
The leadership team of the ECE Division consists of elected ofasee-ece2-e1435188907305ficers and appointed officers. The elected officers are the Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. The ECE Division holds a yearly election at its business meeting at the ASEE Annual Conference for the position of Secretary/Treasurer. A call for the nomination is sent to the members of the ECE Division each year in May. The elected Secretary/Treasurer joins the officers and over the next five years will assume in succession the position of Program Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair. Appointed officers assist the elected officers in completing the business of the Division. The elected and appointed officers for 2023-2024 are:

Amardeep Kaur, Immediate Past Chair, Southern Illinois University –
Kumar Yelamarthi, Chair, Tennessee Tech University,
George Nasr, Chair-Elect and Newsletter Editor, Lebanese American University,
Tooran Emami, Program Chair, U.S. Coast Guard Academy,
Ying (Gina) Tang, Secretary/Treasurer, Rowan University,

Leonard Bohmann, Awards Co-Chair, Michigan Technological University,
Agnieszka Miguel, Awards Co-Chair, Seattle University,
S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Nominations Committee Chair, Idaho State University,
Amardeep Kaur, Webmaster, Southern Illinois University –