Business Meetings


The ECE Division invites all members to its Business Meeting at the ASEE Annual Conference. The 2024 ECE Business Meeting minutes are posted here and past meeting minutes are available below.

ASEE ECE Division 2024 Business Meeting Minutes Draft

Date: June 25, 2024

Time: 9:15 – 10:45 am
Location: Columbia 3, Hyatt Regency Portland (HQ Hotel)

2023-2024 Division Officers in Attendance:

Huihui Wang, Immediate Past Chair, St. Bonaventure University,
Amardeep Kaur, Chair, Southern Illinois University –
Kumar Yelamarthi, Chair-Elect and Newsletter Editor, Tennessee Tech University,
George Nasr, Program Chair, Lebanese American University,
Tooran Emami, Secretary/Treasurer, U.S. Coast Guard Academy,
S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Nominations Committee Chair, Idaho State University,

Members in Attendance:

Leonard Bohmann, Michigan Tech

Rami Haddad, Georgia Southern University

Gina Tang, Rowan University

Tyler Milburn, Virginia Tech

Kiana Karami, Penn State University

Mona Elhelbawy, University of Colorado Boulder

Baha Jassemnegad, Technical Manager at ASRC Federal

Jennifer L. Bonniwell, Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee

Aya Mouallem, Standford University

Yuting Chen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Agnieszka Miguel, Seattle University

Victoria Shao, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Doug Melton, Kern Family Foundation

Matthew Spencer,


The Division Chair opened the meeting and welcomed the members.


PIC III Chair’s Report Lynn Albers, Hofstra University, PIC III Chair:

  • Banking and Accounting Services System (BASS) Accounts:
    • BASS funds will be updated to a new account next year:
      • The total available balance is positive in FY 2024 and should be the same as what we received in March 2024. Dr. Emami confirmed that it is the same.
    • The Board is keeping track of what is owed to the divisions:
      • It is striving to pay back the BASS accounts. It must pay debts owed to external entities first. Paying back might take several years to complete.
      • At this time, if your division raises any new external funds, the funding organization must be approved by the ASEE board.
  • 2024 Annual Conference Standardized Paper Schedule:
    • Abstracts open ~September 1
    • Abstracts due October 1
    • Abstract decisions November 1
    • Draft papers due January 15
    • Draft decisions February 7
    • Revised papers due February 21
    • Revised paper decisions March 7
    • Author registration deadline/early bird registration April 7
    • Final paper upload deadline May 1
    • Dr. Kumar mentioned that the timeframe between submitting the draft paper and the decision is too short. He suggested changing the deadline to January 7 instead of January 15, and most members agreed. Dr. Albers will communicate these suggestions to the Board members.
  • 2024 PIC III Best Paper submissions received from all 11 divisions. Drs. Amardeep Kaur and Tooran Emami served as reviewers.
    • 2024 PIC III Best Paper Award: Magarian, Feiler, McGonagle, Milligan, Rokosz, Schanne, Rahaman, de Weck, “Navigating the Mystery: An Approach for Integrating Experiential Learning in Ethics into an Engineering Leadership Program,” Submitted by the Engineering Leadership Development Division.
    • 2024 Conference Best Paper Award: Lottero-Perdue, Malladi, and Headley, “Near-Peer Mentors’ Discussions with a Student Avatar Experiencing Logistical Issues on a First-Year Design Team,” Submitted by the First-Year Engineering Programs Division from PIC IV.

Approval of the 2023 Business Meeting minutes announced by Dr. A. Kaur:

  • Three amendments were made to the 2023 Business Meeting draft. The name of an attendee was written twice. The duplicate was removed. The missing name of another attendee at the 2023 meeting was added. In the other business section, “Updated ECE Division Bylaws – to be voted on at a future date.” was updated to “Updated ECE Division Bylaws were voted on and approved by the membership in September 2023”.
  • A motion made by Dr. George Nasr to approve the 2023 meeting minutes was seconded by Dr. Kumar Yelamarthi.

Election of Incoming Secretary/Treasurer by S. H. Mousavinezhad

  • Election conducted by paper ballot for Three nominees:
  • Mona ElHelbawy
  • Rami Hadddad
  • Ying (Gina) Tang
  • The election resulted in Dr. Ying (Gina) Tang being elected treasurer/secretary and membership chair for the 2023-2024 term.
  • After the election, Dr. Agnieszka Miguel commented that in the following year, all candidates should be informed about the time limit for their speeches and given the option to choose their preferred presentation mode.

Division Chair’s Report by Update on “Fast Track to IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE)”

  • A proposal about publishing the extended papers recommended by our division at the IEEE ToE special issue was submitted last year.
    • The former editor-in-chief (EIC) of the IEEE ToE has handled this proposal to the new EIC. There are challenges in implementation, including changes in officers on both sides and ASEE copyright policies.

Program Chair’s Report by Dr. G. Nasr:

  • Nasr reported on the number of abstracts, papers, reviewers, workshops, technical sessions, poster sessions, and panel discussions for 2015-2024. In 2024:
    • 129 abstracts were submitted, 69 papers were presented
    • Three-Stage Review Process:
    • Abstract Review followed by Draft 1 Review and then final Draft Review
    • 3-5 reviews assigned at every stage
    • Published Paper depended upon
      • Level of Reviews at all stages; Format, double-blind, & education related contents
    • 5 Papers per Technical Session, 11 Technical Sessions
    • 1 Poster Session
    • Most Working in Progress (WIP) Papers were assigned to the Poster Session
    • 1 Panel Session on NSF-sponsored projects in ECE Education moderated by Dr. Huihui Wang
    • Thanks to all the reviewers & awards committee for their help!

Treasurer’s Report by Dr. T. Emami:

  • Emami reported the Bass account such as:
    • BASS funds will be updated to a new account next year:
    • Any positive amount of division before December 2023 is currently unavailable.
    • The total available balance is positive in FY 2024.
    • The ECE Bass account summary is as follows:
    • The balance as of 9/30/23 is $24,647.23, which is currently unavailable.
    • ASEE’s Membership Allocation Funds for FY2024 are $623.00.
    • The balance as of 12/31/2023 is $25,081.23, which is currently unavailable.
    • Available Funds in FY2023 are -$189.00.
    • FY24 Field Unit Dues are $1,340.00, FY24 Expenses are $0.00, and the balance as of 03/31/2024 is $1,151.00, which is available.
    • The account balance trend for 2016-2023; as of now,

Presentation of ECE Division Awards:

  • 2024 Best Diversity Equity and Inclusion Paper Award: Aya Mouallem, Trisha Kulkarni, Sheri D. Sheppard, “Leveraging the CARE Methodology to Enhance Pedagogical and Institutional Support for Blind or Low-Vision (BLV) Learners in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE),” Stanford University.
  • 2024 Best ECE Division Paper: Timothy Sellers*, Tingjun Lei*, Chaomin Luo*, Zhuming Bi**, Gene Eu Jan***, “Enhancing Student Learning in Robot Path Planning Optimization through Graph-based Methods,” *Mississippi State University, **Purdue University Fort Wayne, ***Tainan National University of the Arts.
  • 2024 Distinguished Educator Award: Doug Melton, Kern Family Foundation

Other Business

  • New Business/Announcements
  • Updated ECE Division Bylaws – to be voted on at a future date.
  • Major change/addition: Service Travel Support fund (item M) pending approval from the ASEE board, anticipated approval at the ASEE 2025 Annual Meeting.

Future Conferences

  • 2025, June 22-25: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • 2026, June 21-24: Charlotte, North Carolina
  • 2027, June 20-23: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2028, June 11-14: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Meeting adjourned 10:50 am on June 25, 2024

Past ECE Division business meeting minutes are available:

2023 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2022 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2021 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2020 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2019 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2018 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2017 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2016 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2015 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2014 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2013 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2011 Minutes ECE Business Meeting

2010 Minutes ECE Business Meeting