An Instructional Approach to Engage Children with Autism to Engineering Design

This handout provides a research-based guide for developing appropriate engineering design activities for children on the autism spectrum . It also provides some instructional strategies that educators can use to better support children with autism’s engineering engagement.

Check out the Design an Amusement Park Activity on page 2 of the handout

Courtesy of Hoda Ehsan, Georgia Tech

Teacher-led Reflection Activity

Teacher-Led Reflection Activity

In this activity, each student will be provided stickers/sticky notes (if you want to do research with this activity put a number on them), and will be prompted to individually think about up to 7 prompts about engineering. Students will place their sticker on a line somewhere between strongly disagree and strongly agree to correspond with their response to the prompt.

Download the full resource here.

Courtesy of Tawni Paradise and Malle Shilling, Virginia Tech