Upcoming Workshop: “How to Engineer Engineering Education”


Dr. Michael Prince and a team of collaborators will offer the long-standing teaching workshop, “How to Engineer Engineering Education”, at Bucknell University from July 10-12, 2024. The workshop is designed to introduce both new and more experienced instructors to practical instructional design for STEM faculty. The program prepares instructors to adopt research-based practices that increase student engagement and learning. This workshop has been offered for over 20 years and has received overwhelming positive reviews. The registration fee is $900 per participant, which covers workshop attendance, participant notebooks, meals and refreshment breaks. There is a group discount for bringing larger teams from the same institution. Further details about the workshop program and a link to register can be found at https://www.bucknell.edu/academics/college-engineering/signature-engineering-programs/project-catalyst-how-engineer-engineering-education. Please contact Michael Prince at prince@bucknell.edu with any questions.

GMiS Inclusive STEMM Excellence Institute – July 1-3, Washington, DC


In a time of social, political, and legal challenge, Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) sees a need to support educators and policymakers in STEMM and beyond in their efforts to be inclusive in their teaching while addressing the learning losses exacerbated by COVID. Therefore, we are hosting the Inclusive STEMM Excellence Institute, July 1-3, 2024 in Washington, DC with the following broad aims:

  • Provide educators and their constituents with the tools to promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA) in various settings for various populations within an increasingly hostile social/political/legal environment.
  • Provide policymakers with tools for making a continuing case for DEIA efforts and encourage their support of classroom teachers to engage in such efforts
  • Provide educators and policymakers opportunities to network with peers, knowledgeable subject matter experts, and resource providers in order to enhance STEMM learning environments.

FIE 2024 Call for Reviewers


The 2024 Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference will be in Washington DC this year at the Washington Hilton from October 13 to 16, 2024. The Technical Program Chairs invite you to serve as a reviewer for the conference. Reviewers play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and integrity of our conference proceedings. Your expertise, time, and dedication are essential in maintaining the high standards of FIE and our academic community.

By volunteering to be an FIE Reviewer, you:
• Contribute to the advancement of scientific research;
• Have access to the latest scientific research in your area long before it is published;
• Improve your writing and that of others; and
• Become part of the community at one of the most prestigious international engineering and technology conferences.

To recognize, as well as show our appreciation for the service our reviewers provide, each reviewer will receive a Review Certificate from the 2024 FIE Conference at the completion of the review process. The certificate can serve as a tangible token of recognition and be included in reviewers’ professional portfolios, resumes, and Web of Science Review Dashboard. Knowing your vital efforts help shape the success of our conference, we thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration to serve as an FIE reviewer.

Directions to become a FIE 2024 reviewer:
1. To create an EDAS account OR login to an existing account and find your EDAS Identifier.
2. Once you have an EDAS Identifier, click link to sign-up to be a reviewer.

After completing the form in 2), you will receive an email from fie2024-chairs@edas.info (i.e., the EDAS system) with a link and instructions to setup your reviewer profile. This process is not automatic, so there may be a delay of 24-48 hours after completing the form to get the invitation.

Cohort 5 of the Cultural Competence in Computing (3C) Fellows Program


The Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing Education (AiiCE) is excited to announce applications are now open for Cohort 5 of the Cultural Competence in Computing (3C) Fellows Program. This two-year, virtual, cohort-based, professional development program helps computing and STEM faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and professionals: 1)learn more about social science topics (such as identity, intersectionality, racism, bias, and discrimination) and how these topics impact academic environments; and 2)develop sustainable projects (courses, modules, and other activities) at their home institutions that leverage these topics to foster more inclusive and equitable cultures. Guest speakers have included leading experts such as Drs. Ruha Benjamin, Safiya Noble, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Lee Baker, Sasha Costanza-Chock, Moya Bailey, Jessie Daniels, and 3C Fellows from prior cohorts.

Join a growing community of ~ 300 educators, scholars, practitioners, postdocs, and grad students who are working to change the computing and STEM landscape.

Important Notes:
• The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024. Notifications will be sent on or around the first week of April.
• This program is also open to those in STEM disciplines (e.g., math, engineering, biology, etc.). The topics discussed are not computing specific. Additionally, computing is very interdisciplinary, and since we are focused on the academic environments (and not content), then all can enjoy/benefit.
• We encourage participation in teams, as it ensures one person is not responsible for this effort (and makes it easier to sustain your deliverable).
o Please consider including Ph.D. students and postdocs in your team as well.

For questions, please contact us at identitycs@duke.edu.

CoNECD 2024 Preconference Workshops


The CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity) Conference Planning Committee invites you to engage in one of our 2024 CoNECD Pre-Conference Workshops held on Sunday February 25th. Please consider registering for one of the many options based on your interests and needs. All workshops are facilitated by experts in their respective fields. To register, go to the “Get Tickets and Build Schedule” section of your “Registration Overview” page in the CoNECD Registration Portal.

1. Developing Culturally Responsive Student Support
2. Preparing Engineers for the Workforce of the Future
3. Disability Inclusion in Academic STEM Careers
4. Designing Robust Project Evaluations
5. Creating Inclusive Undergraduate Computing Programs with NCWIT’s Tech Inclusion Journey Platform
6. Designing Your Course to Use Mastery-Based Grading

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: National Effective Teaching Institute

NETI-1, Course Design and Student Engagement, will be offered January 3-5, 2024, at the University of San Diego. Drs. Susan Lord, Matt Ohland, and Michael Prince will lead the long-standing foundational NETI-1 workshop, which has been offered since 1991. Previous NETI programs have reached over 2900 participants from more than 365 different schools. Our past participant evaluations have been overwhelmingly positive. The workshop features material for relatively new faculty members and other material designed to equip experienced faculty members to become teaching leaders and mentors on their campuses. Participants will include up to 60 faculty members from all branches of engineering, engineering technology, and other STEM areas. The registration fee is $1275 per participant, which covers organization and presentation costs, participant notebooks, lunches, and breaks. Participants also receive a copy of Felder & Brent’s Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide and the option of touring the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering. There is a discount for bringing larger teams from the same institution. Travel expenses, including breakfasts and dinners, are not included. Further details about the workshop program and a link to register can be found at https://www.neti-workshop.org/event/neti-1-course-design-and-student-engagement-1-2024/.

Recruiting Graduate Students to Develop Sociotechnical Modules for the Introduction to Circuits Course

Application Deadline: January 15, 2024


Were you bored and uninspired with the purely technical nature of your Introduction to Circuits course? Are you a graduate student interested in bringing sociotechnical issues into electrical engineering? Do you see yourself teaching circuits in the future but wanting your course to be “different”? Do you have creative ideas for connecting circuits to real world social issues? If so, please consider applying for our Sociotechnical Electrical Engineering Stars (SEES) Cohort of graduate students to learn about and design sociotechnical modules for circuits.

We were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to (1) create a series of sociotechnical modules for the Introduction to Circuits course, (2) prepare detailed teaching guides for each module to make it easy for instructors to integrate them into their courses, and (3) assess the impact of the modules on students’ sociotechnical knowledge and sense of social responsibility. To date, we have developed and piloted one module about conflict minerals tied to capacitors and another about repurposing electric vehicle batteries tied to the voltage divider.

We are currently recruiting a diverse group of at least four engineering graduate students, each having a strong connection to electrical engineering, who will join our SEES Cohort to create and test additional sociotechnical modules during Summer 2024. Each member of the SEES Cohort will receive a $2400 stipend for their participation.

The SEES Cohort will begin their work with a two-day, all-expenses-paid, in-person SEES Summit on May 23-24, 2024 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. During the summit, students will discuss the rationale behind addressing social and technical material in circuits, learn about effective course design, and brainstorm topics for sociotechnical modules. Then, over the following three months, members of the SEES Cohort will devote approximately eight hours each week, through a combination of individual and collaborative work, as they develop and refine sociotechnical modules. Finally, during the week of August 19, 2024, we will hold a one-day virtual SEES Showcase (date to be determined) for the cohort to share and discuss the developed modules.

Following the SEES Showcase, members of the cohort may continue to engage in this project in multiple ways. For instance, they could present their work at the ASEE 2025 Annual Conference (we have additional funding to support conference travel for interested members of the cohort) or they could assist with launching the modules and helping faculty learn how to implement them.

To apply for the SEES Cohort, please complete this application form which asks about your interest in the project, your career goals, your past education and experience with the Introduction to Circuits course, your availability, and demographics. We aim to recruit a diverse group of participants with a strong connection to electrical engineering who are interested in the goals of our project and available to engage throughout Summer 2024. Applications are due by January 15, 2024 with decisions announced by February 28, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Lord slord@sandiego.edu or Cindy Finelli cfinelli@umich.edu

WIED Networking/Professional Development Webinars

Stemming from discussion at the last WIED business meeting in Baltimore, WIED would like to host one or two networking/professional development webinars over the coming year to serve our members.  Please complete this short form (preferably by Wed. November 15, 2023) to share topics which interest you, and if you’d like to join a group that will organize these:  https://bit.ly/wied-webinar-ideas

Arizona State University’s Engineering Education Systems & Design PhD Program Open House

Date: October 13, 2023


The 2023 Engineering Education Systems and Design (EESD) PhD Program Open House for prospective students will be held on Friday, October 13, 2023, 1:00-3:30pm EDT. Join us to learn how you can become an exemplary scholar dedicated to transforming the engineering education ecosystem. Activities will include getting to know both ASU and the EESD program and meeting faculty and current students. Interested prospective students can use the provided link to REGISTER. Optional one-on-one faculty meetings can be scheduled thereafter. The EESD program prepares graduates for careers in higher education, science centers, government agencies, museums, policy-setting institutions, and industry. Contact Dr. Nadia Kellam (nkellam@asu.edu) and Dr. Shawn Jordan (shawn.s.jordan@asu.edu) for questions about the open house, and visit the ASU EESD PhD program website (https://poly.engineering.asu.edu/engineering/phd/) for more information about the program.

CoNECD 2024 Registration is Now Open!

Conference Dates: Feb 25-27, 2024

Crystal City Marriott – Crystal City, VA


The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity, or CoNECD is the only conference dedicated to all the diverse groups that comprise our engineering and computing workforce. The vision of the CoNECD (pronounced “connected”) Conference is to provide a forum for exploring current research and practices to enhance diversity and inclusion of all underrepresented populations in the engineering and computing professions including gender identity and expression, race and ethnicity, disability, veterans, LGBTQ+, 1st generation and socio-economic status.