Multiple Engineering Faculty and Program Manager Positions

Greenway Center for Equity and Sustainability

Deadline: Rolling

Greenway Institute is pleased to invite qualified applicants to join the founding faculty team at our innovation campus. Faculty will develop, pilot and teach our innovative 100% hands-on, project-based, lecture-free engineering modules and programs. Faculty members will work with our team to collaboratively develop our sustainable engineering courses and programs, assess student mastery of target outcomes, and support the development of a collaborative and inclusive culture on campus. Applicants should be organized, self-motivated, and able to manage multiple concurrent tasks. All candidates must have solid engineering and communications skills.

Greenway Institute also seeks an individual to work with the founding team to support our hands-on project-based engineering program. Work includes collaborative development of our engineering projects and mastery learning outcomes, development of connected engineering education materials (written and video based), design and development of sustainability and educational facilities, technical and budgetary calculations, and a variety of other tasks related to starting and operating the Center and educational programs. The individual should be organized, self- motivated, able to work on and manage multiple concurrent tasks. The right candidate will have solid engineering and communications skills.–9L0wQg9q_ZKf64iANtnd3kc6c/edit?usp=sharing