Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Committee Charge:

The charge for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee includes the following:

  • Promote the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Engineering Libraries Division of American Society for Engineering Education.
  • Partner with and support the work of the ASEE Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • Facilitate communication and understanding among different constituencies, and serve as a division resource.
  • Engage members to assess needs related to DEI; propose strategies for assessing progress.
  • Draft and maintain the Engineering Libraries Division Diversity Statement to identify challenges and strengths in achieving DEI goals; and make recommendations to the chair and extended executive committee regarding ways to achieve DEI goals.
  • Work with other ELD Committees to select ELD nominee for ASEE Best Diversity Paper and ELD Best DEI Paper Award (new award)
  • Select the ELD delegate to the ASEE CDEI. The Delegate shall serve a two-year term with no limitations on serving consecutive terms other than ELD DEI committee membership. The Delegate could be any of the ELD DEI committee members or the DEI Chair if no volunteers can be found. Terms of service begin and expire each year at the close of the ASEE Annual Conference (per ASEE CDEI committee structure guidelines).

Current Members:

  • Chair: Sarah Lester. 2023-2025, salester@calpoly.edu
  • Members: Kelly Giles, Christina Mayberry, Aditi Gupta, Denice Lewis, Susan Wainscott, Seth Vuletich, Ana Ren, Anamika Megwalu