March Announcements
Call for Participation
Position Announcements
Happy New Year, Student Division!
We hope that the winter break was an opportunity for rest and relaxation for you all. Although uncertain times are undoubtedly ahead, there are lots of events and conferences to look forward to in the months to come. Before the new term gets rolling, we wanted to share some of those opportunities. As always, be sure to reach out if you have any questions or opportunities to share with the division! You can always find the full newsletters on our division website at: https://sites.asee.org/students/updates/
Enjoy the rest of your break, and until the next newsletter, stay warm and well :).
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | sausten1@cub.uca.edu
Adrianne Wheeler | Division Chair | awheel13@depaul.edu
General Announcements:
Position Announcements:
Student Division Slack, Discord and Facebook
Contribute to the Newsletter
Start a Student Chapter
General Announcements, Detailed:
The ASEE 90-day Equity Challenge is underway!
Engineering and engineering technology (E&ET) student organizations offer opportunities for students to develop peer networks, gain valuable co-curricular experiences, apply knowledge acquired in the classroom to real-world challenges, and prepare for future success in the workplace. Participation in engineering student organizations can offer students access to career opportunities including mentoring, internships/co-ops, job opportunities. The access and experiences that these opportunities afford are valuable and formative for an engineering student’s success and persistence. But the question we should ask ourselves is: are all students able to take advantage of, and benefit from, these opportunities?
In this 90-day Equity Challenge, ASEE’s Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity has challenged the leaders of student organizations to identify and address barriers that exist within the local chapter of their organization which may prevent equitable and inclusive engagement by all students. At the end of the 90-day challenge, fifteen (15) teams will be selected to win a $1,000 prize for their organization, have their work highlighted on a national platform, and be featured in multiple press releases.
More information can be found here: https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/yire/90-day-challenge/
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the Department of Engineering Education at Utah State University
The Department of Engineering Education at Utah State University will hold a ten-week summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program https://engineering.usu.edu/eed/reu/annoucement, starting May 16, 2022, to provide undergraduate students (in either 4-year or 2-year schools) in a science, technology (including engineering technology), engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline with intensive experience in engineering education research, such as how learners’ experience, background, and perception play a role when they learn engineering knowledge and skills.
The central theme of the REU program is “Problem Solving in Engineering Education.” The program will be conducted in two phases: Phase 1 – Pre REU Site Program (May 16 – 27, 2022); and Phase 2 -REU Site Program (May 30 – July 22, 2022). Phases 1 consists of preparatory and foundational work that will be conducted at the participant’s own educational institution/home-base and through distance mentoring, Phase 2 will be conducted at USU campus in Logan and will be face-to-face. This REU Site program is carefully designed to offer opportunities for each REU participant to engage in authentic and funded research tasks, both individually and collaboratively, as well as an opportunity to gain experience in managing the team project deliverables.
Each REU student will receive up to $8,450, including 1) a stipend of $6,000, 2) a housing and meal allowance of $1,700, and 3) up to $750 for a round-trip airfare ticket to travel between their distant location and USU.
The applicants must be at least 18 years old by the time the program starts on May 16, 2022, must be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States, must be an undergraduate student who will not graduate before September 1, 2022 (in either 4-year or 2-year schools) with a good academic standing in a professional undergraduate program in science, technology (including engineering technology), engineering, or mathematics.
The deadline of application is March 7, 2022. Interested students must submit applications online via https://engineering.usu.edu/eed/reu/application. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Oenardi Lawanto at olawanto@usu.edu or Dr. Wade Goodridge at wade.goodridge@usu.edu.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
To support the Centre in increasing its research capabilities, the Research Fellow will undertake education evaluation studies and assist members of the Centre in the production of reports, evaluation and academic publications. The post-holder will also be responsible for conducting evaluation work in collaboration with a range of external partners to evaluate the outcome of the programmes we collaborate on or sponsor.
This post will be located within the Faculty of Engineering Science but will collaborate strongly with the UCL Institute of Education, particularly the Department of Education, Practice and Society, but will bring together researchers that are interested in engineering education issues from across UCL and our other partner institutions.
For further details contact: j.mitchell@ucl.ac.uk
Full call available at : https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?SID=amNvZGU9MTg4MDc0MyZ2dF90ZW1wbGF0ZT05NjUmb3duZXI9NTA0MTE3OCZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZicmFuZF9pZD0wJnZhY2Zpcm0udmFjdGl0bGU9UmVzZWFyY2ggRmVsbG93JnBvc3RpbmdfY29kZT0yMjQ=
The Department of Engineering Education at the University of Florida is searching for 2 twelve-month non-tenure-track instructional assistant professors (Lecturer/Engineer). Positions include a 20% research assignment to support teaching.
Come join a dynamic, diverse, and growing department.
For questions contact the department chair: Hans van Oostrom (oostrom@ufl.edu)
The Social Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group (SOI-STEM, https://tec.mx/en/soi-stem) is currently seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate to develop and conduct research activities to transform higher education. SOI-STEM is part of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE, https://tec.mx/en/ife), which belongs to Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico’s top private university with 26 campuses. The duration of the position is three years.
SOI-STEM’s objective is to foster a socially-oriented interdisciplinary vision in STEM education to meet the challenges of the 21st century through education that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. The final product of this vision is to achieve a high-quality education that generates human resources with comprehensive training that generates a sustainable vision integrating approaches from social sciences, humanities, and arts (https://tec.mx/en/soi-stem).
SOI-STEM welcomes applicants with interest in education, to work alongside a Senior Researcher. Applicants are expected to have excellent research writing skills for publications, creativity, independence, lab experience, and oral expertise to represent the research groups at meetings.
The full-time positions are for a year and can be extended depending on results. The postdoc will be based at a Tecnologico de Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico City, depending on the workplace of the senior researcher. The postdoc will have access to all research resources available through the IFE.
Applicants must demonstrate:
We are interested in hearing from you!
The Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering (BEE) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Engineering Pedagogy, specifically in implementing active learning strategies at the individual course and the curriculum level. The candidate is also expected to have a research program in mathematical modeling and engineering simulations. The position is part of the Cornell’s Active Learning Initiative (ALI): https://provost.cornell.edu/leadership/vp-academic-innovation/active-learning-initiative/
A Ph.D. in an engineering discipline with demonstrated experience and success in the classroom are required. The candidate must have relevant background in at least two of the following areas: solid mechanics, transport phenomena, computational modeling, and multiphase transport in porous media. The candidate should have a strong interest in creating and/or applying active learning strategies and advancing engineering pedagogy.
Anticipated start date is as soon as possible. Applications including a CV, a statement of teaching experience and pedagogy development, research interests, and the names of at least three references should be submitted to the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering. Applications will be reviewed starting January 15, 2022 and will be accepted until this position is filled. A statement of contribution to diversity, equity, and inclusion is also required, please submit your application via Academic Jobs Online at the following link: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/18772. If you have any questions, please contact Ashim Datta (akd@cornell.edu).
The George Mason University Department of Information Sciences and Technology, within the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), invites applications for multiple renewable-term, non-tenure-track positions at the ranks of Assistant, Associate or Professor, and Instructor, beginning Fall 2022. Details:
https://jobs.gmu.edu/postings/52184 (Instructor/Non-Tenure-Track)
https://jobs.gmu.edu/postings/52183 (Tenured/Tenure-Track)
Contact: Khondkar Islam (kislam2@gmu.edu), Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies and/or Ozlem Uzuner, Chair (ouzuner@gmu.edu).
The Department of Career & Information Studies at the University of Georgia invites applications for a position as an Assistant Professor of Workforce Education to begin August 2022. The position is a tenure-track, academic year appointment with the possibility of summer employment. The Workforce Education Program consists of six full-time faculty members with a variety of research interests. The program attracts and supports national and international doctoral students and has strong collaborative relationships with colleagues in STEM disciplines, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and state school districts.
The University of Georgia (UGA), a land-grant and sea-grant university with statewide commitments and responsibilities, is the state’s oldest, most comprehensive, and most diversified institution of higher education (https://www.uga.edu/). The Mary Frances Early College of Education (MFECOE) consists of nine departments and approximately 220 faculty members.
For more details and to apply: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/226768. Applications received by November 19, 2021 are assured full consideration. We will continue to accept and screen applications until the position is filled.
The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State Los Angeles is searching for teacher-scholars in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Technology, Computer Science, Engineering Education, and Fire Protection Administration and Technology. Cal State LA is a comprehensive urban university with a highly diverse population, recently ranked #1 in the nation for the upward mobility of its students. More detail on each position as well as application information can be found at www.calstatela.edu/ecst/faculty-search.
Cornell College, a private undergraduate liberal arts college located in Mount Vernon, Iowa, invites applications for a tenure-track appointment as an Assistant Professor of Engineering beginning August 2022. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in an engineering field by September 2022. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in mechanical, industrial, or aerospace engineering who are able to teach courses with a focus on design, manufacturing, and materials.
This position will support our growing, ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. Our engineering degree is integrated with Cornell’s Ingenuity core curriculum and builds on the strengths of our One Course At A Time schedule, in which faculty members teach and students take one course at a time in month-long terms. Cornell’s engineering program is distinguished by the integration of hands-on design projects in a majority of our engineering courses.
Applications will be reviewed beginning November 15, 2021 and continue until the position is filled. For more information and to apply: https://cornellcollege.applicantpro.com/jobs/2023629.html
Any questions can be directed to Prof. Derin Sherman at dsherman@cornellcollege.edu.
Join Our Student Member Slack, Discord, or Facebook Group
We’re on Slack and Discord!
Slack: To join our channel click the link (https://join.slack.com/t/aseestudentchapters/shared_invite/zt-v7tvscr6-z3RDowT1L22mXCvFBb6tyQ) or search for aseestudentchapters.slack.com. Not a part of a chapter? No problem, this channel is for anyone looking to connect with other SD members and Engineering Education researchers
Discord Join Link: https://discord.com/invite/djNDGkw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aseeSD
Contribute to the Newsletter
This newsletter is for you! If you are interested in sharing brief items that would benefit our community, please let us know by emailing us at asee.student.division@gmail.com with the subject heading [Newsletter Submission]. Newsletters are sent out monthly.
Start a Chapter
Interested in starting an ASEE Student Chapter on your campus? Learn more about what that entails here.
Happy Holidays, Student Division!
We hope that as your semesters wrap up, you’re able to spend some quality time with loved ones and take some time to relax after your final exams. This newsletter is lighter on upcoming events, but there are several position announcements to check out and consider applying for. As always, be sure to reach out if you have any questions or opportunities to share with the division! You can always find the full newsletters on our division website at:
Until the next newsletter, stay warm and well :).
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | sausten1@cub.uca.edu
Adrianne Wheeler | Division Chair | awheel13@depaul.edu
General Announcements:
Position Announcements:
Student Division Slack, Discord and Facebook
Contribute to the Newsletter
Start a Student Chapter
General Announcements, Detailed:
1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: ASEE 90-day Equity Challenge
The ASEE 90-day Equity Challenge is underway!
Engineering and engineering technology (E&ET) student organizations offer opportunities for students to develop peer networks, gain valuable co-curricular experiences, apply knowledge acquired in the classroom to real-world challenges, and prepare for future success in the workplace. Participation in engineering student organizations can offer students access to career opportunities including mentoring, internships/co-ops, job opportunities. The access and experiences that these opportunities afford are valuable and formative for an engineering student’s success and persistence. But the question we should ask ourselves is: are all students able to take advantage of, and benefit from, these opportunities?
In this 90-day Equity Challenge, ASEE’s Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity has challenged the leaders of student organizations to identify and address barriers that exist within the local chapter of their organization which may prevent equitable and inclusive engagement by all students. At the end of the 90-day challenge, fifteen (15) teams will be selected to win a $1,000 prize for their organization, have their work highlighted on a national platform, and be featured in multiple press releases.
More information can be found here: https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/yire/90-day-challenge/
2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the Department of Engineering Education at Utah State University
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the Department of Engineering Education at Utah State University
The Department of Engineering Education at Utah State University will hold a ten-week summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program https://engineering.usu.edu/eed/reu/annoucement, starting May 16, 2022, to provide undergraduate students (in either 4-year or 2-year schools) in a science, technology (including engineering technology), engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline with intensive experience in engineering education research, such as how learners’ experience, background, and perception play a role when they learn engineering knowledge and skills.
The central theme of the REU program is “Problem Solving in Engineering Education.” The program will be conducted in two phases: Phase 1 – Pre REU Site Program (May 16 – 27, 2022); and Phase 2 -REU Site Program (May 30 – July 22, 2022). Phases 1 consists of preparatory and foundational work that will be conducted at the participant’s own educational institution/home-base and through distance mentoring, Phase 2 will be conducted at USU campus in Logan and will be face-to-face. This REU Site program is carefully designed to offer opportunities for each REU participant to engage in authentic and funded research tasks, both individually and collaboratively, as well as an opportunity to gain experience in managing the team project deliverables.
Each REU student will receive up to $8,450, including 1) a stipend of $6,000, 2) a housing and meal allowance of $1,700, and 3) up to $750 for a round-trip airfare ticket to travel between their distant location and USU.
The applicants must be at least 18 years old by the time the program starts on May 16, 2022, must be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States, must be an undergraduate student who will not graduate before September 1, 2022 (in either 4-year or 2-year schools) with a good academic standing in a professional undergraduate program in science, technology (including engineering technology), engineering, or mathematics.
The deadline of application is March 7, 2022. Interested students must submit applications online via https://engineering.usu.edu/eed/reu/application. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Oenardi Lawanto at olawanto@usu.edu or Dr. Wade Goodridge at wade.goodridge@usu.edu.
3. EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Programs (M.S. and Ph.D.) Open House at the University of Cincinnati
Join us for a Virtual Open House to learn more about the Engineering Education! During this virtual introduction to our programs, we will also be discussing our face-to-face Open House to be held January 28-29, 2022.
Virtual Open House Date: December 15, 2021 – 5:00-6:30 PM EST
The Department of Engineering Education in the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science is accepting applications for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Education to further the research and study of how to best educate engineering students at all levels. Graduate students will gain expertise in theories related to the teaching and learning of engineering, research methodologies, and advancement in their chosen technical engineering discipline. Specializations include higher education, pre-K-12 engineering education, or industry and workforce development.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Positions at the University of San Diego
The Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering at University of San Diego invites applications for a cluster of faculty to fill positions in engineering and computer science. We are seeking faculty who will work in support of USD’s vision by working as teacher-scholars to address humanity’s urgent challenges and develop the next generation of changemaking engineers. The cluster is expected to include candidates from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science and may include candidates from other engineering disciplines. We have a preference for hiring tenure-track faculty at the assistant or associate professor level and professors of practice. The ad was posted on Nov. 16, and rolling reviews will begin on Dec. 1 with Zoom interviews anticipated to begin in early January.
More details about the cluster and each department’s needs can be found here: https://jobs.sandiego.edu/cw/en-us/job/494760/engineering-and-computer-science-faculty
Questions can be directed to Diana Chen (dianachen@sandiego.edu).
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple Open-Rank, Tenure-Track/Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, Department of Information Sciences and Technology, George Mason University
The George Mason University Department of Information Sciences and Technology, within the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), invites applications for multiple renewable-term, non-tenure-track positions at the ranks of Assistant, Associate or Professor, and Instructor, beginning Fall 2022. Details:
https://jobs.gmu.edu/postings/52184 (Instructor/Non-Tenure-Track)
https://jobs.gmu.edu/postings/52183 (Tenured/Tenure-Track)
Contact: Khondkar Islam (kislam2@gmu.edu), Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies and/or Ozlem Uzuner, Chair (ouzuner@gmu.edu).
3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Workforce Education at the University of Georgia
The Department of Career & Information Studies at the University of Georgia invites applications for a position as an Assistant Professor of Workforce Education to begin August 2022. The position is a tenure-track, academic year appointment with the possibility of summer employment. The Workforce Education Program consists of six full-time faculty members with a variety of research interests. The program attracts and supports national and international doctoral students and has strong collaborative relationships with colleagues in STEM disciplines, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and state school districts.
The University of Georgia (UGA), a land-grant and sea-grant university with statewide commitments and responsibilities, is the state’s oldest, most comprehensive, and most diversified institution of higher education (https://www.uga.edu/). The Mary Frances Early College of Education (MFECOE) consists of nine departments and approximately 220 faculty members.
For more details and to apply: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/226768. Applications received by November 19, 2021 are assured full consideration. We will continue to accept and screen applications until the position is filled.
4. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple positions, including tenure-track, at Cal State Los Angeles
The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Cal State Los Angeles is searching for teacher-scholars in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Technology, Computer Science, Engineering Education, and Fire Protection Administration and Technology. Cal State LA is a comprehensive urban university with a highly diverse population, recently ranked #1 in the nation for the upward mobility of its students. More detail on each position as well as application information can be found at www.calstatela.edu/ecst/faculty-search.
5. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor of Engineering at Cornell College
Cornell College, a private undergraduate liberal arts college located in Mount Vernon, Iowa, invites applications for a tenure-track appointment as an Assistant Professor of Engineering beginning August 2022. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in an engineering field by September 2022. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in mechanical, industrial, or aerospace engineering who are able to teach courses with a focus on design, manufacturing, and materials.
This position will support our growing, ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. Our engineering degree is integrated with Cornell’s Ingenuity core curriculum and builds on the strengths of our One Course At A Time schedule, in which faculty members teach and students take one course at a time in month-long terms. Cornell’s engineering program is distinguished by the integration of hands-on design projects in a majority of our engineering courses.
Applications will be reviewed beginning November 15, 2021 and continue until the position is filled. For more information and to apply: https://cornellcollege.applicantpro.com/jobs/2023629.html
Any questions can be directed to Prof. Derin Sherman at dsherman@cornellcollege.edu.
Join Our Student Member Slack, Discord, or Facebook Group
We’re on Slack and Discord!
Slack: To join our channel click the link (https://join.slack.com/t/aseestudentchapters/shared_invite/zt-v7tvscr6-z3RDowT1L22mXCvFBb6tyQ) or search for aseestudentchapters.slack.com. Not a part of a chapter? No problem, this channel is for anyone looking to connect with other SD members and Engineering Education researchers
Discord Join Link: https://discord.com/invite/djNDGkw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aseeSD
Contribute to the Newsletter
This newsletter is for you! If you are interested in sharing brief items that would benefit our community, please let us know by emailing us at asee.student.division@gmail.com with the subject heading [Newsletter Submission]. Newsletters are sent out monthly.
Start a Chapter
Interested in starting an ASEE Student Chapter on your campus? Learn more about what that entails here.
Happy October Student Division!
We hope your classes and research are going well! Now that we’ve all returned to the academic year, we wanted to take some time to update you on the upcoming opportunities for the month. As always, be sure to reach out if you have any questions or opportunities to share with the division! You can always find the full newsletters on our division website at:
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | sausten1@cub.uca.edu
Adrianne Wheeler | Division Chair | awheel13@depaul.edu
General Announcements:
Position Announcements:
Student Division Slack, Discord and Facebook
Contribute to the Newsletter
Start a Student Chapter
General Announcements, Detailed:
1. ASEE CONFERENCE: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Deadlines
Abstract submission for the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN June 26-29 will open OCTOBER 11.
See ASEE Division Call or Papers HERE.
See Important deadlines HERE.
See the Conference Overview page HERE.
October 11, 2021
– Abstract Submission Open
– Workshop Application Open
– Distinguished Lecture Application Open
– Panel Session Application Open
– Session Requests Open
– Abstract Reviewer Assignment Open
November 8, 2021
– Abstract Submission Closed
2. Let Us Know Your Thoughts!
We’re gearing up for the new year and what your input.
Click the link to complete a short survey
The ASEE Student Division is hosting an Abstract Writing Workshop to prepare students on writing, reviewing and submitting abstracts for the ASEE 2022 Annual Conference. As a reminder, abstracts are due November 8, 2021, so this is a great opportunity to get feedback! You may sign up to attend, and are encouraged (but not required) to bring a draft of an abstract you would like to submit to the ASEE annual conference. Details are as follows.
Thursday, October 28, 2021 6pm CST/ 7PM EST
Register in advance for this meeting:
Exploring the Teaching Side of Academia
November 17, 4pm EST
Hosted by the University of Michigan ASEE Student Chapter
This event will be held virtually and on the UMich campus. Look out for more information.
5. EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Programs (M.S. and Ph.D.) Open House at the University of Cincinnati
Join us for a Virtual Open House to learn more about the Engineering Education Graduate Programs (M.S. and Ph.D.) at the University of Cincinnati
October 18, 2021 – 5:00-6:30 PM EST
Register here:
The Department of Engineering Education in the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science is accepting applications for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Education to further the research and study of how to best educate engineering students at all levels. Graduate students will gain expertise in theories related to the teaching and learning of engineering, research methodologies, and advancement in their chosen technical engineering discipline. Specializations include higher education, pre-K-12 engineering education, or industry and workforce development.
6. EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Purdue University Engineer Education Open House
Purdue’s School of Engineering Education is home to a vibrant community of scholars who are passionate about studying how engineering is best taught, learned, and practiced. A graduate degree in engineering education has opened doors for our alumni to a range of career opportunities, from academia to non-profit work to industry. In addition to our flagship on-campus Ph.D., we have hybrid/remote Ph.D., online M.S., and graduation certificate offerings.
You are invited to attend our two-day graduate program Open House on Thursday, October 21 (all day) and Friday, October 22, 2021 (morning). You will have opportunities to learn about our groundbreaking graduate programs, meet our faculty and students, attend our weekly research seminar, and learn about our research facilities. This event brings together individuals from a variety of backgrounds: current undergraduate and masters students from many disciplines, practicing STEM educators, and professional engineers ready for a career pivot, to name a few.
We will have an online/distance event this year, and possibly a face-to-face option depending on demand and local conditions. Note that a limited number of travel grants are available for attendees, handled on a case-by-case basis if an on-campus event is held. For more information about the open house, see:
If you cannot attend the open house but are interested in receiving invitations to virtual events, or you have any other questions, please contact: enegrad@purdue.edu
7. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: NSF Research Initiation in Engineering Formation
The NSF Engineering (ENG) Directorate is continuing a multi-year initiative, the Professional Formation of Engineers, to create and support an innovative and inclusive engineering profession for the 21st Century. The PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: RIEF) program has two goals: 1) Support research in the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE), and 2) Increase the community of researchers conducting PFE research. PIs are expected to have little or no experience conducting social science or education research and will develop the proposal with an engineering education research mentor. The full proposal deadline date is November 9, 2021 ( Second Tuesday in November, Annually Thereafter).
Related information:
Solicitation: https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?WT.z_pims_id=503603&ods_key=nsf20558
Program Page:
Program Contact: J. Kemi Ladeji-Osias jladejio@nsf.gov
8. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Cultivating a Network of Developers for Engineering Students (NODES)
Poster PDF Access: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PRlMDBjJbGaePh_pMrqKjjAPB6W4RyYv/view
9. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: DELTA Future Faculty Institute
Dear Colleague,
Are you a graduate-level student or industry employee considering a career as an engineering faculty member? If so, join us in October for the ASEE DELTA Future Faculty Institute!
Coming October 2021, the ASEE DELTA Future Faculty Institute is a two-part, instructor-led online program that will provide participants with the knowledge and tools to positively launch their engineering faculty careers. Throughout this program, led by John Crepeau, Ph.D., P.E. (University of Idaho), participants will learn how to prepare for and navigate the faculty application, interview, and start-up process, while engaging with a network of peer colleagues. Click here to read complete program details.
Dates and Times
Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 11 AM – 1 PM, ET
Pricing for this institute is $300 for ASEE members and $350 for non-members. Register today! Not a member? Click here to learn about ASEE individual memberships and to join ASEE.
Thanks to a generous donation from the A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation, we are able to waive program fees for up to 30 eligible applicants from Minority Serving Institutions. Applications will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to apply.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Assistant or Associate Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty Position Department of Engineering Education
The Department of Engineering Education (https://eed.osu.edu/) at The Ohio State University (https://www.osu.edu/) invites applications for a regular tenure-track/tenured assistant or associate faculty appointment in the area of engineering education or computing education. We are seeking an innovative scholar who will help further build our department. This professor will be required to establish a research program, secure outside funding, advise graduate students within our engineering education Ph.D. program, and teach courses across the department including our first-year engineering program. This individual will be encouraged to engage with the department across the various programmatic areas (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Multidisciplinary Capstone / IBE; Graduate Studies and Research; Engineering Technical Communications; Fundamentals of Engineering – Honors; Fundamentals of Engineering – Traditional) through their work and will have opportunities to innovate and elevate our growing department. Interested applicants should submit an application in Academic Jobs Online: (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/19508). The application deadline is November 1, 2021. If you have questions about the position, please contact Rachel Kajfez (Kajfez.2@osu.edu).
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor Position – School of Engineering Education, Purdue University
The School of Engineering Education (ENE) within the College of Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor. Purdue University seeks to attract exceptional candidates with interests and expertise in engineering education research focused on any level from pre-kindergarten through college and into engineering practice. Successful candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent in engineering, education, or a related discipline at the time of position start and demonstrate excellent potential to build an independent research program, as well as potential to educate and mentor students. The successful candidate will conduct original research, advise graduate students, teach undergraduate (First-year Engineering, Multidisciplinary Engineering, or Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies programs) and graduate level courses, and perform service at the School, College, and University levels. Successful candidates will have demonstrated a commitment to collaboration and interdisciplinarity, as well as diversity and inclusion.
Applications must be submitted electronically via this site:
https://career8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=15439&company=purdueuniv. A background check is required for employment in this position. Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.
3. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Scholar on the Leonhard Center at Penn State
The Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Education within the College of Engineering, is excited to announce our search for a postdoctoral scholar. The Leonhard Center is an endowed Center that forms partnerships with engineering faculty and programs in designing, implementing, and evaluating research-based innovations in undergraduate and graduate engineering education. In addition, the Leonhard Center initiates and evaluates College-wide projects in support of the College’s strategic goals. The Leonhard Center also provides workshops and summer academies for faculty on a wide range of topics from creativity and innovation to engineering communication. The Leonhard Center prides itself on its creative and positive workplace culture and welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Under the mentorship of the Center’s Director of Assessment and Instructional Support, the postdoctoral scholar will lead several projects. The primary project is a research study, funded by the KEEN foundation, investigating the relationship between engineering faculty beliefs and instructional practices. The project will generate new understanding on how faculty beliefs (such as growth or fixed mindset) across different domains may impact instructional decision making, including the adoption of evidence-based instructional practices. Additional projects may include collaborating with faculty to design and evaluate projects in engineering education and offering college-wide workshops on innovative instructional practices and educational research. Working in the Leonhard Center will provide candidates with varied experience in both engineering educational research as well as faculty development. The position requires the ability to design and conduct research using qualitative and quantitative methods. The successful candidate will have demonstrated excellence in communication and collaboration. The ability to publish and present the results of the studies at national or international conferences is also important for the position. Minimum requirements for the position are a Ph.D. in an appropriate field such as engineering education, educational psychology, or higher education. Knowledge of current trends in engineering education is desirable. This position is for one year with additional years of funding available if there is mutual interest.
For more information, please see:
Join Our Student Member Slack, Discord, or Facebook Group
We’re on Slack and Discord!
Slack: To join our channel click the link (https://join.slack.com/t/aseestudentchapters/shared_invite/zt-v7tvscr6-z3RDowT1L22mXCvFBb6tyQ) or search for aseestudentchapters.slack.com. Not a part of a chapter? No problem, this channel is for anyone looking to connect with other SD members and Engineering Education researchers
Discord Join Link: https://discord.com/invite/djNDGkw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aseeSD
Contribute to the Newsletter
This newsletter is for you! If you are interested in sharing brief items that would benefit our community, please let us know by emailing us at asee.student.division@gmail.com with the subject heading [Newsletter Submission]. Newsletters are sent out monthly
Start a Chapter
Interested in starting an ASEE Student Chapter on your campus? Learn more about what that entails here.
Happy September, Student Division!
For many of us, the fall semester is either quickly approaching or already here, so the Student Division wanted to update you all with a few opportunities and request some feedback as we gear up for the conference season.
You can always find the full newsletters on our division website at
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | me@skylerausten.com
Adrianne Wheeler | Division Chair | awheel13@depaul.edu
General Announcements:
Position Announcements:
Student Division Slack, Discord, and Facebook
Contribute to the Newsletter
Start a Student Chapter
General Announcements, Detailed:
1. Congrats to the newly elected Student Division Board!
Past Chair
Cassie Jamison, University of Michigan
Division Chair
Adrianne Wheeler, DePaul University
Program Chair
Yashin Brijmohan, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Co-Program Chair
Sarah Bork, University of Michigan
Viyon Dansu, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Chapter Chair
Victor Oje, University of Georgia
Best Paper Chair
Siqing Wei, Purdue University
Diversity Chair
Gibin Raju, University of Cincinnati
Information Chair
Skyler Austen, University of Central Arkansas
Membership Chair
Daryl David, University of the Philippines – Diliman
2. Let Us Know Your Thoughts!
We’re gearing up for the new year and what your input.
Click the link to complete a short survey
3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Teaching Preparation of Future Engineering Faculty Survey
I, Jutshi Agarwal, doctoral candidate with the Department of Engineering Education at University of Cincinnati, am seeking fellow engineering graduate student participation in my dissertation research on the teaching preparation of future engineering faculty. Participation involves a 15-minute survey on how confident engineering graduate students are in their abilities to teach undergraduate/graduate courses. Graduate students do not need to be involved in any teaching activity to respond to this survey. The study also involves an optional second stage of online interviews(recorded). You will be given the option at the end of the survey as to whether you wish to participate in the second stage. If you consent to the interview, you will be asked to provide your contact details so I can reach out to you for that part. You do NOT need to consent to the interview to participate in the survey.
More information about IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval, faculty advisors, and the study will be available at the link below before you start the survey.
I sincerely thank you for your participation in this study. Please feel free to forward this call for participation to the greater graduate student community in your engineering college. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at agarwaji@mail.uc.edu .
Survey link: https://ucengeducation.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8vkfUiRhoT1FWIe
4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: DELTA Future Faculty Institute
Dear Colleague,
Are you a graduate-level student or industry employee considering a career as an engineering faculty member? If so, join us in October for the ASEE DELTA Future Faculty Institute!
Learn more and register today!
Coming October 2021, the ASEE DELTA Future Faculty Institute is a two-part, instructor-led online program that will provide participants with the knowledge and tools to positively launch their engineering faculty careers. Throughout this program, led by John Crepeau, Ph.D., P.E. (University of Idaho), participants will learn how to prepare for and navigate the faculty application, interview, and start-up process, while engaging with a network of peer colleagues. Click here to read complete program details.
Dates and Times
Pricing for this institute is $300 for ASEE members and $350 for non-members. Register today! Not a member? Click here to learn about ASEE individual memberships and to join ASEE.
Thanks to a generous donation from the A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation, we are able to waive program fees for up to 30 eligible applicants from Minority Serving Institutions. Applications will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to apply.
5. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: The Chinese Society for Engineering Education (CSEE)
CSEE is seeking nomination of 5 ASEE speakers for their VIRTUAL conference to be held December 4, 2021 (December 3, 2021 in US time zones). The talks may be versions of talks given previously in other venues. CSEE will work with the speakers to determine the talk format (i.e., live or pre-recorded) and length.
In addition to the topical foci indicated below. We seek to identify speakers who meet the following criteria:
If you have candidates meeting these criteria, please forward their name, email address, and a short abstract to Dr. Rachel Koroloff at r.koroloff@asee.org BEFORE Wednesday, September 15.
The theme of this conference is “innovation paradigm change and innovation ecosystem”. The topics of the paper include but are not limited to the following contents:
6. Call for Papers Opening Soon
The 2022 Annual Conference call for papers will open September 8, 2021 and close – October 12, 2021. Make sure your ASEE profile email is up-to-date and your dues are paid to receive announcements.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Science and Engineering Education Fellow in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Stanford University is seeking applications for a Science and Engineering Education Fellow (SEEF) in Mechanical Engineering (ME) to (a) support committed faculty in implementing an effective transition of ME courses to an active and more inclusive learning format, and (b) engage in research on engineering education and workplace practices. This comes at a key transition period for our BSME program, as we are amid assessing what components from our largely online course formats from AY21 we want to retain as we head back to all in-person teaching for AY22. The Fellow will join a campus-wide cohort of Science and Engineering Education Fellows, as well as including education-related scholars in the Designing Education Lab (DEL).
More details about the role can be found at:
Join Our Student Member Slack, Discord, or Facebook Group
We’re on Slack and Discord!
Slack: To join our channel click the link (https://join.slack.com/t/aseestudentchapters/shared_invite/zt-v7tvscr6-z3RDowT1L22mXCvFBb6tyQ) or search for aseestudentchapters.slack.com. Not a part of a chapter? No problem, this channel is for anyone looking to connect with other SD members and Engineering Education researchers.
Discord Join Link: https://discord.com/invite/djNDGkw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aseeSD
Contribute to the Newsletter
This newsletter is for you! If you are interested in sharing brief items that would benefit our community, please let us know by emailing us at asee.student.division@gmail.com with the subject heading [Newsletter Submission]. Newsletters are sent out monthly
Start a Chapter
Interested in starting an ASEE Student Chapter on your campus? Learn more about what that entails here.
Dear Student Division members,
It’s been a while since our last newsletter, but your fellow division officers and I wanted to reach out and properly wish you a happy summer! Whether you’re still finishing up courses or well into your summer break, I especially hope you’re all having a meaningful day today. For many of us, this past Memorial Day weekend was an opportunity to spend time with family, remember those who served, and take time to decompress after a long semester. However you spent it, my fellow officers and I hope you had the best time.
For those of you planning to attend the virtual ASEE conference in June, pay special attention to this newsletter, as we have some important opportunities and announcements to share. Also, please take the time to join us on our Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Discord, and website to have access to the most up-to-date student division information during the conference. We’ll use these platforms to share announcements and even host events during the conference, so please join us if you can!
Finally, as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Adrianne (awheel13@depaul.edu) or Cassie (cswood@umich.edu) with any questions or concerns regarding the division or the annual conference, or to Skyler (me@skylerausten.com) with questions about adding a listing to our monthly newsletter.
Until next month’s newsletter, stay well and take care!
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | me@skylerausten.com
Adrianne Wheeler | Program Chair | awheel13@depaul.edu
General Announcements:
Position Announcements:
General Announcements, Detailed:
1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Division Moderator Interest Form Due June 10th
The ASEE Student Division is looking for volunteer moderators to help host events during the annual conference! If you’re interested in moderating panels or events for the division, please fill out the form here : http://depaul.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0OkIgWBVu4CGbGu. Thanks!
Dear ASEE Family,
You are invited to participate in the NSF INCLUDES Increasing the Representation of Minorities in Engineering (IRME) Workshop to be held virtually from June 2-4, 2021.
You can register for the 3 – day workshop here!
Day 1 - NSF INCLUDES IRME Workshop: Day 1 – GlobalMindED
Day 2 - NSF INCLUDES IRME Workshop: Day 2 – GlobalMindED
Day 3 - NSF INCLUDES IRME Workshop: Day 3 – GlobalMindED
Funded by an NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant that was awarded to Morgan State University in the fall of 2020 (Award #2040830), the IRME Workshop aims to address the urgent need for the development of a diverse and equitable engineering capable workforce and broaden the participation and success of underrepresented minority students (URMs) in engineering. The IRME Workshop will focus on: developing a shared vision for improving outcomes for URMs in engineering; crystalizing partnerships between a consortium of engineering programs, pre-college programs, non-profit organizations, and industry; and creating a research agenda that will examine the social and academic factors that influence the success of URMs in engineering.
The IRME Workshop will include Pre-Workshop Events, Key Note and panel presentations, and break-out sessions designed to capture the perspectives of students, faculty, administrators, and industry experts. One outcome of the IRME Workshop will be a research brief that will be shared with the NSF INCLUDES Inclusive Engineering Affinity Group and disseminated through GlobalMindED (https://globalminded.org/), our project partner.
To learn more about the NSF INCLUDES IRME Project, see: https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2040830&HistoricalAwards=false
Many thanks,
IRME Planning Committee
3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Building Bridges into Engineering Education: Prospective Mentor-mentee Social
Interested in starting engineering education research (EER)? Or are you already involved and want to support new researchers? There are grants and a community for that!
Join our free virtual social networking event to connect existing and prospective mentors and mentees.
Seeking: Potential EER mentees and mentors
Date: Wednesday June 23rd, 2021
Time: 12:00PM Pacific/3:00PM Eastern
Duration: 1 hour
Join: Zoom Registration
This networking event will consist primarily of informal breakout room conversations between pairs or small groups of researchers interested in EER. This will facilitate connections between established researchers and burgeoning engineering education researchers. Specifically, this event may be advantageous to meet potential collaborators for funded projects, such as the Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (RIEF) grant which requires both a mentor and mentee PI.
Join us by registering today!
After registering, you will be asked to fill out a Google slide with your information prior to the event to advertise your interests to other researchers.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.
– EER Mentor Network
4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: ASEE Presents: Master Class on Effective Teaching
Dear Colleague,
Are you a K-12 or university-level STEM instructor who wishes to develop more effective STEM teaching and instruction practices? If so, ASEE Presents: Master Class on Effective Teaching is for you! Learn more about ASEE’s Master Class on Effective Teaching here: https://resources.asee.org/course_catalog/master-class-on-effective-teaching/
Overview: Coming June 2021, ASEE Presents: Master Class on Effective Teaching is a three-part, instructor-led online program that will establish STEM instruction based on materials from the forthcoming book Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn
(https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/666737/uncommon-sense-teaching-by-barbara-oakley-phd-beth-rogowsky-edd-terrence-j-sejnowski-phd/?pdivflag), now available for pre-order via Penguin Random House.
The Master Class on Effective Teaching, led by Barbara Oakley, co-teacher of Coursera–UC San Diego’s Learning How to Learn, with contributions from Beth Rogowsky, and Krzysztof (Chris) Kobus, will provide K-12 and university-level STEM instructors with a common framework, terminology, and practical exercises to develop their teaching in STEM on a soundly neuroscientific basis.
Dates and Times: ASEE Presents: Master Class on Effective Teaching will be held June 21, 22, and 23, 2021 from 12:00 – 4:00 PM, ET all days.
Pricing: Registration is $149 for ASEE Professional Members, $49 for ASEE P-12 and Student Members, and $199 for non-members.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to develop more effective STEM teaching and instruction practices based on neuroscientific principles. Learn more and register today!
Erin Steigerwalt
Learning Services Content Developer, ASEE
5. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: First Year Engineering Experience Conference
Registration for the 2021 First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference is now open! This year’s conference will be held virtually on August 9-10, 2021. Early registration ($40) ends May 31. Visit https://sites.asee.org/fyee2021/registration/ for additional registration options or to register for this year’s conference.
Check https://sites.asee.org/fyee2021/ for more details. Please direct any questions to Kevin Calabro at kcalabro@umd.edu.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Several Postdoctoral Fellows positions for Engineering Educators at Georgia Institute of Technology
Multiple units in the Georgia Tech College of Engineering are hiring for a total of five full-time, multi-year, Postdoctoral Fellowship positions in the area of engineering education starting by the Fall of 2021 with opportunities to start earlier. The positions will support a grant funded multi-department curricula innovation effort to integrate a reflective, story-centric, approach to developing undergraduate engineers’ entrepreneurial mindset. Units involved include Biomedical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Create-X. The Biomedical Engineering (BME) department is coordinating hiring for all five positions.
The postdoctoral fellows will assist the units in their implementation and improve our understanding of how students develop an entrepreneurial mindset and a self-concept as an entrepreneurially minded engineer. Work in each role will range from program development and curricular implementation to foundational research in engineering education. Fellows will work as part of a large team involving many faculty in multiple departments. The roles are described below. Candidates should apply to this pool advertisement following the instructions below. Please indicate a preferred role as well as whether you wish to be considered for other roles besides your preferred one.
BME-1: This role will focus on research and implementation of faculty development. Primarily, the role will involve research and learner analyses of faculty to understand what their needs are for faculty development as well as how those needs change over time. That focus will include understanding how faculty perceive students, how they approach education, and how they understand the concepts at the center of the grant. The role will also include responsibilities related to developing and facilitating faculty development activities for faculty across multiple engineering disciplines.
BME-2: This role will focus on learning sciences analysis of novel pedagogies. The key responsibility will be documenting and disseminating key research work on the theoretical foundations of story-driven learning and its contribution to engineering students’ entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial self-concept. That includes the development of a learning sciences model of Story-Driven Learning. It will primarily focus on developing and executing a research agenda to study the impact that curricular change efforts have on students. The role will require expertise in both qualitative and quantitative educational research methods. It will include the development and utilization of appropriate measurement instruments as well as interviewing and observation. A background in either learning sciences or identity theory will likely be appropriate here. Prior experience with formal literature reviews and associated publication techniques would also be beneficial.
BME-3: This role will focus on documenting and disseminating curricular implementations. The goal is to understand positive and negative mutations of EM and other grant concepts that appear in the different departments’ implementations. It is centered in the area of curricular change. The work builds primarily on the concept of Fidelity of Implementation (c.f., Borrego et al., 2013; Morel et al., 2019). Work will include both curation of implementations as well as analysis of variation across different implementations. Experience with mixed-methods data and artifact analysis will be important to compare, contrast, and contextualize variation. It will include focus group work to understand faculty and student perspectives on the curricular changes in an effort to understand how variation in curricular implementation affects those perspectives.
CEE-1: This role will focus on research, design, and implementation of curricular interventions related to EM in a vertically integrated sequence of undergraduate courses. Responsibilities will range from proving support for program/course development and curricula implementation to foundational research in engineering education. The role will include research as well as development and implementation of faculty development. Responsibilities will also include assisting with evaluating the impact of the EML interventions on the students’ entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial self-concept.
CX-1: This role will focus on supporting faculty in creating curricular content to teach story-driven learning (SDL) to undergraduate students. The fellow will lead identification of points in the CREATE-X Learn, Make, and Launch programs where it is optimal to integrate SDL experiences. They will also collaborate with CREATE-X Associate Directors to deploy SDL curriculum within Learn, Make, and Launch programs. This position focuses heavily on faculty development and is expected to organize and develop training workshops for faculty members throughout the College of Engineering and the Institute. The role will also include work to develop new assessment tools for SDL to measure the effectiveness of different curricular interventions.
Dates and term: Start Date ASAP, initial term of 1 year extensible to up to 3 years. Note, we expect the position to start remotely before shifting to in-person in Atlanta, GA as appropriate given for safe operation during COVID-19
Qualifications: Applications are welcome from recipients of a PhD in educational psychology; learning sciences; cognitive psychology; organizational psychology; business psychology; higher education, engineering education, research, measurement, and evaluation; or a related field. Academic and/or professional experience related to the above research areas is strongly preferred. The ideal candidate should have demonstrated the ability to perform work with faculty as well as the ability to take research from ideation to publication. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrable prior experience in designing, implementing, and researching curricular innovation in higher education.
In addition to specific disciplinary knowledge and skill competencies, successful applicants will have demonstrated experience in one or more of the following areas: curricula change, faculty development, student development, engineering education research, and/or educational research methods. A track record of academic publications, excellent oral and written communications skills, experience working on large scale grants, and implementation-based research projects will also be beneficial. The ability to independently develop and drive a research agenda without disciplinary support will also be critical.
Applicant Instructions
To apply and be considered, please email a single complete packet of application materials:
* A sealed graduate transcript must be submitted at time of hire.
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Postdoctoral Scholars in Data Science or Computational Science with an interest in Black Studies
The Center for Black Studies Research at the University of California Santa Barbara invites applications for two postdoctoral researcher positions for the academic year 2021-22. The research areas for the 2021 year specifically focuses on Data Science, any discipline, with an interest in Black Studies and/or Black communities in the African Diaspora (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia/Oceania). Other areas for consideration in data science include all STEM, Social Science and Humanities. Part of the Fellowship (25%) is devoted to developing the Center’s programs, which may involve mentoring undergraduate research fellows. No teaching is required. The fellowship will provide a salary based on the candidate’s qualifications. Research and travel allowance may be provided. Health insurance will be provided. This position is a 12-month appointment beginning July 1, 2021 with a possibility of 2nd year appointment, upon evaluation.
For more information, please see the flyer and ASEE Hub posting at: https://aseehub.asee.org/discuss/viewtopic/36/229
Happy April, Student Division!
Can you believe that it’s April already? For many of us, final exams and summer break are fast approaching! I’m most looking forward to being able to visit friends and family that I haven’t seen in far too long. Even if you’ll be working through the summer, I hope the conference opportunities and the time away from classes serve as a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the fall and spring. Although we don’t have much in the way of division-specific announcements this month, we wanted to extend a warm thanks to Adrianne for planning and hosting our virtual escape room event last month, as well as those who participated. We couldn’t have pulled it off without you all!
We’re still in the process of updating our Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Discord, and website to have more consistent streams of relevant information. We’ll use these platforms to deliver programming that focuses on topics like mental health, diversity and inclusivity in engineering education, and promoting student chapter growth and development.
Finally, as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Adrianne (awheel13@depaul.edu) or Cassie (cswood@umich.edu) with any questions or concerns regarding the division or the annual conference, or to Skyler (me@skylerausten.com) with questions about adding a listing to our monthly newsletter. Until next month’s newsletter, stay well and take care! Good luck with your courses and projects.
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | me@skylerausten.com
Cassandra Woodcock | Division Chair | cswood@umich.edu
General Announcements:
2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Reviewers Needed for 2021 ASEE Annual Conference
3. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Research Seminars at the University of Michigan
4. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Curls, Coils, and Compassionate Design feat. Dr. Tahira Reid Smith at UMD Clark School Webinar
Position Announcements:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Leonhard Center Post-doctoral Scholar
General Announcements, Detailed:
1. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: New Details for Annual Conference Format
The 2021 ASEE Annual Conference is officially fully online again this year. Few details are available at this point, but the full announcement can be found here (ASEE website). Here are a few details we currently have.
The conference dates will remain July 26-29. Paper deadlines remain unaffected. Registration information can be found here. Early bird registration deadline expires May 31, 2021. Session details can be found here.
Travel Arrangement Action Items:
If you have made a hotel arrangement in the ASEE Block through the housing bureau, your reservation will be canceled automatically.
If you made a hotel reservation OUTSIDE the ASEE block, you must cancel that hotel reservation directly. ASEE will not be able to cancel them for you.
Important Conference Deadlines:
March 8, 2021 – Draft paper submission deadline.
March 22, 2021 – Blind draft paper reviews to program chair.
April 5, 2021 – Consolidate reviewer comments and send revision requests to author.
April 19, 2021 – Blind paper with applicable requested revisions: upload deadline.
April 26, 2021 – Accept/Reject paper deadline.
2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Reviewers Needed for 2021 ASEE Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA
The Student Division is requesting volunteers to help review papers submitted to the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference. Reviewers can volunteer by e-mailing the Program Chair Adrianne Wheeler (awheel13@depaul.edu) their contact information.
3. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Research Seminars at the University of Michigan
The University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Program is excited to be able to invite you to our 2020-2021 EER Seminar Series. Building on anti-racist momentum from the summer, we’ve decided to use our EER seminar platform to both amplify the work of Black and other minoritized scholars and to showcase research about the experiences of minoritized engineering students and/or engineers. Because of COVID uncertainty, we’ve planned for all of the seminars (through spring 2021) to take place virtually, via Zoom.
We have an incredible lineup (see below)! The seminars are all scheduled for Wednesdays, at 3:30 – 4:30pm EST, and most events are open to the interested public (though you must register to attend). More information, as well as registration details, will be available on https://eer.engin.umich.edu/events-seminars/ a few weeks before each talk, and you may sign up to receive e-mail reminders and registration links for the seminars using this interest form: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVyS9joC9iHcoVLtvWuo939wn1ekHlVhBHZgBmVdIhpQ7TRA/viewform).
2020-2021 EER Seminar Series:
l 9/9/20 Monique Ross, Florida International University
l 9/23/20 Stephanie Masta & Alice Pawley, Purdue University
l 10/7/20 Walter Lee, Virginia Tech
l 10/28/20 Rosemary Perez, University of Michigan
l 11/18/20 James Holly, Jr, Wayne State University
l 1/27/21 Danny Caballero, Michigan State University
l 2/17/21 Kelly Cross, University of Nevada – Reno
l 3/10/21 Adam Kirn, University of Nevada – Reno
l 3/24/21 Inês DeReito, University College London
l 4/14/21 Laura Hirshfield, University of Michigan
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The University of Michigan Engineering Education Program
4. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Curls, Coils, and Compassionate Design feat. Dr. Tahira Reid Smith at UMD Clark School Webinar
The University of Maryland Clark School of Engineering has invited Dr. Tahira Reid Smith (Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering) to give a talk entitled “Curls, Coils, and Compassionate Design: How a Black Woman’s Personal Experiences Can Inspire Novel Engineering Research” for the second event in our Engineering Education Speakers series (https://eng.umd.edu/keystone/engineering-education-research/speaker-series) on Friday, April 23, 2021 at 1-2pm Eastern Time.
To register in advance for the Zoom webinar for Dr. Reid Smith’s talk please click on, https://go.umd.edu/ReidSmith2 1
For more information, see, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/149372570379 . Please contact Logan Williams ldawill@umd.edu with questions.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Leonhard Center Post-doctoral Scholar
Know anyone who is interested in engineering education or faculty development? We have a new opportunity in the Leonhard Center!
The Leonhard Center is seeking a Post-doctoral Scholar to take a leadership role for several Center projects including one that supports the College’s Engineering Equity and Inclusion Initiative. This study will explore how College of Engineering faculty and staff create a positive and inclusive culture for all students by better understanding current faculty and staff practices and beliefs around diversity and inclusion. The findings of the study will be used to design workshops to support our faculty and staff (and, by extension, our students) in moving forward with creating an inclusive culture within the Penn State College of Engineering. Additional projects may include collaborating with faculty to design and evaluate projects in engineering education and offering college-wide workshops on innovative instructional practices and educational research.
The position requires the ability to design and conduct research using qualitative and quantitative methods. The successful candidate will have demonstrated excellence in communication and collaboration. Minimum requirements for the position are a Ph.D. in an appropriate field such as engineering education, educational psychology, or higher education. Knowledge of current trends in engineering education is desirable.
For more information about the job and to apply, click here. Contact Sarah Zappe at ser163@psu.edu for more information.
Happy March, Student Division!
I can hardly believe it, but March is here! With it comes new opportunities and deadlines, so we’re back with some announcements and positions to share. Remember that we have an awesome opportunity to connect with your Student Division colleagues through a virtual escape room event! Big shoutout to Adrianne for putting this together—you can find more details in the announcements. Also, March is Women’s History Month! To celebrate the occasion, our Diversity Chair Thant prepared a fantastic graphic to share:
Thank you, Thant, your informative graphics as always :). We’re still in the process of updating our Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Discord, and website to have more consistent streams of relevant information. We’ll use these platforms to deliver programming that focuses on topics like mental health, diversity and inclusivity in engineering education, and promoting student chapter growth and development.
Finally, as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Adrianne (awheel13@depaul.edu) or Cassie (cswood@umich.edu) with any questions or concerns regarding the division or the annual conference, or to Skyler (me@skylerausten.com) with questions about adding a listing to our monthly newsletter. Until next month’s newsletter, stay well and take care! Best of luck with your courses and projects.
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | me@skylerausten.com
Cassandra Woodcock | Division Chair | cswood@umich.edu
General Announcements:
1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: ASEE Student Division Escape Room Event
2. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Learning in the Time of Coronavirus
4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Education Study
5. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Registration is Open for the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference!
6. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Reviewers Needed for 2021 ASEE Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA
7. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Student Application Open for BIOFLOW IRES, an NSF-funded international research experience (IRES) Program
8. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Annual Conference Attendance Survey – Just one question!
9. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Research Seminars at the University of Michigan
10. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Queer Student Panel Recruitment through ASEE Student Division
11. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Commission on P12 Engineering Education Survey
12. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: ASEE Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI) Awards
Position Announcements:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University – Clinical Faculty of Practice Position
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering at Cleveland State University
General Announcements, Detailed:
1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: ASEE Student Division Escape Room Event
Join the ASEE Student Division for a virtual murder mystery escape room event! The rooms will be hosted on March 25th and 26th from 7pm to 8pm. See the attached flyer for more details, and register at https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51nJJaynEJs19X0.
2. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Learning in the Time of Coronavirus
ASEE Webinar: Learning in the time of coronavirus, March 30, 2021 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET. – https://resources.asee.org/course_catalog/learning_in_the_time_of_coronavirus/
The past year has signaled a monumental change in engineering education with the near universal shift to remote learning. Although this shift occurred suddenly, engineering education has undergone several shifts in the past 100 years. In this webinar, Karl Smith (Purdue University) and Rocío Chavela Guerra (American Society for Engineering Education) will summarize major shifts in engineering education, such as the shift to outcomes-based accreditation and an emergent shift to address justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. They will share insights, lessons learned, and will discuss implications for the current shift to remote learning. The webinar will close with recommendations for course redesign to enhance learning in the time of coronavirus.
To register, see https://resources.asee.org/course_catalog/learning_in_the_time_of_coronavirus/
The CareerWISE research program, supported by the National Science Foundation and housed at Arizona State University (https://careerwise.asu.edu), is focused on studying and improving the experiences of women doctoral students in the physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering. We are currently seeking participants for a research study that aims to understand how experiences of perceived interpersonal support play a role in the academic persistence of diverse female doctoral students in STEM.
To participate you need to:
1. Identify as a Woman of Color (e.g., Black/African American, Latinx, Native American, Asian American, and biracial/multiracial) and/or White/Caucasian woman.
2. Be in a STEM PhD program.
3. Be in your 3rd year or beyond.
Please email careerwise.research@gmail.com for more information! Earn $50 each ($100/dyad) for participating!
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration!
Ashley K. Randall, PhD
4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Education Study
Coordinating Curricula and User Preferences to Increase the Participation of Women and Students of Color in Engineering
Please consider participating in our research project. This is a National Science Foundation Funded Research project with the goal of broadening participation in engineering undergraduate programs through the analysis of student preferences for engineering curricula.
https://cue4chng.org/ Thank you for participating!
You are invited to take part in a study that examines student preferences for how information is presented in engineering and social science curricula. We are interested in learning about your classroom curriculum for each course you teach. Our goal is to gather engineering and social science curricula so that we may understand what content is taught across engineering programs, and how it is presented.
For more information: https://aseehub.asee.org/discuss/viewtopic/35/157 or contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Sharon Tettegah at stettegah@ucsb.edu.
5. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Registration is Open for the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference!
Registration information can be found here.
Early bird registration deadline expires May 31, 2021.
Session details can be found here.
Important Conference Deadlines:
March 8, 2021 – Draft paper submission deadline.
March 22, 2021 – Blind draft paper reviews to program chair.
April 5, 2021 – Consolidate reviewer comments and send revision requests to author.
April 19, 2021 – Blind paper with applicable requested revisions: upload deadline.
April 26, 2021 – Accept/Reject paper deadline.
6. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Reviewers Needed for 2021 ASEE Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA
The Student Division is requesting volunteers to help review papers submitted to the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference. Reviewers can volunteer by e-mailing the Program Chair Adrianne Wheeler (awheel13@depaul.edu) their contact information.
7. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Student Application Open for BIOFLOW IRES, an NSF-funded international research experience (IRES) Program
I would like to bring your attention to an NSF-funded international research experience (IRES) program. The BIOFLOW IRES Program provides U.S. students collaborative research opportunities in vibrant fields of biomimicry and bio-inspired flow research. The international training will occur at a Korean-government-funded National Creative Research Center, Bio-fluid & Biomimic Research Center (BBRC) at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea. IRES students will be integrated into existing research communities for ten (10) weeks at Cleveland State University (CSU), Biomimicry Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) of University of Akron (UA), and the international site BBRC. Students will gain significant research training in biomimicry and bio-flow projects, critical thinking, and career-building skills benefiting from extraordinary resources at U.S. labs of CSU/UA and the host lab BBRC. Benefits include a $5000 stipend for 10 weeks; housing at CSU/UA and POSTECH provided at no charge; up to $500 travel funds between Cleveland/Akron and home city; up to $500 conference travel funds for accepted IRES research presentations.
The application is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled undergraduate and graduate students by March 15th 2021. Selection will be completed on or before April 1st 2021. Under-represented minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information can be found at https://engineering.csuohio.edu/nsf/ires
Please feel free to pass along the call for applications to your students and your colleagues. Let me know if you have any questions.
Dr. Wei Zhang
8. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Annual Conference Attendance Survey – Just one question!
Hey everyone – please take 17 seconds for a one-question survey about your attendance at the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference:
9. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Engineering Education Research Seminars at the University of Michigan
The University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Program is excited to be able to invite you to our 2020-2021 EER Seminar Series. Building on anti-racist momentum from the summer, we’ve decided to use our EER seminar platform to both amplify the work of Black and other minoritized scholars and to showcase research about the experiences of minoritized engineering students and/or engineers. Because of COVID uncertainty, we’ve planned for all of the seminars (through spring 2021) to take place virtually, via Zoom.
We have an incredible lineup (see below)! The seminars are all scheduled for Wednesdays, at 3:30 – 4:30pm EST, and most events are open to the interested public (though you must register to attend). More information, as well as registration details, will be available on https://eer.engin.umich.edu/events-seminars/ a few weeks before each talk, and you may sign up to receive e-mail reminders and registration links for the seminars using this interest form: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVyS9joC9iHcoVLtvWuo939wn1ekHlVhBHZgBmVdIhpQ7TRA/viewform).
2020-2021 EER Seminar Series
l 9/9/20 Monique Ross, Florida International University
l 9/23/20 Stephanie Masta & Alice Pawley, Purdue University
l 10/7/20 Walter Lee, Virginia Tech
l 10/28/20 Rosemary Perez, University of Michigan
l 11/18/20 James Holly, Jr, Wayne State University
l 1/27/21 Danny Caballero, Michigan State University
l 2/17/21 Kelly Cross, University of Nevada – Reno
l 3/10/21 Adam Kirn, University of Nevada – Reno
l 3/24/21 Inês DeReito, University College London
l 4/14/21 Laura Hirshfield, University of Michigan
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The University of Michigan Engineering Education Program
10. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Queer Student Panel Recruitment through ASEE Student Division
Our names are Brandon Bakka and Madeleine Jennings. We are both queer graduate students interested in studying the queer engineering experience.
We are emailing to request panelists for our panel entitled “Student Panel: Understanding Queer Experiences in Engineering.” We are seeking participants in a graduate or undergraduate engineering program, who identify in any way with the LGBTQIA+ community, and who reside at the intersections of other marginalized identities. We recognize that queerness is not the only identity that is marginalized in engineering. We also realize that queerness intersects with other marginalized identities and that our current sociopolitical climate mandates now more than ever that we as scholars pay attention to these intersections of identity. Therefore, we would like to be intentional about elevating the voices of queer engineering students who reside at the intersections of marginalization, and particularly our queer, Black colleagues.
This panel will serve to educate faculty about the experiences and challenges that LGBTQIA+ undergraduate and graduate engineering students face both personally and professionally. This panel will be organized and executed entirely by students. This innovative approach provides a platform for a traditionally marginalized student group to share their stories and to educate allies. This panel will also serve as a pilot for a new type of training that reinforces allyship and advocacy for the queer community through participatory action and story-telling. This training is also designed to build empathetic connections through the sharing of real experiences that students have had in engineering. By grounding this panel in LGBTQIA+ student experiences and empathetic learning outcomes, we intend to educate our participants beyond just LGBTQIA+ terminology. The goal of this panel is to help participants empathize with the realities of navigating in engineering as a marginalized individual.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge that sharing our stories as queer engineers can be both therapeutic as well as difficult. This panel is intended to be impactful precisely because we anticipate it to be raw, honest, and emotional. In the event that you do not feel comfortable serving as a panelist, we are also collecting statements and stories from queer engineering students to include in our training packet that participants will receive.
If you are interested in participating in this panel, please fill out the following survey. https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0p7BamP9JVysZJX
We look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Brandon Bakka, He/They (bbakka@utexas.edu)
Madeleine Jennings They/Them (mfjenni1@asu.edu)
11. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Commission on P12 Engineering Education Survey
The ASEE Commission on P12 Engineering Education is collecting information about activities and programs that support engineering education in the pre-college space. These could be activities taking place with students or with teachers; held in-school, extracurricular, or in informal environments; working with just a few individuals, or reaching large groups. The goal is to create a central resource so that all working in the P12 space can share with and learn from each other. Below is a link to a short survey. The information collected from the survey will be shared through a map and hub on the Commission’s website and to select programs to be highlighted in a “spotlight” section periodically. No information will be shared by the Commission without first securing the approval of those who filled out the survey. Everyone is asked to share this survey link with others they know who are involved in the P12 engineering space, whether they are members of ASEE or not.
Survey link: https://forms.gle/b6GreyywCLJBfon37
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Kathy Harper – harper.217@osu.edu
Katey Shirey – katey@edukatey.com
12. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: ASEE Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI) Awards
ASEE’s Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI) is excited to share information with you regarding our awards for the 2021 Conference.
We have two awards this year:
1) ASEE Constituent Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award (https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/asee-constituent-equity-and-inclusion-award/), and
2) Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Award (https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/best-paper/)
To support a clear interpretation of these awards, CDEI hosted a virtual workshop on “Diversity Papers: Tips and Guidelines for Authors and Evaluators” (https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/workshops/). In addition to this workshop, rubrics for both awards are available on the websites above. We believe that your authors can benefit from this information as they prepare papers and proposals.
Contact: Katie Shirey, katey@edukatey.com
Position Announcements, Detailed:
1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University – Clinical Faculty of Practice Position
Review of applications begins March 1, 2021. Additional information:
2. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Multiple faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering at Cleveland State University
Review of applications begins March 1, 2021. Additional information:
Happy New Year, Student Division!
I hope you all had a restful and healthy holiday break! Many of us are back in the full swing of the spring semester, so we wanted to reach out and share some cool opportunities in the new year. Obviously, these are still uncertain times for many of us, but I know Cassie and I are looking optimistically forward for a new leaf in 2021 :). Best of luck with your courses and projects!
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Adrianne (awheel13@depaul.edu) or Cassie (cswood@umich.edu) with any questions or concerns regarding the division or the annual conference, or to Skyler (me@skylerausten.com) with questions about adding a listing to our monthly newsletter.
Until the next newsletter, stay well and take care!
Skyler Austen | Information Chair | me@skylerausten.com
Cassandra Woodcock | Division Chair | cswood@umich.edu
General Announcements:
Position Announcements:
General Announcements, Detailed:
FIE 2021 is scheduled to be an in-person meeting. If we cannot meet physically, the conference will be held virtually, and all finalized papers will still be published. The abstract submission site is coming soon. To plan ahead, download this PDF that provides submission information and review criteria. The deadline for abstract submissions is January 25, 2021.
We encourage authors to consider the FIE 2021 conference theme of “Envisioning Convergence in Engineering Education.” Convergence can be defined as integrating knowledge and techniques from multiple disciplines and from both academia and the workforce while also providing students the opportunity to develop their professional skills to competently address societal opportunities and challenges, such as those related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Specific topics of relevance include incorporating convergence into programs, curricula, and continuing education; integrating team science into convergence education; teaching convergence and responsible science via research, and using technologies to advance convergence in education and training.
Paper Categories:
FIE welcomes full papers of up to eight pages and work-in-progress papers of up to four pages that address the broad tracks of (1) innovative practice, (2) research-to-practice, and (3) research. Work-in-progress papers are typically in frontier areas; it is understood the work is in an early or intermediate stage and authors are seeking feedback from the community.
Conference Date: Oct. 13-16, 2021
Conference Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Link to apply: fie-conference.org
ASEE’s Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI) is excited to share information with you regarding our awards for the 2021 Conference.
We have two awards this year:
1) ASEE Constituent Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award (https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/asee-constituent-equity-and-inclusion-award/), and
2)Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Award (https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/best-paper/)
To support a clear interpretation of these awards, CDEI hosted a virtual workshop on “Diversity Papers: Tips and Guidelines for Authors and Evaluators” (https://diversity.asee.org/deicommittee/workshops/). In addition to this workshop, rubrics for both awards are available on the websites above. We believe that your authors can benefit from this information as they prepare papers and proposals.
Contact: Katie Shirey, katey@edukatey.com
Coordinating Curricula and User Preferences to Increase the Participation of Women and Students of Color in Engineering
Please consider participating in our research project. This is a National Science Foundation Funded Research project with the goal of broadening participation in engineering undergraduate programs through the analysis of student preferences for engineering curricula.
https://cue4chng.org/ Thank you for participating!
You are invited to take part in a study that examines student preferences for how information is presented in engineering and social science curricula. We are interested in learning about your classroom curriculum for each course you teach. Our goal is to gather engineering and social science curricula so that we may understand what content is taught across engineering programs, and how it is presented.
For more information: https://aseehub.asee.org/discuss/viewtopic/35/157 or contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Sharon Tettegah at stettegah@ucsb.edu.
The Student Division is requesting volunteers to help review papers submitted to the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference. Reviewers can volunteer by e-mailing the Program Chair Adrianne Wheeler (awheel13@depaul.edu) their contact information.
The University of Michigan Engineering Education Research Program is excited to be able to invite you to our 2020-2021 EER Seminar Series. Building on anti-racist momentum from the summer, we’ve decided to use our EER seminar platform to both amplify the work of Black and other minoritized scholars and to showcase research about the experiences of minoritized engineering students and/or engineers. Because of COVID uncertainty, we’ve planned for all of the seminars (through spring 2021) to take place virtually, via Zoom.
We have an incredible lineup (see below)! The seminars are all scheduled for Wednesdays, at 3:30 – 4:30pm EST, and most events are open to the interested public (though you must register to attend). More information, as well as registration details, will be available on https://eer.engin.umich.edu/events-seminars/ a few weeks before each talk, and you may sign up to receive e-mail reminders and registration links for the seminars using this interest form: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVyS9joC9iHcoVLtvWuo939wn1ekHlVhBHZgBmVdIhpQ7TRA/viewform).
2020-2021 EER Seminar Series
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The University of Michigan Engineering Education Program
Our names are Brandon Bakka and Madeleine Jennings. We are both queer graduate students interested in studying the queer engineering experience.
We are emailing to request panelists for our panel entitled “Student Panel: Understanding Queer Experiences in Engineering.” We are seeking participants in a graduate or undergraduate engineering program, who identify in any way with the LGBTQIA+ community, and who reside at the intersections of other marginalized identities. We recognize that queerness is not the only identity that is marginalized in engineering. We also realize that queerness intersects with other marginalized identities and that our current sociopolitical climate mandates now more than ever that we as scholars pay attention to these intersections of identity. Therefore, we would like to be intentional about elevating the voices of queer engineering students who reside at the intersections of marginalization, and particularly our queer, Black colleagues.
This panel will serve to educate faculty about the experiences and challenges that LGBTQIA+ undergraduate and graduate engineering students face both personally and professionally. This panel will be organized and executed entirely by students. This innovative approach provides a platform for a traditionally marginalized student group to share their stories and to educate allies. This panel will also serve as a pilot for a new type of training that reinforces allyship and advocacy for the queer community through participatory action and story-telling. This training is also designed to build empathetic connections through the sharing of real experiences that students have had in engineering. By grounding this panel in LGBTQIA+ student experiences and empathetic learning outcomes, we intend to educate our participants beyond just LGBTQIA+ terminology. The goal of this panel is to help participants empathize with the realities of navigating in engineering as a marginalized individual.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge that sharing our stories as queer engineers can be both therapeutic as well as difficult. This panel is intended to be impactful precisely because we anticipate it to be raw, honest, and emotional. In the event that you do not feel comfortable serving as a panelist, we are also collecting statements and stories from queer engineering students to include in our training packet that participants will receive.
If you are interested in participating in this panel, please fill out the following survey. https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0p7BamP9JVysZJX
We look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Brandon Bakka, He/They (bbakka@utexas.edu)
Madeleine Jennings They/Them (mfjenni1@asu.edu)
Essentials of Effective Proposal Preparation
(Jan. 28 – Mar. 4, 2021 – Thursdays from 2 – 3:30 PM, ET)
Led by former NSF Program Directors Bevlee Watford (Virginia Tech) and Susan Burkett (University of Alabama), this six-part online program will prepare participants to craft and submit education-oriented grant proposals for NSF, provide critical information on proposal preparation from rationale to impact, and offer strategies for developing more effective proposals. Pricing is $600 for ASEE members.
Learn more at https://bit.ly/ASEE-Prep and
Register at https://www.asee.org/public/conferences/247/registration.
The ASEE Commission on P12 Engineering Education is collecting information about activities and programs that support engineering education in the pre-college space. These could be activities taking place with students or with teachers; held in-school, extracurricular, or in informal environments; working with just a few individuals, or reaching large groups. The goal is to create a central resource so that all working in the P12 space can share with and learn from each other. Below is a link to a short survey. The information collected from the survey will be shared through a map and hub on the Commission’s website and to select programs to be highlighted in a “spotlight” section periodically. No information will be shared by the Commission without first securing the approval of those who filled out the survey. Everyone is asked to share this survey link with others they know who are involved in the P12 engineering space, whether they are members of ASEE or not.
Survey link: https://forms.gle/b6GreyywCLJBfon37
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Kathy Harper – harper.217@osu.edu
Katey Shirey – katey@edukatey.com
ASEE and partner EngineeringCAS are looking for engineering and engineering technology students to create videos on Adapting to the Virtual World.
Tell us how you’ve adapted to the virtual world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Registration is open from December 14, 2020 – January 31, 2021! See last year’s winners here.
First place receives $3000, second place receives $1500, and third place receives $500.
Position Announcements, Detailed:
Hack the Hood launched in 2013 with a mission to build a tech sector that works for everyone. We started out introducing early career youth of color, ages 16-25, to technology education and workforce opportunities through web design. For 2021, Hack the Hood is deepening and expanding. We believe, in this time of racial equity and technological advancement, our best value add right now is to address economic mobility for communities of color. In this role, you will be responsible for creating and implementing rigorous data science curricula and inclusive learning experiences across the U.S. You will work closely with industry and post-secondary partners, and will be responsible for setting the tone for our education programs across sites. We’re seeking a teammate with practical data science and STEM education knowledge, technical expertise, curriculum design experience. To learn more about the role and apply, visit: https://hackthehood.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=44