The Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) consists of librarians and information professionals concerned with the support of engineering education; we are involved in the provision of library services and the development of innovative approaches to networking information services. The ELD seeks to promote the inclusion and education of diverse individuals and embraces diverse ideas in engineering, engineering technology, and engineering librarianship. As an organization, ASEE has a mission to advance innovation, excellence, and access at all levels of education for the engineering profession. We are thrilled to offer a Diversity Travel Grant for the 2025 ASEE Annual Conference to support travel for a library worker or a library student from one or more underrepresented groups with interest in or commitment to engineering librarianship.
The 2025 ASEE Annual Conference will take place June 22 – 25 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The ELD Diversity Travel Grant awardee will receive $1,500 for travel costs and complimentary registration to the ASEE 2025 Annual Conference; these funds can also be used towards ASEE ELD membership.
The awardee will be offered an opportunity to present a lightning talk in the ELD Program at the conference.
If the awardee is new to the ASEE Annual Conference, a conference mentor will be available to assist in planning and orienting the winner to the ASEE and ELD programs.
The 2025 ELD Diversity Travel Grant is generously funded by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and ASEE. ELD thanks AAAS for their funding at $1500 and ASEE for conference registration support. The Diversity Travel Grant will continue to be offered as and when funding is available.
Applicants must be members of a historically underrepresented/marginalized group. Diversity encompasses visible and non-visible differences, including but not limited to, ability, age, belief system, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, race, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. We also invite applications from members of under-represented and/or marginalized groups that don’t fit into the categories listed above.
Applicants must be working in a library or be a graduate student enrolled in a library degree program by January 13, 2025.
Applicants do not need to be current ASEE ELD members, but the awardee is expected to have both ASEE and ELD membership upon receiving the grant (if they are not already a current member).
Applicants may not have been awarded a Diversity Travel Grant in the last two years.
Preference will be given to first-time conference attendees and/or new ASEE members, defined as those who have joined in the last five years.
The ELD Diversity Travel Grant may not be combined with other ELD travel, conference, and/or random draw stipends awarded for the same ASEE annual conference.
How to Apply
The grant application is available at and requires the following information:
- Name
- To be eligible, an applicant must be a member of a historically underrepresented/marginalized group. Diversity encompasses visible and non-visible differences, including but not limited to, ability, age, belief system, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, race, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. We also invite applications from members of under-represented and/or marginalized groups that don’t fit into the categories listed above. Please briefly describe how you meet the criteria above.
- Have you previously attended an ASEE annual conference?
- How many years have you been an ASEE ELD member?
- A personal statement (not to exceed 250 words) that addresses the following:
- Your commitment or interest in engineering librarianship.
- How participation in the Engineering Libraries Division of ASEE may support your goals.
- If you are currently employed, please provide your title and place of employment.
- If you are applying as a student in a library degree program, please provide enrollment verification from your program or a letter from your graduate advisor confirming your current enrollment.
Applications open on January 13, 2025 and must be submitted no later than 5 PM EDT on February 14, 2025. Grant awardee will be notified no later than March 14, 2025.
Applications are reviewed by a committee consisting of members of the ELD Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and the ELD Awards Committee.
Contact us
Questions about the grant or the application process can be directed to the review committee by emailing Lisa Ngo at