NETI-1, Course Design and Student Engagement, the flagship offering of the National Effective Teaching Institute, will be offered July 30 – August 1, 2024, at Purdue University. Drs. Susan Lord, Matt Ohland, and Michael Prince will lead the long-standing foundational NETI-1 workshop, which has been offered since 1991. Previous NETI programs have reached over 3000 participants from more than 370 different schools. Our past participant evaluations have been overwhelmingly positive. The workshop features material for relatively new faculty members and other material designed to equip experienced faculty members to become teaching leaders and mentors on their campuses. Participants will include up to 60 faculty members from all branches of engineering, engineering technology, and other STEM areas. The registration fee is $1275 per participant, which covers organization and presentation costs, participant notebooks, lunches, and breaks. Participants also receive a copy of Felder & Brent’s Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide and the option of touring Purdue’s School of Engineering Education. NETI workshops have a powerful impact when teams of instructors from the same institution attend as a group, so for every three registrants from the same institution, the fourth is FREE! Travel expenses, including breakfasts and dinners, are not included. Further details about the workshop program and a link to register can be found at or email for more information.