Communications Committee

The ELD Communications Committee is responsible for all general communication and disseminating information related to ELD events, activities, new, etc. as needed.  This is including but not limited to ELD Newsletter, social media, and assisting other committees with sharing information.

The ELD Newsletter is a document of record for the business of the Division, reporting its annual business meeting minutes, committee reports, elections, awards, officers, committees and their members, liaisons, and member activities as appropriate.  The Newsletter is published on a regular schedule and in a timely manner, intended to efficiently advance the business of the Division.

The duties of the Newsletter Editor shall include:

  • Soliciting articles/news from officers and members, ensuring the collection of material sufficient for publishing four issues per year.
  • Producing a pdf document for each quarterly Newsletter, and submit these to the ELD Webmaster for publication on the ELD web pages.
  • Notifying the membership via the ELD-L listserv when the Newsletter is available online.

Current Members:

Current Publications: