WIED Elections 2023

We are pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for the WIED Executive Board.  If you’ve thought about getting involved, now is a great time!!

All WIED members are welcome to participate on the board. The benefits of serving as a board member include:
– Networking
– Visibility in the profession
– Opportunity to engage with a dynamic group of other board members
– Leadership development
– Mentoring
– Developing an understanding of how ASEE works
– Helping to advance women in engineering

The WIED Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for four positions. Members may nominate friends and colleagues (with the friend/colleague’s consent) or may self-nominate. All nominees must be dues-paying ASEE members and must be an active
member of ASEE at the time of nomination. The positions and their responsibilities are described below.

To nominate yourself or a colleague for one of these positions, please email Jenahvive Morgan (jenahviv@msu.edu). The email should indicate the nominee’s name, affiliation and the position in which s/he is interested. Please include a brief bio (150-200 words) to be used on the WIED election page for membership voting purposes.

Questions about the positions and their duties may be directed to Jenahvive Morgan (jenahviv@msu.edu) or to the person currently filling the position. All nominations and bios must be received by no later than March 15, 2023. 


Director: Awards
Director: Positions
Director: At Large

Treasurer maintains the financial records of the organization. As such, s/he is responsible for creating and presenting financial reports for the Executive Board throughout the year, and to the general membership at the Annual Business Meeting. The treasurer is responsible for keeping track of all income and expenses for WIED. This position is a 2-year term. CURRENT: Lily Wang (lilywang@unl.edu)

Director: Awards is the Chair of the WIED Awards Committee. As such, s/he is responsible for (1) constituting the awards committee composed of at least 4 WIED members, (2) coordinating the process for selection of the Best Paper Award based on information provided by the Program Chair and providing this information to the Program Chair. This position has a 2-year term. CURRENT: Jessica Perez (joperez@cpp.edu)

Director: Positions forms a Nominating Committee whose responsibility is to: (1) solicit nominations for the open Officer and Director positions from the WIED membership, (2) prepare a ballot to be distributed to WIED members. The Director: Positions conducts
the election and notifies the Division Chair and all of the candidates of the results. This position has a 2-year term. CURRENT: Jenahvive Morgan (jenahviv@msu.edu)

Director: At Large – Those elected to these positions are assigned duties by the Division Chair, usually to work on standing or ad hoc committees of the WIED. This position has a 2-year term. CURRENT: Lily Wang (lilywang@unl.edu)

Thanks for considering submitting a nomination.

Engineering PLUS stEm PEER (Practitioners Enhancing Engineering Regionally) Academy

Application Deadline: March 20, 2023


stEm PEERs will engage in a 2-year professional development and research experience to support the design and implementation of an engineering-focused Implementation Project at their home institutions, with the institution’s support. PEERs will have the opportunity to learn and engage with program experts, researchers and practitioners. Throughout the 2-year engagement, participants will deepen their knowledge and understanding of the challenges and successful strategies guiding the transformation of our national Engineering landscape. PEERs will utilize data and assessment to inform not only their specific implementation project but also to support their synergistic program efforts at their respective institutions and beyond. PEERs will also be guided and supported to submit project outcomes as publications to LSAMP, ASEE and/or the National INCLUDES Network to inform future broadening participation collaborations. PEERs will launch a growing national community of engineering education equity leaders.

Additionally, each program participant will receive a $1,000 stipend to support their participation and continued engagement in this effort. We are seeking mid-career education professionals with a minimum of five years of related experience.

The stEm PEER Academy will investigate the following topics:

  • Understanding the Engineering Education Pathway Landscape with emphasis on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Models and interventions that work for women and BIPOC students to enroll and facilitate degree attainment
  • Building partnerships/engagement of stakeholders
  • Planning, implementing and assessing, and scaling the Implementation Project

Key Dates for Applications:
Open: December 1, 2022
Deadline: March 20, 2023
Notification: Accepted applicants will be notified no later than April 10th, 2023

2023 Institute:
Orientation: Attend a virtual Orientation, Tuesday April 18th, 2023.
Institute: 10-1pm ET on May 23, May 24, May 30, May 31, June 6, June 7
Monthly: Attend virtual ½ day sessions and complete program updates (July 2023 – May 2024)

For additional information please contact Claire Duggan, c.duggan@northeastern.edu

The Edge: Fostering Inclusion & Belonging For All

Through 2023, The Lokhorst Group is releasing information and publications related to inclusion and belonging in engineering education and the engineering workplace. The publication is “The Edge”, a new book in progress. You are free to review and incorporate these resources at your pace.

The Edge:
Elevating diversity, belonging and inclusion by inspiring a new way of creating knowledge that is transformational, motivational and authentic.

About Katherina:
Dr. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (hon) an award-winning social science researcher and educator in mechanical engineering at the University of British Columbia, is a passionate leader in self-regulation and policy. Katherina’s technical specializations include aircraft design, manufacturing processes and project management. Dedicated to creating an increasingly inclusive culture in engineering, Katherina applies her mastery of
interdisciplinary studies by developing policies and delivering courses that instil learners at all levels with a deep understanding of the impact of technology on society and a passion
to make the world a better place for all.

The Edge