Navigating Slayte Paper Management System

In 2021 ASEE rolled out their new, not entirely complete, paper management system. The system will be improved, but in the meantime there are some challenges to keep in mind. The following contains basic guidance on navigating through Slayte. Known issues members have encountered and how to deal with those challenges are also included.

Submittal of Draft Papers

Here is a direct link to the official documentation and relevant text from that webpage.

  1. Log in to Slayte
  2. From the home screen navigate to the Submissions tab
  3. Select the tile (LEES division call) of where you submitted for the first phase
  4. You will be redirected to view your submission then select GO TO CALL
  5. You will be redirected to the call to select CREATE NEW SUBMISSION
  6. Fill in the form fields
  7. Once you have filled in all required* fields select FINISH.
  8. Review your submission
  9. OPTIONAL To modify your submission prior to submitting select the pencil then make necessary changes
  10. Select FINISH
  11. Select SUBMIT when ready

Navigating the process

This pdf was shared by ASEE. It contains most of the core information you need to submit your abstracts and papers: 2022-authors-kit

Requesting to be grouped with other authors

If you would like to be put into a panel with another author or group of authors, you will need to send the current Program Chair an email with the author names and contact information at a minimum. If you have the title of paper that makes it easier to search, particularly when some submit multiple papers.

Known issues

  • If you are struggling getting into Slayte or otherwise think there is a software glitch getting in the way then staff associated to ASEE’s Conference Managers can be found here: ASEE Conferences <>
  • When submitting abstracts, make sure you are careful when you select your primary and secondary Division choices. Slayte will only send the Primary Division Chairs your paper. Your secondary selection only becomes active if the Primary Division Chair transfers the paper to the secondary.
  • Abstracts submissions do not allow for including co-authors. Hopefully this will be fixed in 2023. Co-authors will be added to papers during the Draft Paper submission.
  • If you are unable to find your peer review, that is because the system does not automatically share written feedback or the ratings reviewers give. Program Chairs must individually send out the feedback through Slayte or email. You can always contact if the Program Chair has neglected this process or they are overwhelmed and have not managed to work through the 50-100 papers in sufficient time.