Unconference Dates: June 25-26, 2025
Are you a faculty (new hire, pre-tenure, or mid-career tenured faculty), postdoc, or staff member who is primarily evaluated on your engineering education work? The PEER Collaborative is a growing community of people in similar situations who holistically mentor and support each other in their engineering education research positions as supportive colleagues and friends.
Each year, academic members who are primarily evaluated on engineering education research have been meeting to talk through our needs together in our emerging research-based discipline of engineering education. An annual workshop and unconference hosted immediately after ASEE has helped us to meet our own needs through peer and near-peer mentoring. The goals of the workshop are to:
Develop, support, and augment personally and professionally supportive networks and working relationships.
Support and be supported by peers near your same career level on different aspects of work and personal life.
Tentative PEER 2025 Schedule:
Wed., June 25, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm: Dinner (at nearby restaurants)
Thurs., June 26, 9:00 am-5:00 pm: Unconference (with lunch break, location TBD, near the Montreal Convention Centre)
PEER is unfunded and self-organized – an effort for us to build community and collaboratively work to meet our own needs. We hope that you will join us for PEER 2025!
To register: https://sites.google.com/view/peer-collaborative/register-for-2025
Our website: https://sites.google.com/view/peer-collaborative.
Please contact Corey Bowen (cbowen5@calstatela.edu) and/or Sam Hoang (shoang@seattleu.edu) with any questions or concerns you might have. See you in Montreal!