FPD Notes for June 2020

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. Vote Now forFPD Division Leadership Positions
  2. ASEE Virtual Conference, June 21-24
  3. Join us at the Division Mixer!
  4. FPD Business Meeting – Zoom Link
  5. FYEE Host Proposals from 2025 and 2026
  6. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPD Notes

  1. Vote Now forFPDDivision Leadership Positions

We have several positions that we need to vote on in FPD and FYEE for the upcoming year. The situation necessitates an electronic vote this year. Please provide your vote by Monday June 22 at 5 pm (Eastern time zone). [ Link to Vote Here ].

  1. ASEE Virtual Conference, June 21-24

The 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, previously scheduled for Montreal, Canada, will now be an online experience only. The new program schedule can be found here. We hope you will join us virtually for the FPD program, including technical sessions with live, moderated Q&A with paper authors!

Due to the virtual nature of the conference, we have decided to not hold a division social or to give out best presentation awards this year. We will resume this tradition at next year’s conference.

  1. Join us at the Division Mixer!

The Division Mixer is scheduled for Monday June 22nd starting at 4:30 pm (Eastern time zone). FPD will have a virtual booth. Feel free to stop by and check out our booth!

  1. FPDBusiness Meeting – Zoom Link

Our FPD Business Meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 25th at 4 pm (Eastern time zone). We will hear reports from a number of our division officers, from our PIC chair, announce our new leadership, and share awards for the year. In order to ensure as many of our members can attend as possible, we will be conducting our meeting through Zoom instead of the ASEE virtual platform. Please use the following Zoom Link for the Business Meeting: [ https://tennessee.zoom.us/j/98930409884 ].

  1. FYEE Host Proposals from 2025 and 2026

The FYEE Steering Committee is currently accepting proposals for campuses to host the 2025 and 2026 FYEE Conference. Please submit your proposal [ here ].

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPDNotes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for May 2020

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. Leadership Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division
  2. ASEE Virtual Conference, June 21-24
  3. ASEE Conference Registration Scholarships Available
  4. 2020 FYEE Conference Cancelled
  5. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPD Notes

  1. Leadership Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division

Please consider nominating yourself (or a colleague) for a leadership position in the First-Year Programs Division. We are soliciting nominations now, and will hold an electronic vote for all positions prior to the ASEE virtual conference. Please use the following nomination form: LINK.

  1. ASEE Virtual Conference, June 21-24

The 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, previously scheduled for Montreal, Canada, will now be an online experience only. The new program schedule can be found here. We hope you will join us virtually for the FPD program, including technical sessions with live, moderated Q&A with paper authors!

  1. ASEE Conference Registration Scholarships Available

Thanks to a generous grant from the Kern Foundation/Engineering Unleashed, funds are available for qualifying ASEE members to have their ASEE Virtual Conference fully paid for. Engineering Unleashed (https://engineeringunleashed.com) is providing a full, $500 registration scholarship for up to 200 members with financial need. Eligible people include best-paper awardees, first-time authors, and professional track [non-tenure track] or untenured faculty members. An application process in place for members seeking financial aid. Please find the application here. Applications will be considered until funds are expended, which we anticipate may happen as late as June 1, 2020.

  1. 2020 FYEE Conference Cancelled

Sadly, the FYEE Planning Committee has announced the cancellation of this summer’s FYEE conference, originally planned for July 26-28, 2020 at Michigan State University. The plan is for next year’s 2021 FYEE to occur as scheduled at the University of Maryland, with Michigan State now set to host the 2022 conference.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for April 2020

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. ASEE Virtual Conference, June 21-24
  2. Panelists Needed for Faculty Advancement Panel
  3. FYEE Conference: Updates Forthcoming
  4. Looking for Online/Virtual Teaching Idea to Share with FPD Community
  5. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. ASEE Virtual Conference, June 21-24

The 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, previously scheduled for Montreal, Canada, will now be an online experience only. The physical on-site conference is canceled. Plans are being made for all of the changes this will entail. We hope you will join us virtually for an exciting FPD program! More details will be coming out over the weeks ahead.

  1. Panelists Needed for Faculty Advancement Panel

The Engineering Management & Faculty Development Divisions of ASEE are looking for four individuals to serve on Panel W322 – Faculty Advancement at the Virtual ASEE conference. To read a Panel description, search for W322 here: https://www.asee.org/public/conferences/172/registration/sessions

The panelists must be tenured faculty and hold the rank of Associate Professor, Full Professor, Department Chair, or Dean. If you are interested, and if you plan to register for the Virtual ASEE conference, please email: jshafai@unl.edu.

  1. FYEE Conference: Updates Forthcoming

The FYEE Planning Committee will be announcing in early May what changes, if any, will be made to the this summer’s FYEE conference, planned for July 26-28, 2020 at Michigan State University.

  1. Looking for Online/Virtual Teaching Idea to Share with FPD Community

To help members of the FPD community continue to offer great educational opportunities for our students, we’re looking to archive great ideas that people have for teaching/learning online and virtually. If you have a great idea you’ve been using for online teaching, labs, projects, advising, or engagement, please consider submitting that idea to our FPD Archive. We’ll make a page on the FPD website and upload these resources for members of the community to use…and we’ll attribute it to you!

If you’d like to share your idea, please submit your idea (summary, attachment, or video) to the Google Form below:


  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for March 2020

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. Bylaws Vote Outcome
  2.  FPDEngineering Educator Grant – Now Accepting Applications
  3.  CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: First Year Engineering Experience Conference
  4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Engineering Community Engagement and Service-Learning Workshop
  5. DESIGNING STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Summer Institute Experience at Olin College of Engineering
  6. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24
  7. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. Bylaws Vote Outcome

The bylaws revision for the First Year Programs Division has been unanimously approved. Thanks to all who voted.

  1. FPD Engineering Educator Grant – Now Accepting Applications

FPD Engineering Educator Grant

The First-Year Programs Division (FPD) of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) awards grants to attend the Annual Conference and Exhibition. Each grant consists of reimbursement of receipted registration, travel, food and accommodation expenses up to a maximum of $1500. Those applicants that can provide evidence of financial need for support to attend the conference will be prioritized in consideration for this award. Grant recipients are expected to attend the full duration of the conference, including the FPD Meeting, and at least one FPD Technical Session.

Who is eligible?

The FPD Educator Grant is awarded to an FPD member planning to or currently pursuing a career in engineering education, has a focus or close tie to first year programs in engineering, and the potential for substantial contributions to the field. Eligible persons include: graduate students, post-docs, professional staff, professional track faculty, and tenure-track/tenured faculty with close ties to first year programming in engineering.

What are the goals of the program?

    • To recognize and support students, staff, and faculty who have a focus or close ties to first-year programs and have the potential to contribute to the engineering education community and support the mission of FPD

How do you apply?

Interested applicants should develop the requested application:

    • CV
    • Two page personal statement including value of FPD to career and a statement of goals/objectives for attending the conference

Applications should be submitted to the following link: https://fpd-eegrant.questionpro.com

How are applications evaluated?

    • Applications are evaluated on: a) current contributions and potential of future contributions to engineering education, b) financial need, and c) participation in FPD.

When is the deadline?

Applications are due April 3, 2020. All applications will be acknowledged by email. Decisions will be made and applicants notified of the outcome of the deliberation process by end of April.


Contact Rachel McCord (rmccord1@utk.edu)

  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: First Year Engineering Experience Conference

The FYEE conference will be held July 26-28, 2020 at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. This year’s conference will focus on connecting the first-year engineering classroom with first-year engineering initiatives and programs beyond the classroom. For more information about the conference, visit the FYEE conference website at [ https://sites.asee.org/fyee2020/ ]. Please direct any questions to Kevin Calabro at kcalabro@umd.edu.

A reminder to our authors that FYEE draft papers are due April 20 with final papers due June 1.

  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:Engineering Community Engagement and Service-Learning Workshop

A new and exciting event is planned to bring faculty, professionals, researchers, students community members and others interested in engineering-based community-engagement and service-learning  together to discuss the state of the art, best practices, challenges and opportunities to enhance learning and make a difference in the world. Engineering, technology and computing have enormous opportunities to impact our world. Community-engaged learning is a proven pedagogy that has made significant impacts in engineering and the STEM disciplines and has tremendous opportunities to address many of the challenges that educators face to enhance learning, prepare students for today’s global workplace and increase diversity. This interactive workshop/conference is designed to promote discussion and interactions between participants to exchange ideas, share research findings and explore opportunities. There are three ways to participate by submitting a full paper, abstract and poster or as a participant. Abstracts for papers and posters should be submitted by March 16, 2020 by email to epics-university@purdue.edu

Date:  29-31 July 2020 (immediately after the FYEE Conference at MSU)

Location:  Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

More information can be found at https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/university/events/Events%20Information.

  1. DESIGNING STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Summer Institute Experience at Olin College of Engineering

Registration is now open for the Olin Summer Institute!  Designing Student-Centered Learning Experiences is a weeklong interactive workshop for faculty teams engaged in a curricular change effort at their own institution. Through participatory workshops, immersive design exercises, and presentations from experts, teams of faculty learn about, experience, and practice effective, engaging teaching approaches for new and meaningful STEM curricula. The workshop will be held June 8-12, 2020 at the Olin College campus in Needham, Massachusetts.

More information may be found here. The priority application deadline is March 15, 2020.

Click here for more information. Contact us with any questions here. Submit your application here.

  1. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24

A reminder that Housing and Registration is now open!

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for February 2020

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. Educator Grant and Bylaws: Division-Wide Vote March 2020!
  2. Request for Participants: Active Learning Survey
  3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: First Year Engineering Experience Conference
  4. Abstract Submission is Open for FIE 2020!
  5. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24
  6. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor, Engineering Fundamentals, University of Louisville
  7. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPD Notes

  1. Educator Grant and Bylaws: Division-Wide Vote Coming Soon

The FPD executive board has been revising the division bylaws, and an electronic vote will be taken among all division members at the beginning of March. Included with the revision will be a new Engineering Educator Grant program, intended to recognize and support students, staff, and faculty who have a focus or close tie to first-year programs by helping cover their costs of attending the annual conference. Please review the suggested revisions to the bylaws attached in this email. Look for a link to vote on the revisions to the bylaws in next month’s FPD Notes.

  1. Request for Participants: Active Learning Survey

Maura Borrego, et al., are looking for college-level instructors to assist with validating survey questions about active learning in STEM. Participation involves completing a short survey: https://tinyurl.com/ASEE-AL. The survey is 6 questions and will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Participants will be entered in a drawing to win one of two $100 Amazon gift cards.

If you have any questions, please email Maura Borrego at Maura.Borrego@utexas.edu.

  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: First Year Engineering Experience Conference

The First Year Programs Division of ASEE is accepting paper abstracts and workshop proposals to be presented at the 12th Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference. The FYEE conference will be held July 26-28, 2020 at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. This year’s conference will focus on connecting the first-year engineering classroom with first-year engineering initiatives and programs beyond the classroom.

Paper Abstracts and Workshop Proposals are due Feb 24, 2020. Draft papers are due April 20 with final papers due June 1. For more information about the conference and abstract/proposal submissions visit the FYEE conference website at [ https://sites.asee.org/fyee2020/ ]. Please direct any questions to Kevin Calabro at kcalabro@umd.edu.

  1. Abstract Submission is Open for FIE 2020!

The 2020 Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference will take place October 21-24 in Uppsala, Sweden. The theme for 2020 is Education for a Sustainable Future.

The 2020 programme features co-located workshops on Computational Thinking Skills for the 21st Century, the Launch Event for the IEEE/ACM Joint Curriculum project Computing Curricula 2020, a once in a lifetime conference banquet experience in the Uppsala Castle, and much, much more.

Don’t delay! Secure your place at the 50th Anniversary FIE event by submitting your abstract today! Featuring an all new submission site and new paper review system launched for FIE 2020. [ Conference Website ] / [ Submit your Abstract NOW ]

  1. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24

Housing and Registration is now open!

  1. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor, Engineering Fundamentals, University of Louisville

The Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville has a tenure track open position for Assistant Professor in Engineering Education.   More information about the position and the how to apply are available at the link below.


  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPDNotes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for January 2020

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. Educator Grant and Bylaws: Division-Wide Vote Coming Soon!
  2. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24: Important Upcoming Dates
  3. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. Educator Grant and Bylaws: Division-Wide Vote Coming Soon!

The FPD executive board has been revising the division bylaws, and an electronic vote will be taken among all division members in January. Included with the revision will be a new Engineering Educator Grant program, intended to recognize and support students, staff, and faculty who have a focus or close tie to first-year programs by helping cover their costs of attending the annual conference.

  1. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24: Important Upcoming Dates

January 6, 2020 – Housing and Registration Open

February 3, 2020 – Draft Papers Submission Due

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for November 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24: Important Upcoming Dates
  2. First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference: Call for 2024 & 2025 Hosts
  3. Position Announcement: Assistant Teaching Faculty at the University of Notre Dame
  4. Position Announcement: Lecturer in Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville
  5.   Position Announcement: Teacher Specialist – College of Engineering at Michigan State University
  6. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPD Notes

  1. ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, June 21-24: Important Upcoming Dates

As we look forward to the annual conference, please be aware of the following dates:

   January 6, 2020 – Housing and Registration Open

   February 3, 2020 – Draft Papers Submission Due

  1. First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference: Call for 2024 & 2025 Hosts

The steering committee for the First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference is requesting proposals to host future FYEE conferences. The FYEE Conference is sponsored by the First-Year Programs Division (FPD) of ASEE. It is a specialty conference intended to enable attendees to network with colleagues on matters associated with an engineering student’s first-year experience in higher education. We are presently recruiting hosts for the 2024 and 2025 conferences. The deadline for the receipt of proposals is 5:00 pm Eastern DST, May 31st, 2020. Information on the expectations of conference hosts and preparing a proposal can be found on the FYEE website – https://sites.asee.org/fyee/.

As indicated in the document describing the proposal process, the general chair of a conference will ultimately be required to propose a cost neutral or revenue generating budget. Therefore, the general chair will be expected to find appropriate university and corporate sponsorship for any conferences expenses not covered by registration and exhibitor fees or sponsorships.

Questions regarding hosting the conference can be addressed to any member of the FYEE Steering Committee. Several members have experience hosting previous FYEE conferences.

We encourage you to visit the FYEE website to learn more about the recently-concluded 2019 conference, hosted by Penn State University (https://sites.asee.org/fyee2019/), and the upcoming 2020 conference hosted by Michigan State University (https://sites.asee.org/fyee2020/).

We look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to share this announcement with others. Please forgive any duplicate emails you may have received if you have recently attended the conference.


The FYEE Steering Committee: Blake Hylton (j-hylton@onu.edu), Mara Knott (knott@vt.edu), Rich Whalen (r.whalen@northeastern.edu), Kris Craven (kcraven@tntech.edu), Sean Brophy (sbrophy@purdue.edu), Sheila Youngblood (syoungbl@cameron.edu)

  1. Position Announcement: Assistant Teaching Faculty at the University of Notre Dame

The College of Engineering at the University of Notre Dame invites applications for an assistant teaching faculty position in the First-Year Engineering Program.  This faculty member will coordinate all sections of the First-Year Engineering Courses and teach, on average, 3 sections per semester.  Additionally, this person will work with other faculty members to develop course materials and project modules that will be used by all sections and instructors.  Organization and leadership skills are critical to providing continuity and consistency in administering the program.  The ideal candidate should have a Ph.D. in Engineering with experience in coordinating multi-section courses and in developing innovative experiential learning project modules. [ https://apply.interfolio.com/71155 ].

  1. Position Announcement: Lecturer in Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville

The Engineering Fundamentals Program (EFP) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, seeks a dynamic Lecturer to contribute to its innovative, first-year engineering program. EFP is the home of the engage program, an integrated and team-taught freshman     curriculum, and is responsible for teaching nine credit hours of common freshman coursework for each of the College’s first year students (1000 per year). Subject matters taught include physics, perspective of the engineering profession, teaming, design process with projects, engineering communication and basic computer instruction. EFP also teaches a sophomore computer programming course and other classes focused on skills for success during the transition from high school to college, and a leadership class for peer mentors who support the Engage Living and Learning Community, a 200+ student residential community for first year students in the Tickle College of Engineering. This position is a full-time, non-tenure-track, 9-month appointment. Candidates are expected to have an earned doctorate in engineering with an undergraduate degree in any engineering discipline; strongly preferred are candidates with a doctorate in engineering education. [https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15405]

  1. Position Announcement: Teacher Specialist – College of Engineering at Michigan State University

The College of Engineering at Michigan State University is seeking candidates for a fixed-term teaching specialist position, with possible successive appointments based on performance and budget availability, to support instruction in the Applied Engineering Sciences program.  Applied Engineering Sciences is a multidisciplinary broad engineering degree housed in the College of Engineering with a business complement of courses. Candidates are expected to have the capacity to teach within the engineering program curriculum and have the flexibility to teach introductory courses within the College of Engineering as well. Additional details about the MSU teaching specialist position may be found at https://www.hr.msu.edu/policies-procedures/faculty-academic-staff/academic-specialist-handbook/index.html. [https://careers.msu.edu/cw/en-us/job/502510/specialist-teacherfixed-term]

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements forFPDNotes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for October 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. 160 Abstracts Received for ASEE 2020!
  2. First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference: Call for 2024 & 2025 Hosts
  3. Position Announcement: Joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee
  4. Position Announcement: Collegiate Faculty position in the Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech
  5. Position Announcement: Director of First-Year Engineering, University of Delaware College of Engineering
  6. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. 160 Abstracts Received for ASEE 2020!

Our program for the 2020 ASEE annual conference will be full of high quality presentations, with 30% more abstracts submitted relative to last year, and 60% more than the 10 year average. As you make conference travel plans, be aware that we expect to have FPD technical sessions with exciting content on both Sunday and Wednesday. Many thanks to all who volunteered to review – your generosity allowed for each abstract to receive 3 reviews.

  1. First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference: Call for 2024 & 2025 Hosts

The steering committee for the First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference is requesting proposals to host future FYEE conferences. The FYEE Conference is sponsored by the First-Year Programs Division (FPD) of ASEE. It is a specialty conference intended to enable attendees to network with colleagues on matters associated with an engineering student’s first-year experience in higher education. We are presently recruiting hosts for the 2024 and 2025 conferences. The deadline for the receipt of proposals is 5:00 pm Eastern DST, May 31st, 2020. Information on the expectations of conference hosts and preparing a proposal can be found on the FYEE website – https://sites.asee.org/fyee/.

As indicated in the document describing the proposal process, the general chair of a conference will ultimately be required to propose a cost neutral or revenue generating budget. Therefore, the general chair will be expected to find appropriate university and corporate sponsorship for any conferences expenses not covered by registration and exhibitor fees or sponsorships.

Questions regarding hosting the conference can be addressed to any member of the FYEE Steering Committee. Several members have experience hosting previous FYEE conferences.

We encourage you to visit the FYEE website to learn more about the recently-concluded 2019 conference, hosted by Penn State University (https://sites.asee.org/fyee2019/), and the upcoming 2020 conference hosted by Michigan State University (https://sites.asee.org/fyee2020/).

We look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to share this announcement with others. Please forgive any duplicate emails you may have received if you have recently attended the conference.


The FYEE Steering Committee: Blake Hylton (j-hylton@onu.edu), Mara Knott (knott@vt.edu), Rich Whalen (r.whalen@northeastern.edu), Kris Craven (kcraven@tntech.edu), Sean Brophy (sbrophy@purdue.edu), Sheila Youngblood (syoungbl@cameron.edu)

  1. Position Announcement: Joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee

The Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program (CGCHP) in the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, seeks a joint Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor to contribute to our honors program, honors courses, a growing effort in Engineering Education research, and an Engineering Education graduate certificate. These efforts continue the legacy of our innovative Jerry E. Stoneking engage™ Program and will be aided by the opening of a new, state-of-the-art engineering building in 2021. This position is a full-time, non-tenure-track, 9-month appointment. The University of Tennessee supports career paths in both the lecturer (lecturer, senior lecturer, distinguished lecturer) and research professor (assistant, associate, full) tracks. The responsibilities of this position will include a combination of teaching, research, and administration. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in an engineering (or related) discipline while a Ph.D. in engineering or STEM education is strongly preferred. Candidates must possess excellent communication skills, a solid commitment to progressive teaching methods, and show promise of developing a successful educational research program within the College. Evidence of college-level teaching and educational research is expected.

Full consideration will be given to applications received before Nov 1. Applications should include: (1) a letter of interest, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a teaching statement, (4) a research statement, (5) the names and contact information for three professional references. Details on how to prepare and submit all materials can be found by following the link below. Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Kevin Kit, Chair of the Search Committee, voice: 865.974.9874; email: kkit@utk.edu. A more detailed description of the position and links to the Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program and Engineering Education Certificate Program can be found at https://honors.tickle.utk.edu/joint-lecturer-and-research-assistant-professor.

  1. Position Announcement: Collegiate Faculty position in the Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech

The Department of Engineering Education (ENGE) at Virginia Tech seeks applications for a full-time, academic year, non-tenure-track Collegiate Faculty position. Applications are invited from individuals dedicated to undergraduate teaching and student engagement. Candidates who have experience related to teaching and developing courses in engineering problem solving, design, and professionalism at the undergraduate level are sought. Experience with teaching the application of software tools (including, for example, CAD, computational programming, and/or data acquisition) is desirable, as well as experience teaching in a project-based learning environment.

This Collegiate Faculty position will be at the rank of assistant or associate professor. Collegiate Faculty members teach undergraduate courses, contribute to curriculum development and assessment of the undergraduate program, engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning, and serve as a valued contributor within the department on committees (e.g., committees focused on undergraduate programs, diversity and inclusion). Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in engineering education or a closely-related field, conferred by the start date (August 10, 2020).

Applications must be submitted online to http://careers.pageuppeople.com/968/cw/en-us/job/511522/collegiate-faculty. To apply, candidates should submit (1) curriculum vitae, (2) cover letter articulating interest in the position, (3) teaching statement that also identifies scholarship interests, and (4) list of at least 3 professional references. Review of applications will begin on November 15 and continue until the position is filled. Please direct inquiries about the position to the search chair, Dr. David Knight dbknight@vt.edu.

  1. Position Announcement: Director of First-Year Engineering, University of Delaware College of Engineering

The University of Delaware College of Engineering is seeking applications for Director of First-Year Engineering at the rank of Continuing Track (CT) Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. A level of effort of about 60% is assigned to the innovation and delivery of our college-wide Introduction to Engineering (EGGG101) course and 40% is assigned to teaching, service, and/or scholarship in a home department or departments. CT faculty enjoy contracts that increase in length over time, as well as many of the same benefits as tenure-track and tenured faculty, such as identical titles, a parallel promotion track, sabbaticals, and shared faculty governance. To apply, and for more information, please visit https://careers.udel.edu/cw/en-us/job/494517.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for September 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. Summer Wrap-Up
  2. FPD Website
  3. ASEE 2020: Call for Abstracts
  4. ASEE 2020: Call for Reviewers
  5. ASEE 2020: New Paper Format for FPD Papers
  6. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:  2020 Institute on Project-Based Learning
  7. Job Posting: Teaching Assistant/Associate Professor – Fundamentals of Engineering Program/Statler College
  8. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. Summer Wrap-Up

This summer saw a very successful First-Year Programs Division program at the ASEE annual conference in Tampa, FL, with 76 papers presented, a well-attended social meeting, a business meeting that saw a new slate of officers elected, and plenty of opportunities for networking and reconnection. We also held our 11th annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) conference at Penn State. As you make plans for summer 2020, we hope you will join us at the ASEE annual conference in Montreal and our own FYEE conference at Michigan State University!

  1. FPD Website

Our division’s website has been refreshed and is maintained continually. For information about upcoming and past conferences, current division leadership, and other news, please turn to https://sites.asee.org/fpd/

  1. ASEE 2020: Call for Abstracts

The 2020 ASEE Annual Conference will be in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on June 20-24, 2020 and abstract submissions are open! We welcome your submission to the First-Year Programs Division Program by the abstract deadline of Monday, October 14. All abstracts must be submitted through ASEE’s online paper management system, details of which can be found here: https://www.asee.org/annual-conference/2020/paper-management/for-authors

 Note that our division uses an extended abstract (600-750 words) to allow for a more thorough review. We welcome papers and workshop proposals from a broad range of topics (detailed in the Call), all with an overarching theme first-year engineering students, including “freshmen” and transfer students.

  1. ASEE 2020: Call for Reviewers

If you are interested in serving the Division by acting as an abstract and/or paper reviewer, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/nqsW5QwE2J99darQ6 . Soon, you will be sent an invitation from ASEE to review abstracts where you will have a chance to accept or decline the invitation and indicate how many reviews you are willing to complete.

  1. ASEE 2020: New Paper Format for FPD Papers

      In an effort to provide some support for developing ASEE papers, FPD will be adopting a new paper format for the ASEE 2020 Conference. All authors will be required to submit their draft papers using this template. A link to the paper template can be found at the following link:


  1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: 2020 Institute on Project-Based Learning

The 2020 Institute on Project-Based Learning (PBL), https://wp.wpi.edu/projectbasedlearning/2020-institute/, will be held June 16-19, 2020, at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Massachusetts. The Institute has been offered annually since 2015, and draws on 50 years of experience with project-based undergraduate engineering education.

This 2.5-day intensive workshop brings together teams of five or more faculty and administrators from colleges and universities to gain knowledge about project-based learning and make tangible progress to integrate PBL into their own curricula. The Institute includes a mix of interactive workshops, consultation with experts, and collaborative teamwork. Each team works with a dedicated faculty coach to develop a campus action plan. Participants come to the Institute with a specific goal or project they would like to advance and leave with an enhanced understanding of PBL and a tailored plan to advance work on their own campuses as well as materials and examples. See http://wpi.today/umbc-impact-16 to learn more about how the Institute assisted the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County to advance initiatives on their campus.

Who Should Attend:  The Institute is designed for faculty and administrators from a wide variety of institutions – public and private, large and small, from community colleges to research universities – who are interested advancing project-based learning in their courses and programs.

Application Guidelines:  Institute applicants should propose a goal or a specific project they want to pursue. Applications are due February 14, 2020, and will be judged on the extent to which the team is likely to benefit from the Institute and advance its project-based learning initiatives. To learn more about the application process, visit https://wp.wpi.edu/projectbasedlearning/2020-institute/apply/application-form/ or contact cpbl@wpi.edu.

  1. Job Posting: Teaching Assistant/Associate Professor – Fundamentals of Engineering Program/Statler College

The West Virginia University, Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, Fundamentals of Engineering Program (FEP) is seeking applications for multiple Teaching Assistant/Associate Professors. These are nine-month, non-tenure track faculty rank positions that are eligible for promotion and merit raises, which involve a level of effort of about 80% assigned to teaching and 20% assigned to departmental service. The teaching function involves classroom teaching of 6-8 sections of Fundamental Engineering courses per academic year and includes advising students. The service element of the position involves serving on faculty committees, serving as a liaison to other WVU units, and participating in planned student-related retention, recruitment, and outreach activities. For more information, see the job posting: https://wvu.taleo.net/careersection/faculty/jobdetail.ftl?job=12171&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York

  1. 8. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for May 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. ASEE 2019: Technical sessions and business meeting
  2. ASEE 2019: Division social!
  3. FYEE Conference Registration Now Open
  4. FYEE Steering Committee Membership – Seeking Nominees
  5. Seeking Host for FYEE 2022 and 2023
  6. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division
  7. Position Announcement: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  8. Position Announcement: Virginia Tech
  9. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. ASEE 2019: Technical sessions and business meeting

– Technical Sessions:

The First Year Programs Division has an exciting ASEE 2019 schedule which includes 76 papers displayed throughout these sessions:

Sunday June 16

  • 1:15p – 2:45p: Opening Session

Monday June 17

  • 11:30a – 1:00p: ‘Best of FPD’ Paper Session
  • 1:30p – 3:00p: Two Concurrent Technical Sessions
  • 3:15p – 4:45p: Technical Session

Tuesday June 18

  • 8:00a – 9:30a: Three Technical Sessions, one co-sponsored with Pre-College Engineering Education Division
  • 11:30a – 1:00p: Poster Session
  • 1:30p – 3:00p: Two Technical Sessions
  • 3:15p – 4:45p: Two ‘Postcard’ Technical Sessions

Wednesday June 19

  • 8:00a – 9:30a: Two Technical Sessions, one co-sponsored with Mathematics Division
  • 11:30a – 1:00p: Technical Session co-sponsored with Multidisciplinary Engineering Division
  • 11:30a – 1:00p: Wrap-up Session

– FPD Business Meeting:

If you are an FPD member or are interested in becoming an FPD member, please join us for our Business Meeting on Tuesday June 18 at 5pm. The membership will get updates from the FPD Board, hear updates from our FYEE conference committee, and vote on upcoming officers for the division.

  1. ASEE 2019: Division social!

We are excited to hold our 3rd annual FPD Division Social at Jackson’s Bistro Bar & Sushi on Tuesday June 18 at 7pm! Join us at the social and get to know some of the other division members as we enjoy dinner and beverage in a private room (Backjack’s Lounge) at the restaurant. Early registration is $35, on-site registration is $40. All are welcome, we look forward to seeing you there!

  1. FYEE Conference Registration Now Open

As you are making your summer plans, don’t forget to include the First Year Engineering Experience Conference sponsored by FPD. The 2019 conference will take place July 28-30 at Penn State in University Park PA. This year the conference will have a special focus on Diversity and Inclusion; keynote speakers are Dr. Justin Schwartz, Dean of the Penn State College of Engineering and Dr. Walter Lee, Virginia Tech. Early registration closes July 5. Group rates at the Penn Stater Hotel are available through June 26th. Additional information is available on the conference website https://sites.asee.org/fyee/. Make plans to join us for this fun and fruitful conference focused on First Year Engineering Students and Programs!

  1. FYEE Steering Committee Membership – Seeking Nominees

The FYEE Steering Committee is a group of six individuals, appointed by the FPD Executive Board, to maintain a strategic vision for the FYEE conference, select conference sites and chairs, work with each year’s conference committee to develop the conference program, and approve the conference budget. The Steering Committee is required to meet face-to-face at least once a year, either at ASEE or at FYEE. The committee also meets via conference call and communicates via email regularly throughout the year. Steering Committee members are expected to attend FYEE. Steering Committee members serve a three year term, with two members rotating off the committee each year.

If you would like to be nominated to serve on the FYEE Steering Committee, please email Mara Knott (knott@vt.edu) by May 30, providing a BRIEF response to the prompts below

  • Please describe your past involvement with FYEE. (Have you attended?  What years?  Have you presented?  Have you reviewed papers?)
  • Why do you want to serve on the FYEE Steering Committee and what strengths would you bring to the committee?

  1. Seeking host for FYEE 2022 and 2023

Interested in hosting the First Year Engineering Experiences (FYEE) Conference?  This is a great chance to showcase your institution’s first-year program. The call for hosts for 2022 and 2023 is now open on the FYEE website. If you are interested, please review the Host Proposal Guidelines and prepare a Host Proposal Form. Submit your proposal here by May 30, 2019.

  1. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division

If you are interested in getting involved with the leadership of the First-Year Programs Division, please contact John K. Estell (FPD Nominating Committee Chair, j-estell@onu.edu) no later than Friday, May 31. Please include the following information:

  • Name:
  • Desired position(s):
  • Affiliation/Title/Department:
  • Title and year of last paper presented at a FPD-sponsored session:

This year we will be electing individuals for the following Executive Board Positions:

1)            Secretary (1)

2)            Treasurer (1)

3)            Executive Board Members-at-Large (2)

4)            FYEE Program Chair Elect – for FYEE 2021 at the University of Maryland (1)

  1. Position Announcement: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Engineering Fundamentals Department:

The Engineering Fundamentals Department in the College of Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida is seeking to fill a non-tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level. The department seeks a candidate who can add to the department’s expertise in engineering education pedagogy and its leadership in teaching within the College of Engineering.

Candidates must hold a master’s degree in engineering or a related field. They must be capable of teaching one or more first or second year general engineering courses, specifically Engineering Design, Introductory Computer Programming (i.e., MATLAB), Engineering Graphics (i.e., CATIA), Statics, or Dynamics. Preference will be given to candidates who have teaching experience in these courses. Candidates with terminal degrees in engineering, engineering education, or related fields are also eligible to apply.

To apply, please visit http://careers.erau.edu and click on the Career Search tab (Position ID: 190310). Review of applications will begin on May 20th, 2019, and will continue until the position is filled. The target starting date is August 2019 with the option to delay until January 2020 if necessary. ERAU is an AA/EEO employer. Inquiries about the position can be directed to either Dr. Matthew Verleger, search committee chair, via email at mverlegem@erau.edu, or Dr. Heidi M. Steinhauer, Department Chair, via email at msteinhah@erau.edu.

  1. Position Announcement: Virginia Tech

Instructor, Engineering Education:

The Department of Engineering Education (EngE) at Virginia Tech is seeking applicants for Instructors in General Engineering. Applications are invited from individuals dedicated to undergraduate teaching and student engagement. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in teaching courses in engineering application of software tools (including CAD, computational programming, and/or data acquisition) and/or experience in teaching problem solving, design, and professionalism at the undergraduate level. Our Instructors will work closely in a teaching team environment, and have an openness to interactive pedagogies. The opening is for one or more non-tenure track restricted faculty positions at the rank of Instructor. Responsibilities will include teaching of up to 12 credit hours per semester in general engineering or an equivalent combination of teaching and course development. Opportunities for supplemental summer teaching assignments are possible.

Qualifications required for this position include an M.S. in an engineering or related field. The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills and a demonstrated ability to effectively teach engineering courses at the undergraduate level.

Review of applications will begin May 24, 2019. The start date for the position(s) is August 10, 2019.

Apply online at http://jobs.vt.edu to posting number TR0190053.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for April 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. ASEE 2019: Technical sessions, request for moderators, business meeting, and division social
  2. FYEE Conference Registration Now Open
  3. FYEE Steering Committee Membership – Seeking Nominees
  4. Seeking Host for FYEE 2022 and 2023
  5. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division
  6. Position Announcement: Humboldt State University
  7. Position Announcement: Rowan University
  8. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. ASEE 2019: Technical sessions, request for moderators, business meeting, and division social

– Technical Sessions:

The First Year Programs Division has an exciting ASEE 2019 schedule which includes 80 papers displayed throughout 14 technical sessions. The technical session schedule for FPD is:

Sunday June 16

  • Technical Session at 1:15p – 2:45p

Monday June 17

  • Technical Session at 11:30a – 1:00p
  • Two Technical Sessions at 1:30p – 3:00p
  • Technical Session at 3:15p – 4:45p (‘Best of FPD’ Paper Session)

Tuesday June 18

  • Two Technical Sessions at 8:00a – 9:30a
  • Two Technical Sessions at 1:30p – 3:00p
  • Two Technical Sessions at 3:15p – 4:45p

Wednesday June 19

  • Two Technical Sessions at 8:00a – 9:30a
  • Technical Session at 11:30a – 1:00p

– Request for Session Moderators:

Are you interested is finding a way to help out in FPD? If so, consider helping moderate an FPD session at ASEE 2019! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/cLbxPP7hHfqekX1W6

– FPD Business Meeting:

If you are an FPD member or are interested in becoming an FPD member, please join us for our Business Meeting on Tuesday June 18 at 5pm. The membership will get updates from the FPD Board, hear updates from our FYEE conference committee, and vote on upcoming officers for the division.

– FPD Social:

We are excited to hold our 3rd annual FPD Division Social at Jackson’s Bistro Bar & Sushi on Tuesday June 18 at 7pm! Join us at the social and get to know some of the other division members as we enjoy a private room (Backjack’s Lounge) at the restaurant. Early registration is $35, on-site registration is $40. We look forward to seeing you there!

  1. FYEE Conference Registration Now Open

As you are making your summer plans don’t forget to include the First Year Engineering Experience Conference sponsored by FPD. The 2019 conference will take place July 28-30 at Penn State in University Park PA. This year the conference will have a special focus on Diversity and Inclusion; keynote speakers are Dr. Justin Schwartz, Dean of the Penn State College of Engineering and Dr. Walter Lee, Virginia Tech. Early registration closes July 5. Group rates at the Penn Stater Hotel are available through June 26th. Additional information is available on the conference website https://sites.asee.org/fyee/. Make plans to join us for this fun and fruitful conference focused on First Year Engineering Students and Programs!

  1. FYEE Steering Committee Membership – Seeking Nominees

The FYEE Steering Committee is a group of six individuals, appointed by the FPD Executive Board, to maintain a strategic vision for the FYEE conference, select conference sites and chairs, work with each year’s conference committee to develop the conference program, and approve the conference budget. The Steering Committee is required to meet face-to-face at least once a year, either at ASEE or at FYEE. The committee also meets via conference call and communicates via email regularly throughout the year. Steering Committee members are expected to attend FYEE. Steering Committee members serve a three year term, with two members rotating off the committee each year.

If you would like to be nominated to serve on the FYEE Steering Committee, please email Mara Knott (knott@vt.edu) by May 30, providing a BRIEF response to the prompts below

  • Please describe your past involvement with FYEE. (Have you attended?  What years?  Have you presented?  Have you reviewed papers?)
  • Why do you want to serve on the FYEE Steering Committee and what strengths would you bring to the committee?

  1. Seeking host for FYEE 2022 and 2023

Interested in hosting the First Year Engineering Experiences (FYEE) Conference?  This is a great chance to showcase your institution’s first-year program. The call for hosts for 2022 and 2023 is now open on the FYEE website. If you are interested, please review the Host Proposal Guidelines and prepare a Host Proposal Form. Submit your proposal here by May 30, 2019.

  1. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division

If you are interested in getting involved with the leadership of the First-Year Programs Division, please contact John K. Estell (FPD Nominating Committee Chair, j-estell@onu.edu) no later than Friday, May 10. Please include the following information:

  • Name:
  • Desired position(s):
  • Affiliation/Title/Department:
  • Title and year of last paper presented at a FPD-sponsored session:

This year we will be electing individuals for the following Executive Board Positions:

1)            Secretary (1)

2)            Treasurer (1)

3)            Executive Board Members-at-Large (2)

4)            FYEE Program Chair Elect – for FYEE 2021 at the University of Maryland (1)

  1. Position Announcement: Humboldt State University

The Environmental Resources Engineering (ERE) Department at Humboldt State University (HSU) is seeking candidates to fill a non-tenure track lecturer (temporary faculty) position to teach introduction to environmental engineering, probability and statistics and life cycle assessment. The teaching assignment could be flexible to best fit the final candidate’s academic strengths. This is an academic year position that could be extended up to three years. In addition, our department anticipates a tenure track position in the near future, and an excellent temporary faculty member would be very competitive for our tenure track position.

Humboldt State University is the most northern campus of the California State University System and is primarily a teaching institution. The ERE department values high quality and innovative instruction. Our diverse student population include 40% first in family to attend university, half are Pell grant eligible, a third are minoritized students and a third are women. Six of our nine tenure track faculty member members are women. We welcome a colleague who is committed to make a difference in these engineering students’ lives.

The position announcement for JOB #1920-32 can be found at this link. https://hraps.humboldt.edu/sites/default/files/vacancy_announcements/1920-32_ere_fttemp_va_final.pdf

This position is open until filled. Early response is encouraged. If you have questions, please contact:

Elizabeth A. Eschenbach, Ph.D.

Search Committee Chair

Department of Environmental Resources Engineering

Humboldt State University

Phone (707) 826-4348

Email: engineering@humboldt.edu

  1. Position Announcement: Rowan University

The Experiential Engineering Education Department (ExEEd) in the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering invites applications for one or more full-time, non-tenure track lecturer positions with primary responsibilities in undergraduate teaching. ExEEd is home to the First-Year and Sophomore Engineering Clinic sequence, a hallmark of Rowan’s innovative undergraduate engineering program featuring multidisciplinary, hands-on, project-oriented experiences. The ability to teach discipline specific engineering courses is viewed positively. The position provides an opportunity to contribute to the development of innovative projects and pedagogies in an environment where excellence in teaching is needed and valued. Although this is a non-tenure track position, the position offers employment security in two- to five-year re appointments.


Rowan University is located 30 minutes south of Philadelphia, PA in Glassboro, NJ and is an R2 Carnegie Classified University.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for March 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


1.   ASEE 2019 Reminders and Updates: FPD Social and more!
2.   Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division
3.   Position Announcement: Rowan University
4.   2019 Global EPICS Symposium and Workshop
5.   Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. ASEE 2019 Reminders and Updates

The 126th Annual Conference & Exposition will take place June 15 – 19 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. Our division has an exciting program of technical sessions that will run from Sunday through Wednesday.

– Register soon! Early bird registration rates end April 8.

– …and don’t forget to include the FPD social when registering! The social will be Tuesday, June 18, from 7 – 9 pm in Jackson’s Bistro (601 S. Harbour Island Boulevard, Tampa).

– Thank you to all of our authors and reviewers. Authors: the deadline for submitting and transferring the final paper is April 29.

  1. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division

If you are interested in getting involved with the leadership of the First-Year Programs Division, please contact John K. Estell (FPD Nominating Committee Chair, j-estell@onu.edu) no later than Friday, May 10. Please include the following information:

  • Name:
  • Desired position(s):
  • Affiliation/Title/Department:
  • Title and year of last paper presented at a FPD-sponsored session:

This year we will be electing individuals for the following Executive Board Positions:

1)            Secretary (1)

2)            Treasurer (1)

3)            Executive Board Members-at-Large (2)

4)            FYEE Program Chair Elect – for FYEE 2021 at the University of Maryland (1)

  1. Position Announcement: Rowan University

The Experiential Engineering Education Department (ExEEd) in the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering invites applications for one or more full-time, non-tenure track lecturer positions with primary responsibilities in undergraduate teaching.  ExEEd is home to the First-Year and Sophomore Engineering Clinic sequence, a hallmark of Rowan’s innovative undergraduate engineering program featuring multidisciplinary, hands-on, project-oriented experiences.  The ability to teach discipline specific engineering courses is viewed positively.  The position provides an opportunity to contribute to the development of innovative projects and pedagogies in an environment where excellence in teaching is needed and valued.  Although this is a non-tenure track position, the position offers employment security in two- to five-year re appointments.


Rowan University is located 30 minutes south of Philadelphia, PA in Glassboro, NJ and is an R2 Carnegie Classified University.

  1. 2019 Global EPICS Symposium and Workshop

Interested in how Community-Engagement fits within Engineering, Technology and Computing? Come to the 2019 Global EPICS Symposium and Workshop, co-sponsored by IEEE and hosted by University of South Florida.

June 12-14, 2019, in Tampa, FL (before the ASEE conference in Tampa):

June 12- for those new to EPICS (all participants invited to evening welcome reception)

June 13-14: For all participants, sessions led by EPICS faculty from multiple institutions

The interactive workshop is designed for experienced practitioners and those new to the field (faculty, staff, professionals and students).  The EPICS model is used as a framework for the workshop with sessions and breakouts addressing issues related to how to integrate community-engagement in engineering, technology and computing.  Each participant will leave with a plan to implement at his or her own institution.


  • Gain better understanding of EPICS and the EPICS in IEEE programs
  • See examples of EPICS integration into course curriculum, and capstone or final year projects
  • Develop skills to gain institutional support, acquire community and industry sponsors, establish funding models and build a sustainable program
  • Gain insights from experienced project leaders on how to engage students identify, create/sustain projects, and conduct student assessments
  • Network with established EPICS colleagues, faculty members, industry and community leaders
  • Learn how to make connections globally across EPICS programs
  • Leave the workshop prepared to put what you learned into practice in -order to grow institutionalize or establish an EPICS program at you institution

More information is found on the registration page: https://www.conf.purdue.edu/landing_pages/epicsdesign/

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for February 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”

1.      First-year Engineering Experience Conference Call for Papers–Deadline Extended!
2.      ASEE 2019 Reminders
3.      Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

1. First-year Engineering Experience Call for Papers

The First Year Programs Division of ASEE is accepting abstracts and proposals for papers and workshops to be presented at the 11th Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference to be held July 28-30, 2019 at Penn State in State College, PA. The deadline for Paper Abstract and Workshop Proposals has been extended until Monday, Feb 25. Draft papers will be due March 25, with final papers due June 3.  For more information about the conference and abstract/proposal submission visit the FYEE website (https://sites.asee.org/fyee/).

2.  ASEE 2019 Reminders

The 126th Annual Conference & Exposition will take place June 15 – 19 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. Early bird registration rates are available until April 8.

Thank you to everyone who is reviewing draft papers! Paper deadlines:

  • Draft decision deadline: March 4
  • Draft revision upload deadline: March 18
  • Draft revision decision deadline: March 25
  • Paper transfer deadline: April 29

3. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for January 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. First-year Engineering Experience Conference Call for Papers
  2. Position Announcement: Duke University
  3. Position Announcement: University of New Haven
  4. Position Announcement: Virginia Tech
  5. Position Announcement: University of Colorado, Boulder
  6. ASEE 2019 Reminders
  7. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

1. First-year Engineering Experience Call for Papers

The First Year Programs Division of ASEE is accepting abstracts and proposals for papers and workshops to be presented at the 11th Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference to be held July 28-30, 2019 at Penn State in State College, PA. Paper Abstract and Workshop Proposals are due Feb 8, 2019. Draft papers will be due March 25, with final papers due June 3.  For more information about the conference and abstract/proposal submission visit the FYEE website (https://sites.asee.org/fyee/).

2. Position Announcement: Duke University

The Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University (Durham, NC) invites applications for a teaching-focused faculty member to teach in the First-Year Design program.  This person will be a member of a teaching team that delivers and continuously improves a required, innovative, hands-on, first-year engineering design course.  In the course, students work in teams to develop solutions and build prototypes to solve client-based problems across all fields of engineering.  A successful candidate is expected to contribute knowledge in pedagogy, curriculum development, assessment, and design education.

Applications should be submitted electronically through AcademicJobsOnline.org, position #12853 (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/12853).  For questions, please contact Dr. Ann Saterbak atann.saterbak@duke.edu.

3. Position Announcement: University of New Haven

The Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven seeks an energetic, engineering educator to help refine and deliver our innovative engineering curriculum. We invite applications for a non-tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Engineering and Applied Science Education (EASE). The successful candidate will be expected to teach and coordinate courses within our Multidisciplinary Curriculum including the development, implementation and delivery of project-based curricula that leverage the use of the University Makerspace.

For more information, please see the full job posting at: (https://apply.interfolio.com/58391). Questions may be directed to Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, PhD, Department Chair, at  mcarnasciali@newhaven.edu or 203.932.7159

4. Position Announcement: Virginia Tech

The Department of Engineering Education (EngE) at Virginia Tech is seeking applicants for a non-tenure-track, regular faculty position as Professor of Practice in Engineering Education at any rank. Applications are invited from individuals dedicated to undergraduate teaching and student engagement. Candidates are sought with experience related to teaching and developing courses in engineering problem solving, design, and professionalism at the undergraduate level. Experience with teaching applications of software tools (including CAD, computational programming, and/or data acquisition) is desirable, as well as experience teaching in a project-based learning environment. Responsibilities will include teaching up to 12 credit hours per semester in first-year engineering or an equivalent combination of teaching and course development, depending on department needs. Opportunities for supplemental summer teaching assignments are possible.

Qualifications for this position include an M.S. or Ph.D. in an engineering or closely-related field coupled with significant industry experience that includes design. The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills and be able to demonstrate an ability to effectively teach engineering courses at the undergraduate level. Review of applications will begin February 4, 2019. The start date for the position is August 10, 2019. Apply online at (http://jobs.vt.edu) to posting number TR0180184.

5. Position Announcement: University of Colorado, Boulder

The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) at the University of Colorado Boulder invites applications for a full-time Instructor position in the Engineering Plus Program. This program integrates traditional engineering disciplines such as Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering with a multi-disciplinary and design-based approach. This position will support the Engineering Plus Program in teaching hands-on project courses and engaging in engineering education research.  The Engineering Plus Program also partners with the award-winning Integrated Teaching and Learning Program to deliver hands-on, design rich engineering curriculum to students throughout CEAS. Candidates must have earned either a Master’s Degree, supplemented with extensive teaching experience, or a Ph.D. in an engineering discipline, engineering education or a closely related field. Successful candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to high-quality undergraduate engineering education and active engagement in an engineering field. An interest in improving undergraduate engineering education and modern pedagogy is desirable, and teaching experience is preferred. Ability and desire to teach two or more core engineering courses (such as first-year design, engineering math, thermodynamics, statics, materials science, circuits, and data analysis) are essential.

The successful candidate will likely be appointed as an Instructor of the Engineering Plus Program, although appointment as a Senior Instructor is possible dependent on experience and qualifications. As with all CU-Boulder faculty, the position integrates teaching, service and research components. This is a non-tenure track nine-month appointment and involves teaching three courses per semester on the CU Boulder campus. The position will report to the Directors of the Engineering Plus Program. Applicants must submit their applications on-line at CU Boulder Jobs (https://www.colorado.edu/jobs/), job posting number 13685. Submit a PDF file containing a cover letter stating your research areas (1 pg.), names and contact information for 3 to 5 referencescurriculum vita, and statements describing your goals related to teaching (2-3 pgs.) and research (2-3 pgs.). Review of applications will begin as they are received, and will continue until the position is filled. For inquiries, please contact Christina Oerter at Christina.Oerter@Colorado.edu.

6. ASEE 2019 Reminders

The 126th Annual Conference & Exposition will take place June 15 – 19 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. Early bird registration rates are available until April 8. Paper deadlines:

  • Draft upload deadline: February 4
  • Draft decision deadline: March 4
  • Draft revision upload deadline: March 18
  • Draft revision decision deadline: March 25
  • Paper transfer deadline: April 29

7. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for May 2018

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. 2018 ASEE Service project opportunity, Sat. June 23rd, 12-4pm
  2. 2018 Global EPICS Symposium and Workshop
  3. Freuler Named Fellow of ASEE
  4. FPD Social at ASEE 2018 Reminder
  5. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. 2018 ASEE Service project opportunity, Sat. June 23rd, 12-4pm


In partnership with Bennion Community Service Center at the University of Utah, The Community Engagement Division (CED) is once again organizing a day of service on the Saturday before the ASEE Annual Conference for participants to actively learn about community engagement, give back to our host city, and have some fun with colleagues from around the country. In the past three years, we have helped construct a community garden in Seattle, build a playground in Baton Rouge, and adapted toys for differently abled children in Columbus.

This year, we are partnering with the Bennion Community Service Center to engage with the Salt Lake community on two projects, one indoors and one outdoors, you can choose which fits you best. Stay tuned for the exact details from our partners, which will be updated on the ASEE conference website as soon as possible.

We hope you can join us the Saturday before the conference, June 23rd from 12-4pm. The cost is only $24 with transportation and snacks included, and you can sign up through the ASEE conference website (link to service project registration) along with your general registration.

Thank you for considering adding this experience and stepping up to serve through what is sure to be a rewarding afternoon. Please invite your colleagues to join you and add this event to their ASEE calendars.

For more information and questions about the service project, contact Greg Rulifson (grulifson@mines.edu). For more information about the Community Engagement division, contact James Huff (2018 Program Chair) or Megan Kenny-Feister (2019 Program Chair).

Dr. Malini Natarajarathinam |  DSA Faculty Fellow & Associate Professor
Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution | Texas A&M University
3367 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-3367

979.845.6766  |  malini@tamu.edu | https://tamu-cs.webex.com/meet/malini

Be Fearless | Serve and Soar

  1. 2018 Global EPICS Symposium and Workshop

Sponsored by the EPICS Program and EPICS in IEEE

When:  June 11-15, 2018

Where:  Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA


Deadline is May 25, 2018

EPICS is an engineering-based, service-learning approach to multi-disciplinary design where student teams address needs within their local and global communities. Founded at Purdue University, EPICS has been integrated into the curricula at 42 universities and colleges. EPICS in IEEE, a signature program of IEEE, empowers students to work with local service organizations by applying technical knowledge to implement solutions for a community’s unique challenges.

This year’s gathering will bring together three groups for a synergistic set of workshops, panel discussions and roundtables. These three groups are:

  1. New Faculty, instructors; staff professionals; IEEE volunteers and members; industry partners and others interested in learning about the EPICS model for Engineering/Computing-based Service-Learning and Community Engagement
  2. Experienced EPICS leaders, faculty, instructors, administrators, students and partners from the member institutions of the EPICS Consortium
  3. International EPICS leaders, faculty, instructors, administrators, students and partners especially from India including our IUCEE-EPICS institutions

The symposium and workshop have special slots for each group (Monday for those new to EPICS, Thursday and Friday will focus on India). Tuesday and Wednesday will be a mix of interactions between groups with opportunities for discussions around common interests.

How You Benefit

  • Gain a better understanding of engineering-based community engagement
  • See examples of ways EPICS can be integrated into course curriculum and capstone projects
  • Develop the skills to gain institutional support, acquire community and industry sponsors, establish funding models and build a sustainable program
  • Gain insights from experienced leaders on how to engage students; identify, create and sustain projects; and conduct student assessments
  • Network with established EPICS colleagues as well other interested facility members, industry and community leaders
  • Learn how to make connections globally across programs
  • Leave the workshop prepared to put what you learned into practice in order to grow, institutionalize or establish an EPICS program at your institution

Questions can be forwarded to

Eric VandeVoorde at +1-765-494-3750 or evandevo@purdue.edu or

Dr. William Oakes at oakes@purdue.edu


Workshop Details

Date: June 11-15, 2018

        June 11 – for those new to EPICS (all participants invited to the welcome reception on the evening of the 11th )

        June 12-13 – for all participants, sessions led by EPICS faculty from multiple institutions

        June 14-15 – focus integrating EPICS into the Indian engineering curriculum and similar models

 Where: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

 Registration Fees:

$200 June 11-13 (includes Tuesday and Wednesday meals and Monday welcome reception)

$400 Full week (June 11-15 and includes Tuesday – Friday meals and Monday welcome reception)

Participants are expected to cover their lodging costs and travel to the workshop. A room block is available on Purdue’s Campus at the Purdue Union Club Hotel from June 11-15.

  1. Freuler Named Fellow of ASEE

Rick Freuler, Clinical Faculty in the Department of Engineering Education and the Director of the Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors program at The Ohio State University, was made a Fellow Member of the American Society for Engineering Education on March 26, 2018. Rick has served the First-Year Program Division for many years, including being the FPD Program Chair for the 2011 Annual Conference and Division Chair in 2011-2012.

The Grade of Fellow in the ASEE is an unusual professional distinction awarded for ASEE members with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in engineering or engineering technology education, in addition to ASEE contributions. To gain this distinction Dr. Freuler was nominated by his fellow members and evaluated by the ASEE Fellow Member Committee. Dr. Freuler will be honored in the upcoming 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. The presentation of the ASEE national awards will occur at the Annual Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, June 27th in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Please join the First-Year Programs Division in congratulating Rick on his achievement.

  1. FPD Social at ASEE 2018 Reminder

 What:  First-Year Programs Division Dinner & Social

Where:  Warnock Engineering Building – Atrium, The University of Utah (bus transportation provided to / from the conference center)

When:  Tuesday, June 26th 6:30 pm

Cost:  $30 in advance / $40 on site

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Rich Whalen, at: R.Whalen@northeastern.edu – please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”. FPD notes are published at the end of each month.

FPD Notes for April 2018

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. First-year Engineering Experience Conference Reminder
  2. Questionnaire Request: First-Year Engineering Academic Advising
  3. FPD Social at ASEE 2018 and Other Reminders
  4. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. First-year Engineering Experience Call for Papers

FYEE 2018 will happen at Rowan University July 24- 26, 2018.  See https://sites.asee.org/fpd/fyee/  for additional details.

  1. Questionnaire Request: First-Year Engineering Academic Advising

Greetings from Virginia Tech!

My name is Marlena Lester and I am the Director of Advising for the Department of Engineering Education (First-Year Engineering) in the College of Engineering.  I am also a PhD candidate in the Higher Education program.

I am in the preliminary phases of scoping my dissertation topic and have developed a short questionnaire that will examine various aspects of academic advising within first-year engineering programs and would greatly appreciate my fellow first-year engineering colleague’s participation.

The questionnaire should take only 10 minutes to complete.  You can access the questionnaire from any internet-connected computer by clicking below:


Participation is voluntary and confidential. If you have any issues accessing the questionnaire, or have any questions, please let me know. I really appreciate your willingness to consider participating in this phase of my study.

Thank you!


Marlena B. McGlothlin Lester
Director of Advising
Department of Engineering Education (MC 0218)
325 Goodwin Hall, Virginia Tech
635 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA  24061

  1. FPD Social at ASEE 2018 and Other Reminders

 What:  First-Year Programs Division Dinner & Social

Where:  Warnock Engineering Building – Atrium, The University of Utah (bus transportation provided to / from the conference center)

When:  Tuesday, June 26th 6:30 pm

Cost:  $30 in advance / $40 on site

Other reminders for authors:

  • Final upload deadline: April 30, 2018
  • Finalize paper deadline: April 30, 2018

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Rich Whalen, at: R.Whalen@northeastern.edu – please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”. FPD notes are published at the end of each month.

FPD Notes for January 2018

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. College of Engineering at Michigan State University –Position Posting
  2. First-year Engineering Experience Call for Papers
  3. Partnering with Institutions on a Vision for Engineering Transfer Student Success (PIVETS2)
  4. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. College of Engineering at Michigan State University –Position Posting


Position Summary:  The College of Engineering at Michigan State University is seeking a candidate for a three-year, fixed-term teaching specialist position to support instruction in our first-year program, the CoRe Experience. Candidates are expected to have the capacity to teach introductory engineering design and computing. Significant laboratory and lecture course instruction are expected. Additional details about the MSU teaching specialist position may be found at https://www.hr.msu.edu/policies-procedures/faculty-academic-staff/academic-specialist-handbook/index.html

Minimum Requirements:  Qualified candidates will have a master’s degree in an engineering discipline with significant industrial or educational experience in engineering or a doctoral degree in engineering or engineering education with experience in engineering design and computation. A demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level is also expected.

Desired Qualifications:  Preference will be given to candidates who excel in engineering globalization, systems analysis and sustainable system management. A strong academic or industrial background in engineering design and computation. Experience with MATLAB or other structured programming.  Consideration will also be given to candidates whose experiences prepare them to contribute to MSU’s commitment to inclusion and diversity.

Required Application Materials:  Cover Letter, CV, Statement on Teaching and Learning Philosophy

  1. First-year Engineering Experience Call for Papers

FYEE 2018 will happen at Rowan University July 24- 26, 2018.  Full paper abstracts and workshop proposals are due February 19, 2018.  See https://sites.asee.org/fpd/fyee/  for additional details.

  1. Partnering with Institutions on a Vision for Engineering Transfer Student Success (PIVETS2)  

The Call for Abstracts is OPEN for the second annual Partnering with Institutions on a Vision for Engineering Transfer Student Success (PIVETS2) conference on April 4-6, 2018, in College Station, Texas.

Abstracts addressing the following subjects can be submitted to pivets2.tamu.edu through January 31, 2018:​

  • Academic-Industry Partnerships
  • Advising Transfer Students
  • Co-enrollment Programs
  • Experiential and Immersive Experiences
  • Orientation Programs
  • Research on Transfer and Transition
  • Serving Underrepresented Populations​​

Authors of abstracts accepted for conference presentation will be notified by February 16, 2018.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Rich Whalen, at: R.Whalen@northeastern.edu – please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”. FPD notes are published at the end of each month.

FPD Notes for Novemeber 2017

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. FPD Call for Papers: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) Conference
  2. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference Draft Paper Submissions Reminder
  4. Michigan State First-Year Engineering Teaching Position
  5. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. FPD Call for Papers: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) Conference

Dear Colleagues:

For the first time in its 15 year history, the Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) Conference will be held in the United States, at the Henry M, Rowan College of Engineering, Rowan University (Glassboro, NJ) June 3-6, 2018. The Conference theme is “Creating the Holistic Engineer” and it is co-sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Our keynote speakers are Dr. Domenico Grasso, Provost of the University of Delaware and author of the book Holistic Engineering Education: Beyond Technology (Springer 2010) and Dr. Stephanie Farrell, Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Experiential Engineering Education at Rowan University and President-Elect of the ASEE.

This exciting and prestigious event brings together some of the world’s leading experts in sustainability, engineering education, and environmental stewardship.  We are presently welcoming abstract submissions form a broad and diverse network of academic disciplines. To learn more about the conference and to submit your abstract, please visit  http://eesd2018.org/

Best regards,
Mariano J. Savelski, Ph.D.
EESD2018 Conference Coordinator
Professor and Department Head of Chemical Engineering
Rowan University

  1. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference Draft Paper Submissions

Kerry Meyers, our current program chair, would like to remind you that draft paper submissions are due on February 5th.  Be on the lookout for Abstract acceptance coming out soon! Please contact Kerry if you at kmeyers1@nd.edu if you have questions.


The 2018 Institute on Project-Based Learning (PBL), http://wp.wpi.edu/projectbasedlearning/2018-institute/ , will be held June 20-23, 2018, at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Massachusetts.  Run by WPI in partnership with the Association of American Colleges & Universities, the Institute draws on more than 40 years of experience integrating project-based initiatives into undergraduate education, with a particular emphasis on community-based problem-solving.

This 2.5-day intensive workshop brings together teams of five or more faculty and administrators from colleges and universities to gain knowledge about project-based learning and make tangible progress to integrate PBL into their own curricula. The Institute includes a mix of interactive workshops, consultation with experts, and collaborative teamwork.  Participants come to the Institute with a specific goal or project they would like to advance and leave with an enhanced understanding of PBL and a tailored plan to advance work on their own campuses as well as materials and examples.  See http://wpi.today/umbc-impact-16 to learn more about how the Institute assisted the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County to advance initiatives on their campus.

Who Should Attend:  The Institute is designed for faculty and administrators from a wide variety of institutions, including public, private, STEM, liberal arts, community colleges, and research universities, who are interested advancing project-based learning in their curricula.

Application Guidelines:  Institute applicants are asked to propose a goal or a specific project they want to address.  Applications will be judged on the extent to which the team is likely to benefit from the Institute and advance its project-based learning initiatives. To learn more about the application process, visit http://wp.wpi.edu/projectbasedlearning/2018-institute/apply/

If you have questions, please visit http://wp.wpi.edu/projectbasedlearning/contact/

Richard Vaz
Director, Center for Project-Based Learning
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, MA  01609
+1 508 831-5344

  1. Michigan State First-Year Engineering Teaching Position

The College of Engineering at Michigan State University is seeking a candidate for a three-year, fixed-term teaching specialist position to support instruction in our first-year program, the CoRe Experience. Candidates are expected to have the capacity to teach introductory engineering design and computing. Significant laboratory and lecture course instruction are expected. Additional details about the MSU teaching specialist position may be found at https://www.hr.msu.edu/policies-procedures/faculty-academic-staff/academic-specialist-handbook/index.html

Minimum Requirements:  Qualified candidates will have a master’s degree in an engineering discipline with significant industrial or educational experience in engineering or a doctoral degree in engineering or engineering education with experience in engineering design and computation. A demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level is also expected.

Desired Qualifications:  Preference will be given to candidates who excel in engineering globalization, systems analysis and sustainable system management. A strong academic or industrial background in engineering design and computation. Experience with MATLAB or other structured programming.  Consideration will also be given to candidates whose experiences prepare them to contribute to MSU’s commitment to inclusion and diversity.

Required Application Materials:  Cover Letter, CV, Statement on Teaching and Learning Philosophy

To apply, visit: http://careers.msu.edu/cw/en-us/job/498104/specialist-teacherfixed-term

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD Newsletter Editor, Rich Whalen, at: R.Whalen@northeastern.edu – please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”. FPD Notes are published at the end of each month.

FPD Notes for August 2017

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. FPD Call for Papers: 2018 ASEE Annual Conference
  2. Call for Hosting Future First-Year Engineering Experience Conferences
  3. FPD Member Profile: Kerry Meyers
  4. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes – NOTE NEW ADDRESS!

  1. FPD Call for Papers: 2018 ASEE Annual Conference

The First-Year Programs Division cordially invites abstracts for papers to the presented at the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference, which will be held June 24-27 in Salt Lake City.  Abstract submissions will open on September 5, 2017 and are due by October 16, 2017. Details regarding the process, topics of interest, and types of submissions can be found in the division’s Call for Papers, which can be accessed via the following link: ASEE 2018 Call for Papers.

  1. Call for Hosting Future First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conferences

The steering committee for the First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference is requesting proposals to host future FYEE conferences.  The FYEE Conference is sponsored by the First-Year Programs Division (FPD) of ASEE.  It is a specialty conference intended to enable attendees to network with colleagues on matters associated with an engineering student’s first-year experience in higher education.   We are presently recruiting hosts for the 2019, 2020 and 2021 conferences. The deadline for the receipt of proposals is 5:00 pm Eastern DST, September 29, 2017.  Information on the expectations of conference hosts and preparing a proposal can be found in the links below:

Review the FYEE Host Proposal Guidelines and submit a FYEE Host Proposal Form. Here is the link to submit your proposal: Proposal Submissions.

As indicated in the document describing the proposal process, the general chair of a conference will ultimately be required to propose a cost neutral budget. Therefore, the general chair will be expected to find appropriate university and corporate sponsorship for any conferences expenses not covered by registration and exhibitor fees or sponsorships.

Questions regarding hosting the conference can be addressed any member of the FYEE Steering Committee.  Several members have experience hosting previous FYEE conferences.

We encourage you to visit the FYEE website: http://fyee.asee.org/FYEE2017/ to learn more about the conference, which was hosted by Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL this year.  Plans are currently underway for the 2018 FYEE Conference which will be hosted by Rowan University, near Philadelphia, in early August 2018.

We look forward to hearing from you.  Feel free to share this announcement with others.  Please forgive any duplicate emails you may have received if you have recently attended the conference.


The FYEE Steering Committee:

  1. FPD Member Profile: Kerry Meyers


Dr. Kerry L. Meyers is Assistant Dean for Student Development at the University of Notre Dame where she teaches in the First-Year Engineering Program.  She is also the Director of the Women in Engineering program working with women faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students.  Her primary research interest is focused on engineering major selection and also does work in assessment of engineering educational initiatives.  She has been involved with ASEE and First-Year Programs since 2005, and is Program Chair for the division for the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference in Salt Lake City.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes – NOTE NEW ADDRESS!

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to our newsletter editor, Rich Whalen, at: R.Whalen@northeastern.edu – please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

FPD Notes for July 2017

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. FPD Award Winners from the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference
  2. Call for Participation: First-Year Engineering Experience Conference
  3. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. FPD AWARD WINNERS FROM THE 2017 ASEE Annual Conference

2017 Best Paper Awards

  • First Place:  “Incorporation of Ethics and Societal Impact Issues into First Year Engineering Courses: Results of a National Survey” by Angela R Bielefeldt, Madeline Polmear, Daniel Knight, Nathan E Canney, and Chris Swan.
  • Second Place: “Integrating Theory and Hands-On Practice Using Underwater Robotics in a Multidisciplinary Introductory Engineering Course” by Nancy K Lape, Lori Bassman, Christopher Clark, Albert Dato, Angela Lee, Matthew Spencer, Erik Spjut, and Laura Palucki Blake.
  • Finalists (in alphabetical order):
    • “Are Students Overworked? – Understanding the Workload Experience and Realities of First-year Engineering” by Darlee Gerrard, Kirstin Newfield, Narges Balouchestani Asli, and Chirag Variawa.
    • “Creating a Psychological Profile of Successful First-Year Engineering Students” by Danielle D Gagne, Bethany C. Johnson, and Steven M. Pilgrim.
    • “Development and Application of a Questionnaire to Measure Student Attitudes Toward and Understanding of Engineering” by Jan DeWaters, John C. Moosbrugger, and Pankaj Sharma.

Best Paper Award Winners

2017 Best Presentation Award

  • “Integrating Theory and Hands-On Practice Using Underwater Robotics in a Multidisciplinary Introductory Engineering Course” by Nancy K. Lape, Lori Bassman, Christopher Clark, Albert Dato, Angela Lee, Matthew Spencer, Erik Spjut, and Laura Palucki Blake. Presented by Nancy Lape.

2017 Best Student Presentation Award

Congratulations to all of our 2017 winners!



9th Annual First Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)

Conference hosted by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida

August 6 – August 8, 2017

Conference Overview:

Over 200 academic and industry representatives are expected at this meeting to discuss and share relevant topics on the first-year engineering experience. Participants include college deans, department chairs, student service professionals, advisors, faculty in engineering and engineering technology, K-12 teachers, and industry leaders from across the country. Participants of FYEE come together to share and expand their knowledge and discuss a wide range of topics related to the first-year engineering experience. Please consider attending and participating in this conference.

Kicking off the conference will be a keynote address from Kenneth Reid, Assistant Department Head for Undergraduate Programs and Associate Professor, Engineering Education, Virginia Tech.  Before joining the faculty at Virginia Tech, Ken was the founding director of the B.S. in Engineering Education program at Ohio Northern University. He was also responsible for developing a classification scheme for “Introduction to Engineering Courses”, the author of multiple textbooks, and the recipient of a 2013 IEEE-USA Professional Achievement Award.

Workshops and paper presentations will be conducted on the following topics of interest related to First-Year Engineering:

  • Instruction/Pedagogy (e.g., curriculum design, ABET accreditation requirements and assessments, peer mentoring/teaching programs
  • Student Success/Development (e.g., learning communities, development models and what best procedures can be used to promote the professional development of the first-year student)
  • Academic & Career Advising (e.g. exploring engineering, understanding today’s student, students on non-traditional pathways and advising students on probation)
  • First Year Student Orientation
  • Enrollment Management
  • Service Learning in the first year and beyond
  • Current technologies and their impact/use for first year students (including Hardware/Software/Product demo and use)
  • Maker Spaces
  • Engineering Education Research as it applies to the first-year experience
  • The Link Between K-12 and First-Year Engineering
  • Other topics that address issues in education

Registration Timeline:

  • Early Bird Registration ends July 14, 2017: $275
  • Regular Registration July 15, 2017 – August 5, 2017: $325
  • On-site Registration after August 6, 2017: $375

To Register Click Here

Note: Registration is handled through ASEE website.  You don’t have to be an ASEE member to register for FYEE.

Conference details, registration information, and hotel information can be found at: http://fyee.asee.org/FYEE2017/

Conference General Chair: Matthew Verleger – verlegem@erau.edu

Conference Program Chair: Tim Hinds – hinds@egr.msu.edu

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to John Estell at: j-estell@onu.edu – please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.

This year at the ASEE Annual Conference:

Postcard Sessions Offer a New Means for Work-In-Progress Paper Presentations

The Ohio State University Hosts the First First-Year Programs Division Annual Dinner and Social