FPD Notes for May 2019

“Your Connection with the First-Year Programs Division of ASEE”


  1. ASEE 2019: Technical sessions and business meeting
  2. ASEE 2019: Division social!
  3. FYEE Conference Registration Now Open
  4. FYEE Steering Committee Membership – Seeking Nominees
  5. Seeking Host for FYEE 2022 and 2023
  6. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division
  7. Position Announcement: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  8. Position Announcement: Virginia Tech
  9. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

  1. ASEE 2019: Technical sessions and business meeting

– Technical Sessions:

The First Year Programs Division has an exciting ASEE 2019 schedule which includes 76 papers displayed throughout these sessions:

Sunday June 16

  • 1:15p – 2:45p: Opening Session

Monday June 17

  • 11:30a – 1:00p: ‘Best of FPD’ Paper Session
  • 1:30p – 3:00p: Two Concurrent Technical Sessions
  • 3:15p – 4:45p: Technical Session

Tuesday June 18

  • 8:00a – 9:30a: Three Technical Sessions, one co-sponsored with Pre-College Engineering Education Division
  • 11:30a – 1:00p: Poster Session
  • 1:30p – 3:00p: Two Technical Sessions
  • 3:15p – 4:45p: Two ‘Postcard’ Technical Sessions

Wednesday June 19

  • 8:00a – 9:30a: Two Technical Sessions, one co-sponsored with Mathematics Division
  • 11:30a – 1:00p: Technical Session co-sponsored with Multidisciplinary Engineering Division
  • 11:30a – 1:00p: Wrap-up Session

– FPD Business Meeting:

If you are an FPD member or are interested in becoming an FPD member, please join us for our Business Meeting on Tuesday June 18 at 5pm. The membership will get updates from the FPD Board, hear updates from our FYEE conference committee, and vote on upcoming officers for the division.

  1. ASEE 2019: Division social!

We are excited to hold our 3rd annual FPD Division Social at Jackson’s Bistro Bar & Sushi on Tuesday June 18 at 7pm! Join us at the social and get to know some of the other division members as we enjoy dinner and beverage in a private room (Backjack’s Lounge) at the restaurant. Early registration is $35, on-site registration is $40. All are welcome, we look forward to seeing you there!

  1. FYEE Conference Registration Now Open

As you are making your summer plans, don’t forget to include the First Year Engineering Experience Conference sponsored by FPD. The 2019 conference will take place July 28-30 at Penn State in University Park PA. This year the conference will have a special focus on Diversity and Inclusion; keynote speakers are Dr. Justin Schwartz, Dean of the Penn State College of Engineering and Dr. Walter Lee, Virginia Tech. Early registration closes July 5. Group rates at the Penn Stater Hotel are available through June 26th. Additional information is available on the conference website https://sites.asee.org/fyee/. Make plans to join us for this fun and fruitful conference focused on First Year Engineering Students and Programs!

  1. FYEE Steering Committee Membership – Seeking Nominees

The FYEE Steering Committee is a group of six individuals, appointed by the FPD Executive Board, to maintain a strategic vision for the FYEE conference, select conference sites and chairs, work with each year’s conference committee to develop the conference program, and approve the conference budget. The Steering Committee is required to meet face-to-face at least once a year, either at ASEE or at FYEE. The committee also meets via conference call and communicates via email regularly throughout the year. Steering Committee members are expected to attend FYEE. Steering Committee members serve a three year term, with two members rotating off the committee each year.

If you would like to be nominated to serve on the FYEE Steering Committee, please email Mara Knott (knott@vt.edu) by May 30, providing a BRIEF response to the prompts below

  • Please describe your past involvement with FYEE. (Have you attended?  What years?  Have you presented?  Have you reviewed papers?)
  • Why do you want to serve on the FYEE Steering Committee and what strengths would you bring to the committee?

  1. Seeking host for FYEE 2022 and 2023

Interested in hosting the First Year Engineering Experiences (FYEE) Conference?  This is a great chance to showcase your institution’s first-year program. The call for hosts for 2022 and 2023 is now open on the FYEE website. If you are interested, please review the Host Proposal Guidelines and prepare a Host Proposal Form. Submit your proposal here by May 30, 2019.

  1. Service Opportunities with the First-Year Programs Division

If you are interested in getting involved with the leadership of the First-Year Programs Division, please contact John K. Estell (FPD Nominating Committee Chair, j-estell@onu.edu) no later than Friday, May 31. Please include the following information:

  • Name:
  • Desired position(s):
  • Affiliation/Title/Department:
  • Title and year of last paper presented at a FPD-sponsored session:

This year we will be electing individuals for the following Executive Board Positions:

1)            Secretary (1)

2)            Treasurer (1)

3)            Executive Board Members-at-Large (2)

4)            FYEE Program Chair Elect – for FYEE 2021 at the University of Maryland (1)

  1. Position Announcement: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Engineering Fundamentals Department:

The Engineering Fundamentals Department in the College of Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida is seeking to fill a non-tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level. The department seeks a candidate who can add to the department’s expertise in engineering education pedagogy and its leadership in teaching within the College of Engineering.

Candidates must hold a master’s degree in engineering or a related field. They must be capable of teaching one or more first or second year general engineering courses, specifically Engineering Design, Introductory Computer Programming (i.e., MATLAB), Engineering Graphics (i.e., CATIA), Statics, or Dynamics. Preference will be given to candidates who have teaching experience in these courses. Candidates with terminal degrees in engineering, engineering education, or related fields are also eligible to apply.

To apply, please visit http://careers.erau.edu and click on the Career Search tab (Position ID: 190310). Review of applications will begin on May 20th, 2019, and will continue until the position is filled. The target starting date is August 2019 with the option to delay until January 2020 if necessary. ERAU is an AA/EEO employer. Inquiries about the position can be directed to either Dr. Matthew Verleger, search committee chair, via email at mverlegem@erau.edu, or Dr. Heidi M. Steinhauer, Department Chair, via email at msteinhah@erau.edu.

  1. Position Announcement: Virginia Tech

Instructor, Engineering Education:

The Department of Engineering Education (EngE) at Virginia Tech is seeking applicants for Instructors in General Engineering. Applications are invited from individuals dedicated to undergraduate teaching and student engagement. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in teaching courses in engineering application of software tools (including CAD, computational programming, and/or data acquisition) and/or experience in teaching problem solving, design, and professionalism at the undergraduate level. Our Instructors will work closely in a teaching team environment, and have an openness to interactive pedagogies. The opening is for one or more non-tenure track restricted faculty positions at the rank of Instructor. Responsibilities will include teaching of up to 12 credit hours per semester in general engineering or an equivalent combination of teaching and course development. Opportunities for supplemental summer teaching assignments are possible.

Qualifications required for this position include an M.S. in an engineering or related field. The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills and a demonstrated ability to effectively teach engineering courses at the undergraduate level.

Review of applications will begin May 24, 2019. The start date for the position(s) is August 10, 2019.

Apply online at http://jobs.vt.edu to posting number TR0190053.

  1. Instructions for Submitting Announcements for FPD Notes

Submissions for the next issue of FPD Notes can be sent to the FPD newsletter editor, Joshua Hertz, at: j.hertz@neu.edu. Please use the subject line “FPD Notes Submission”.