General information on Annual Conference Process

Liberal Education/Engineering & Society (LEES) Division Call for Papers

The Liberal Education/Engineering & Society (LEES) Division invites abstracts for papers and poster proposals for full sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and non-traditional session formats for the ASEE Annual Conference, June 26 – 29, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. LEES is concerned with the role of the humanities, arts, social sciences, and communication in engineering education. LEES welcomes proposals related to any of the diverse areas falling within the scope of our division. LEES members come from a diversity of experiences making a full accounting of our efforts impossible. As partial descriptors: we critically analyze the social and ethical dimensions of expertise and technoscience, build and maintain higher education programs, care for members of our communities, teach research and communication skills, act as experts outside of universities, study engineering communities, and situate engineering within larger social, historical, political, and cultural contexts.

Detailed information on prior Conferences are on subpages:






Calls typically go out in September the year before the next Annual Conference. Abstract Submissions typically are due in November.

For special sessions, workshops, and other non-manuscript related sessions there is a separate process that runs through the Program Chair.

Program Chairs will solicit requests for Distinguished Lecturers from Division members. Anyone can be invited, but they will need to have broad appeal beyond the Division. ASEE has strict limits on the number of Lecturers.

Abstract Submission Open

Workshop Application Open

Distinguished Lecture Application Open

Panel Session Application Open

Session Requests Open

Abstract Reviewer Assignment Open

Abstracts go through a peer review process. The intent is to ensure you are submitting to the optimal division, ensure alignment to our division and themes, and seek clarity/improvement as needed. This review typically occurs in November and sometimes into December.

Special sessions, workshops, etc. will go through a multi stage review starting with the Program Chair, then PIC chairs, and then ASEE staff. Program Chairs will submit all content in conversation with session sponsors.

Abstract Review Deadline

Session Request Deadline

Workshop Request Deadline

Distinguished Lecture Deadline

Panel Session Request Deadline

Acceptance of Abstracts follow peer review and any requests for improvement. Abstracts should be accepted by mid-December.

Directly following acceptance, Draft papers can be submitted for another round of peer reviews.


– Abstract Accept or Reject Notification to Author Deadline


NOTE: Papers published through LEES in the conference proceedings are typically 10-15 pages and include a substantial literature review reflecting on prior scholarship as a starting point for critique, synthesis, or lessons learned.