ABET program evaluators needed

BMES is seeking eligible candidates for ABET Engineering Accreditation Program Evaluator (PEV) volunteers. Applications are due by December 31, 2018.


Society Membership – ABET program evaluators (PEVs) are selected by BMES. An applicant must be a member of BMES and/or at least one of our cooperating societies – American Ceramic Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Qualifying Education – We expect that you have at least a baccalaureate degree in bio/biomedical engineering (or closely related engineering) with 6 or more years of post-baccalaureate experience in a bio/biomedical engineering position in industry or academia, excluding years of full-time education.

Time Commitment – About 5-7 days of your time: 3 hours of online visit preparation, 2-4 days reviewing program materials, 3 days for the on-site visit and 1-2 days of travel.
Interest – Demonstrated interest in improving education.
Qualifying Experience – Experience with accreditation processes and / or quality improvement processes.

Communication Skills – Proficiency with word processing, spreadsheets, and PDF files.
Training – Be willing to take the required ABET PEV Candidate Training and complete annual refresher training for general and program criteria.
Meet the Competency Model – Exhibit the knowledge, skills and attitudes expected of an ABET Expert including technically current, effective communication, interpersonally skilled, team oriented, professional and organized.


Expand your network – A key benefit of serving with ABET is the opportunity to build and reinforce a professional network that extends beyond the typical boundaries of your sector, discipline, industry, or geography.
Make a Difference – As one of our experts, you serve your profession by contributing your professional experience, judgment, and time. You have a direct impact on the quality of technical education in your field.

Professional Development – Volunteering as an ABET Expert makes you an essential contributor to the premier global accrediting organization for academic programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology education. In addition, PEV training may
provide Professional Development Hours (PDHs) toward licensure and certification.

APPLY NOW at www.abet.org

Faculty position at Stanford University

Stanford’s Department of Bioengineering is seeking a full-time lecturer to support teaching/laboratory and scholarship activities in such areas as molecular biology, physiology, genetics, genetic engineering methods and bioengineering capstone design.  A full description of the opportunity can be found at: https://bioengineering.stanford.edu/about/open-opportunities-positions-department-bioengineering

Faculty position at Duke University

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University (Durham, NC) invites applications for a full-time, teaching-focused Lecturer or Professor of the Practice position.  This non-tenure-track, regular-rank position will serve as a primary instructor of core and elective undergraduate courses in biomedical engineering and will participate with a team of faculty in service and education-related activities in the department.  Candidates with expertise in biotechnology, cellular and molecular engineering, biomaterials, tissue and cellular engineering, engineering design, or point-of-care diagnostics are particularly encouraged to apply.  Candidates should have a demonstrated record of teaching excellence or related activities that suggest strong potential for making a positive impact in the classroom; candidates with industry experience are also encouraged to apply.  Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 15, 2018, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.  A start date is of August 2019 is expected.   Applications must be submitted electronically through AcademicJobsOnline.org, position #11059.  For questions, please contact Dr. Ann Saterbak at ann.saterbak@duke.edu.

Faculty position at University of Delaware

The Biomedical Engineering Department (www.bme.udel.edu) at the University of Delaware (UD) invites applications for a full time, continuing track Assistant Professor faculty position. Responsibilities will include teaching and curriculum development related to all levels of the undergraduate biomedical engineering (BME) program with specific concentration in cell & tissue engineering and applied biomaterials. The successful candidate will develop and teach new and existing undergraduate courses and labs on engineering fundamentals and design, mentor undergraduates, and take an active role in the continuous improvement of the curriculum. The candidate will apply evidence-based teaching methods, contribute to engineering education scholarship, and serve the broader engineering education community both at UD and at the national level.  Apply at http://apply.interfolio.com/54687

Faculty position at Bucknell University

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Open Rank Tenure Track Biomedical Engineering Faculty Position

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Bucknell University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position to begin August 2019. We expect to hire at the assistant professor level but are open to considering outstanding
candidates at other ranks. We seek an outstanding and enthusiastic educator with a passion for engaging undergraduates in the classroom and the laboratory. While all BME faculty are expected to teach broadly across our curriculum, candidates who are able to offer courses in bioinstrumentation and/or biomechanics are particularly encouraged to apply. An ability and commitment to pursue a research program that is of high quality and importance in any area of biomedical engineering and that engages undergraduate students is required. The candidate will have an opportunity to contribute to the development of new curricular and research opportunities as the department takes occupancy in a new academic building which includes both instructional and research facilities for biomedical engineering. A demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusive pedagogy and to institutional and departmental service are also required.
Candidates are expected to have a strong technical engineering foundation with a background in biology or health
sciences, including a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering or a closely related discipline. Clear evidence of a passion for
excellence in teaching and a commitment to high-quality scholarship is essential. Demonstrated potential for continued
professional development is also required.  For additional information and to apply, please go to Bucknell’s
career site (careers.bucknell.edu). For full consideration, applications should be submitted on or before November 26,