The purpose of this award is to honor the best new paper or non-reference monographic work in engineering information.
Award History
Established 1998.
- Single or multiple authors are eligible. Works authored by Awards Committee members are ineligible during the members’ term of service.
- Work must have been published during the year prior to the year in which the award will be made (published in 2024).
- Preprints are not eligible.
- Work should represent a significant contribution to the field of engineering information. Work should be scholarly, show evidence of thorough research, documentation, and critical evaluation. It should be clearly written and well organized.
How to Nominate
- Nominations should include justification for why the work is being nominated, how it is a significant contribution to the field of engineering information and how it adheres to the criteria listed.
- Self-nominations are allowed.
- Letters of Nomination and all required supporting documentation clearly stating why the candidate is being nominated must be received by the ASEE/ELD Awards Committee Chair by the deadline.
Past Recipients
2024: Eric Schares. “Impact of the 2022 OSTP memo: A bibliometric analysis of US federally funded publications, 2017–2021.” Quantitative Science Studies.
What stood out the most about this winner, was that members of the committee felt that the publication provided invaluable insights into the implications of the Nelson Memo. The author took the very complex challenge of understanding the scope of federally funded research articles and made it clearer and more comprehensible for us to better gauge the potential impact of this new policy framework. This was done by investigating the characteristics of these research publications over a five-year period, from 2017-2021. Committee members were impressed with the detailed methodology that the author used to quantify the volume of relevant publications within this period, and to highlight the federal funding agencies, institutions, journals and publishers responsible for producing such volume.
2023: Xiaoju (Julie) Chen, Emily Dommermuth, Jessica G. Benner, Rebecca Kuglitsch, Abbey B. Lewis, Matthew R. Marsteller, Katherine Mika, and Sarah Young. “Understanding Research Data Practices of Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Students.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.
The study aimed to understand how research data management (RDM) is handled by graduate students in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). As the authors state, “relatively little is known” about how graduate students specifically practice RDM, therefore this represents an important addition to the developing literature landscape. The eight-person team interviewed CEE graduate students at two institutions. Research data management is a growing area of need that many librarians are actively learning about and assisting with, and this study will provide a crucial benchmark for future researchers. The committee unanimously agreed that the paper was extremely thorough and felt that the conclusions could be applicable and beneficial to librarians working with graduate students in all areas of engineering, beyond just civil and environmental. The members of the committee overwhelmingly agreed that this article represents a significant contribution to the field of engineering information.
2022: Joshua Borycz, Alexander J. Carroll, and Honora Eskridge. “STEM Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) Tool Overlap Analysis in 2020: An Open Science Informed Approach Amid Pandemic Budgets.” Journal of eScience Librarianship.
This study aimed to compare the journal coverage of abstract and indexing tools commonly used within academic engineering and science research. Specifically, the authors analyzed the title lists of Compendex, Inspec, Reaxys, and Web of Science. The study found that there is substantial overlap between the Web of Science (the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Emerging Sources Citation Index) and the other tools. Overall, the committee felt that library collections budgets will likely continue to “feel the pinch,” especially following the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, studies like this are critical for librarians to ensure their dollars are spent wisely, especially with initiatives to make science research more openly available. It was evident that the authors were thorough in their research, and it was noted that this study could be replicated in the future if needed. While this publication focused on STEM tools and not merely engineering resources, we felt this was important due to the increasingly multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of research. The committee is confident that this publication will greatly assist libraries with their collections-related decisions now and into the future.
2021: Dr. Jacob P. Moore and Dr. Thomas L. Reinsfelder. “Current Usage Patterns of Open Educational Resources in the Engineering Mechanics Classroom and Barriers to Adoption.” Issues in Sciences and Technology Librarianship.
The members of the committee unanimously agreed that this article represents a significant contribution to the field of engineering information. This study employed a two-pronged approach to learn about the usage of open education resources (OER) in engineering. The authors analyzed both publicly available information from college and university websites as well as a survey of mechanics instructors across the US to learn about current adoption patterns of OER in engineering mechanics classrooms. Overall the committee felt that the topic of OER in engineering is popular topic in engineering education, becoming even more important due to the COVID-19 global pandemic and the move to virtual instruction and learning. In addition to the important topic covered in the article, the committee felt the research methodology utilized was notable as well. As one committee member stated, “the methodology was so clear and so succinct, it could easily be replicated.” This potential for replication is just one of the many reasons this article stood out as the clear winner for “best publication” this year.
Dr. Jacob Moore is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Penn State Mont Alto. Dr. Thomas Reinsfelder is Head Librarian also at Penn State Mont Alto.
2020: Danielle Cooper, Rebecca Springer, Jessica G. Benner, David Bloom, Erin Carrillo, Alexander Carroll, Bertha Chang, Xiaoju Chen, Erin Daix, Emily Dommermuth, Rachel Figueiredo, Jennifer Haas, Carly A. Hafner, Whitney Hayes, Angela Henshilwood, Alexandra Lyn Craig Krogman, Rebecca Zuege Kuglitsch, Sabine Lanteri, Abbey Lewis, Lisha Li, Matthew R. Marsteller, Tom Melvin, Todd Michelson-Ambelang, William H. Mischo, Colin Nickels, Virginia Pannabecker, Fred Rascoe, Mary C. Schlembach, Yi Shen, Erin M. Smith, Michelle Spence, Kris Stacy-Bates, Erin Thomas, Larry Thompson, Mindy Thuna, Christie A. Wiley, Sarah Young, and Siu Hong Yu. “Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Civil and Environmental Engineering Scholars.” Published by Ithaka S+R.
This study, which focused on the research needs of civil and environmental engineering faculty, was impressive as it collected data from eleven academic libraries in the United States and Canada. The semi-structured interview style of the study allowed key themes to be identified for each participating institution (detailed in individual site reports) where the Ithaka S+R publication provided an overall analysis of the findings. The study was described by committee members as “ground breaking” and a study that shared “tremendous insights.” One committee member specifically noted that this study will serve as a baseline for years to come. While the study focused on civil and environmental engineering specifically, it used a clear and thoughtful methodology that can be used in any area of engineering. Another committee member commented that “Ithaka S+R studies, in general, are always a welcome addition to the professional reading list.”
2019: Carmen Cole, Angela R. Davis, Vanessa Eyer, and John J. Meier. “Google Scholar’s Coverage of the Engineering Literature 10 Years Later.” Journal of Academic Librarianship. 44(3): 419-425. May, 2018.
The members of the community unanimously agreed that this article represents a significant contribution to the field of engineering information. The two strengths that were consistently mentioned were the methodology used – both its solidity and the clear documentation that will allow for future repeatability – and the fact that this study builds and expands on the findings from an earlier article by Meier and Conkling from 2008. In an era of shrinking collection budgets, the question of whether or not Google Scholar is a sufficient replacement for fee-based indexing resources becomes more pressing and studies like this help illuminate the strengths and weaknesses of Google Scholar as an alternative.
Carmen is an Information Science and Technology Research Consultant (Librarian), Angela is a Reference and Instruction Librarian, Vanessa is an Engineering Liaison Librarian, and John is a Science Librarian at The Pennsylvania State University Libraries.
2019: Jeanine M. Williamson. Teaching to Individual Differences in Science and Engineering Librarianship: Adapting Library Instruction to Learning Styles and Personality Characteristics. Chandos Publishing, 2017.
Most of the members of the committee felt that this book was a significant contribution to the field of engineering information. The strength and importance of this publication lies in its applicability to the instructional considerations of engineering librarians. Two quotes from committee members best articulate the importance and strengths of this book: “Connecting personality traits, theory, and learning models to IL in engineering education, plus survey results analysis of various situations brings new perspectives to the field of engineering information” and “Unique and probably the first of its kind which is comprehensive, thoroughly researched, with excellent examples and suggestions for self-reflection in improving instructional practices; how to make instruction, active, engaging and interactive to make it value added and meaningful for engineering students.” Overall this book presents a thoroughly researched overview of individual differences – personality traits and learning styles – and the impact and controversies associated with the influence these are believed to have on teaching and learning in science and engineering.
Jeanine is the subject librarian for Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
2018: Elizabeth A. Berman. “An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Researchers’ Data Management Practices at UVM: Integrated Findings to Develop Research Data Services.” Journal of eScience Librarianship
This article was rated as top quality by most members of the Awards committee in all areas of review, including scholarly, evidence of thorough research, documentation, and critical evaluation. It addition, this is a well designed and very well written research paper that reports the needs analysis study at the University of Vermont, which clearly finds and articulates multiple needs and expectations that have been encountered by librarians who have considered or started working with data services. While not surprising, Berman points out that the growth of library supported research data services requires “engaging with administration and faculty researchers about the role libraries can play in data management, as well as the need for collaboration with more ‘visible’ stakeholders on campus”. While the research is specific to UVM, and explicitly states there is no one size fits all solution for data services, there are many points that resonate across a variety of campuses, both large research institutions and smaller colleges.
2017: Megan Sapp Nelson. “Using Altmetrics as an Engineering Faculty Outreach Tool”, Proceedings of the ASEE 2016 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA
As one committee member stated “My top choice…mainly because our faculty members need education and instructional sessions from liaison librarians about what altmetrics is and how it can help them in scientific communication of their research worldwide quickly. Megan writes: ‘Liaisons have a unique opportunity to help faculty to tailor their energy and time usage based upon their personal goals’ and ‘Librarians can then provide advice upon the dissemination routes that have corresponding altmetrics that can demonstrate the impact of the faculty members’ alternative scholarly communication efforts.’ Megan has clearly highlighted the importance of altmetrics as a new and emerging trend in scholarly communication and it is becoming a ‘need’ for our research to learn both positive and negative aspects of it. For liaison librarians, it can be a useful opportunity to reach out among their faculty members. Clearly, this needs to be recognized. Therefore, this paper is my top priority. More researchers quickly informed about new research can even foster quick networking and connections which may ultimately speed up new research and in the process contributing to global benefits.”
Megan is a (soon-to-be) Professor of Library Sciences at Purdue University Libraries in West Lafayette Indiana.
2016: Qinqin Zhang, Maren Goodman, and Shiyi Xie. “Integrating Library Instruction into the Course Management System for a First-Year Engineering Class: An Evidence-Based Study Measuring the Effectiveness of Blended Learning on Students’ Information Literacy Levels”, College & Research Libraries, November 2015, 934-958.
The Awards Committee found that this paper stood out for several reasons. One committee member commented “This is a very relevant paper as many of us are struggling with a way to engage with undergraduate engineering students in a way that will be more engaging and also address different learning styles and preferences. Their point that blended learning modules can provide an opening to work more closely with course instructors, too, is an added benefit for moving away from a traditional lecture mode. The inclusion of the appendixes that support this work was very much appreciated, as is the extensive bibliography.” Another member concisely described the article as “Very thorough, great methodology, good literature review, availability of pre and post-test for comparison, and a very timely topic.”
Qinqin Zhang, Maren Goodman, and Shiyi Xie Qinqin Zhang and Shiyi Xie are Research and Instructional Services Librarians at the University of Western Ontario; Maren Goodman is a Clinical Librarian at London Health Sciences Centre.
2015: Fosmire, Michael and David Radcliffe. Integrating Information into the Engineering Design Process. Purdue University Press, 2014.
A librarian who nominated the book stated this about it: “[The book] has been indispensable for me this year. I am a relatively new engineering librarian and this book helped me greatly in understanding the needs of engineers when they are undertaking their capstone projects. It also was very helpful to me when preparing workshops for students. Although I’ve only had the book for less than year, it is already well worn from constantly reading and rereading it.” A member of the Award Committee commented, “I don’t know of any other book like this – I know I’ll be referring to it often in my own instruction work, and referring engineering faculty to it.”
In addition to being for sale through Purdue University Press, the book became available through Open Access in January, 2015. The book can be found on the Purdue University Press E-Books site.
2014: Kirkwood, Patricia Elaine (University of Arkansas) and Necia T. Parker-Gibson (University of Arkansas). Informing Chemical Engineering Decisions with Data, Research, and Government Resources, published by Morgan & Claypool Publishers as book #1 of the Synthesis Lectures on Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Engineering, 2013.
An Award Committee member noted, “This is an excellent resource both for librarians new to chemical/agricultural engineering and to new researchers. The case studies are excellent, with multifaceted questions – and one of them uses only free resources. The book’s focus on real-world uses for information will speak to engineers. I think its usefulness extends beyond undergraduates – it would be very helpful to newly employed engineers, and parts of it are also relevant for graduate students or faculty who are looking for ways to broaden their search habits.” Other comments were “…they made a topic that often is overlooked easy or easier to understand – chemistry & chemical engineering is often intimidating to science librarians. I think they disentangled the obvious and made research methods in those fields compelling and noting best practices.” and “As someone who is not all that familiar with chemical engineering, I can see myself coming back to this article (and recommending it to others).”
2013: Naimpally, Ashok (Fresno City College), Hema Ramachandran (California State University—Long Beach), and Caroline Smith (University of Nevada Las Vegas). Lifelong Learning for Engineers and Scientists in the Information Age, published by Elsevier.
As one nominator said in her letter of nomination, “This slim volume of just 91 pages brings into juxtaposition the goals and realities of engineering education and of teaching information literacy, marking points of logical intersection and providing suggestions for both librarians and engineering educators to take advantage of those. Engineering curricula are extensive and intense, and ABET accreditation standards require tangible evidence of a wide range of outcomes including ‘an ability to engage in lifelong learning.’ The authors of this book have mapped out both ABET criteria and ACRL information literacy standards, and have identified where definitions of lifelong learning and selected competencies in each are in concert.” “The book is deceptive in its brevity; each succinct chapter concludes with a list of references providing a wealth of further information and examples to explore.“ An Award Committee member found it “a great resource” and that it “includes great talking points for librarians to use when discussing the importance of information literacy with faculty and practicing engineers.”
2012: Carlson, Jacob, Michael Fosmire, C.C. Miller, Megan Sapp Nelson. “Determining Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study of Students and Research Faculty”. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 11(2):629-657, April 2011.
2011: Conkling, Thomas, Kevin Harwell, Cheryl McCallips, Sylvia Nyana and Bonnie Osif. “Research Material Selection in the Pre-Web and Post-Web Environments: An Interdiscplinary Study of Bibliographic Citation in Doctoral Dissertations”. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(1):20-31, Jan 2010.
2010: Lafferty, Meghan. “A Framework for Evaluating Science and Technology Electronic Reference Books: A Comparison of Five Platforms in Chemistry“. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Number 59: Fall, 2009.
2009: Meier, John and Thomas Conkling. “Google Scholar’s Coverage of the Engineering Literature: An Empirical Study“. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(3):196-201, 2008.
2008: Nelson, Megan S. “Initiating Engineering Outreach Reference Services: Background and Practice.” Reference Services Review, 35(2):265-284, 2007.
2007: Williams, Virginia Kay and Christine Lea Fletcher. “Materials Used by Master’s Students in Engineering and Implications for Collection Development: A Citation Analysis.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 45: Winter (2006).
2006: Okudan-Kremer, Gül E. and Bonnie A. Osif. “Effect of Guided Research Experience on Product Design Performance.” Journal of Engineering Education v.94, no. 2 (2005):255-262. (Access to pdf requires ASEE membership.)
2005: Tenopir, Carol, Donald W. King. Communication Patterns of Engineers. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Press ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Interscience, 2004.
2004: Oxnam, Maliaca. (2003) “The Informed Engineer.”, In: 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO, pp. F1E-5 – F1E-8, Piscataway, N.J. : IEEE.
2003: Lawal, Ibironke (Ronke). “Scholarly Communication: The Use and Non-Use of E-Print Archives for the Dissemination of Scientific Information“, Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship 36 Fall (2002).
2002: Nerz, Honora F. and Suzanne T. Weiner “Information Competencies: A Strategic Approach.” Proceedings of the ASEE 2001 Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
2001: Cohen, Ari. “ESL: Engineering Societies Library: End of a Special Library.” Science and Technology Libraries, Vol. 19 No.1 (2000).
2000: Lin, Poping. “Core Information Competencies Redefined: A Study of the Information Education of Engineers,” Leading Ideas 11, pp. 2-7.
1999: Conkling, Tom and Kelly Jordan “Enhancing NTIS Database Access at a Multi Campus University.” Science & Technology Libraries 16(2):27-35.
1998: Weiner, Suzanne. “Librarians as teaching team members in a mechanical engineering senior design course.” Science and Technology Libraries 16(1):3-10.