The Biomedical Engineering Department ( at the University of Delaware (UD) invites applications for a full time, continuing track Assistant Professor faculty position. Responsibilities will include teaching and curriculum development related to all levels of the undergraduate biomedical engineering (BME) program with specific concentration in cell & tissue engineering and applied biomaterials. The successful candidate will develop and teach new and existing undergraduate courses and labs on engineering fundamentals and design, mentor undergraduates, and take an active role in the continuous improvement of the curriculum. The candidate will apply evidence-based teaching methods, contribute to engineering education scholarship, and serve the broader engineering education community both at UD and at the national level. Apply at
Announcements page
If you have an announcement, please email it to the BME division chair. Announcements about job opportunities should be for faculty positions in which the primary job responsibility is BME education. All announcements will now be posted on the ASEE Hub.