering Accreditation Program Evaluator (PEV) volunteers. Applications are due by December 31, 2018.
Society Membership – ABET program evaluators (PEVs) are selected by BMES. An applicant must be a member of BMES and/or at least one of our cooperating societies – American Ceramic Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Qualifying Education – We expect that you have at least a baccalaureate degree in bio/biomedical engineering (or closely related engineering) with 6 or more years of post-baccalaureate experience in a bio/biomedical engineering position in industry or academia, excluding years of full-time education.
Time Commitment – About 5-7 days of your time: 3 hours of online visit preparation, 2-4 days reviewing program materials, 3 days for the on-site visit and 1-2 days of travel.
Interest – Demonstrated interest in improving education.
Qualifying Experience – Experience with accreditation processes and / or quality improvement processes.
Communication Skills – Proficiency with word processing, spreadsheets, and PDF files.
Training – Be willing to take the required ABET PEV Candidate Training and complete annual refresher training for general and program criteria.
Meet the Competency Model – Exhibit the knowledge, skills and attitudes expected of an ABET Expert including technically current, effective communication, interpersonally skilled, team oriented, professional and organized.
Expand your network – A key benefit of serving with ABET is the opportunity to build and reinforce a professional network that extends beyond the typical boundaries of your sector, discipline, industry, or geography.
Make a Difference – As one of our experts, you serve your profession by contributing your professional experience, judgment, and time. You have a direct impact on the quality of technical education in your field.
Professional Development – Volunteering as an ABET Expert makes you an essential contributor to the premier global accrediting organization for academic programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology education. In addition, PEV training may
provide Professional Development Hours (PDHs) toward licensure and certification.
APPLY NOW at www.abet.org