2022 Annual Conference Call for Papers, Panels, Workshops, Distinguished Speakers

All information for author submission and formatting can be found HERE

Liberal Education/Engineering & Society (LEES) Division Call for Papers

The Liberal Education/Engineering & Society (LEES) Division invites abstracts for papers and poster proposals for full sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and non-traditional session formats for the ASEE Annual Conference, June 26 – 29, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. LEES is concerned with the role of the humanities, arts, social sciences, and communication in engineering education. LEES welcomes proposals related to any of the diverse areas falling within the scope of our division. LEES members come from a diversity of experiences making a full accounting of our efforts impossible. As partial descriptors: we critically analyze the social and ethical dimensions of expertise and technoscience, build and maintain higher education programs, care for members of our communities, teach research and communication skills, act as experts outside of universities, study engineering communities, and situate engineering within larger social, historical, political, and cultural contexts. The following sections include ideas gathered from several of our members that we hope guide your consideration for the upcoming 2022 Annual Conference. Many thanks for those who have shared their insights and our communities ongoing care for our division.

Topics of Interest

Inequity, Culture, and Hegemonic Replication. What is the role of LEES members in critical interventions in a post-truth world and counter hegemonic sociotechnical institutions? How do we empower peoples of color, disabled people, LGBTQ communities, immigrants and children of immigrants beyond inadequate diversity and inclusion initiatives? We must name and then disturb the processes and people who implicitly or explicitly recreate minoritization, oppression, and exclusion. The scale of intervention can range from personal relationships to global scale, for example how can the emerging field of peace engineering better engage with the scholarship and current debates in STS, humanitarian engineering, and peacebuilding?

Praxis and empowerment. The first topic implies we can support justice and equity but we need to develop critical tools, new forms of engagement, and practice transforming ourselves. Explorations of practicing and theorizing for community organizing, reflection, dialogue, and conscientization (cf. Paolo Freire) that can help change higher educations’ structures (cf. Michael Apple) and help transform ourselves (cf. Henry Giroux) are encouraged. Please consider a variety of formats beyond papers: workshops, activities, local partnerships, and virtual engagements. Please consider incorporating standpoints from staff, students, faculty, administrators, comrades, and other kinships you live within (cf. Donna Haraway).

Deconstructing boundaries between technical and [everything else]. We obviously are not alone in rethinking what engineering if for and the artificial distinctions between social/technical, how do we help inform these discussions at different scales? Please consider building collaborations across ASEE divisions that might support our scholarship and capacity building. Several LEES members noted strong overlaps with, among others: Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering, Ethics, and Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Divisions.

Important information

The first step is submission of abstracts for papers, workshops, panels and special session requests starting on Oct 11th, 2021 and running through November 8th, 2021.

We have a wealth of incredible work developed by our own members across a spectrum of platforms, some of which can be accessed through conference proceedings and the LEES website. The officers of LEES will be working to build out a more robust communication and information sharing plan this year. In the interim, we can enable stronger support for one another while avoiding reproduction of fractured scholarship or exclusionary factions through critical reflection of existing projects and scholarship. Second, alternatives to traditional papers are encouraged and we will work to incorporate these into the peer review system, special sessions, or otherwise find a strategy of inclusion for the eventual conference. ASEE can be a bit conservative, but there isn’t a mandate to avoid alternative expressions. Here are several suggestions from our officers and members as encouragement: sessions of appreciation for those people and publications you have found personally inspiring or productive, thematic reflections/meta-analysis, poetry or spoken word, performance of papers, practicing organizing  or inclusive dialogue, or active audience participation.

We welcome submissions that address topics and questions other than those included on this CfP, but hope the information helps orient new members or those who might consider participating in our division. Information for Authors will be posted by ASEE regarding submission times and uploading material. All paper submissions are publish-to-present and will be peer reviewed by the LEES Division process after submission to ASEE’s paper management system. Abstracts should be approximately 300-500 words long and will be peer reviewed.

In addition to technical papers, we also welcome proposals for partial or complete sessions. If you are proposing a paper as part of a partial or complete session (including but not limited to the themes listed above), please inform the Program Chair, Sean Ferguson, by email at smf6p@virginia.edu. Please provide the names of all authors intended to make up this partial or complete session.