2025 ASEE ELD Montreal Conference Stipends
The leadership of the Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) realizes that the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference is an expensive event. Registration, airline, and hotel prices continue to increase, while at the same time many university budgets supporting conference attendance remain the same or decrease.
Although conference costs may be particularly problematic for librarians who are new to the profession or who are in entry-level or near entry-level positions, conference support varies greatly between universities. Therefore, a librarian at any career stage may find it difficult to attend ASEE conferences.
With that in mind, the following sponsors stipends have generously donated funds for the ASEE ELD annual conference stipends. This chart will be updated as more stipend funds are received.
Stipend Sponsor | Need-Based Conference Stipends | Random Drawing Conference Stipends | |
IET | $850 | ||
SPIE | $1,000 | ||
McGraw-Hill | $250 | $250 | |
To apply for a 2025 ASEE ELD need-based conference stipend, please fill out the application form at ASEE ELD Need-Based Conference Stipend Application: 2025 ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal. This link will be activated on March 3, 2025.
Applications will be accepted from any ASEE ELD member that is either actively employed in a library setting or currently pursuing a graduate degree in library science as of March 1, 2025. The purpose of the need-based stipends is to enable you to join your ELD colleagues in Montreal for the ASEE annual conference.
The need-based stipends support those who have the greatest funding needs. A panel of current and/or former ELD officers will review the applications and rank them according to need.
For the panel to assess needs, applicants are asked to document their registration and travel cost information and what level of funding they expect to receive from their institutions. Please provide as much detail as possible so the panel can accurately assess the need. In the event a stipend recipient is unable to attend the conference, a stipend will be awarded to the next applicant on the needs-based ranked list.
Rules and Deadlines:
By submitting this form, you are applying for a need-based conference stipend to attend the 2025 ASEE annual conference in Montreal.
Applications will be accepted from any ASEE ELD member that is either actively employed in a library setting or currently pursuing a graduate degree in library science as of March 1, 2025. Applicants must supply ALL requested information in this form.
Applications MUST be received no later than 5 PM EDT on March 24, 2025. Initial awardees will be notified no later than April 1, 2025.
All awardees must notify ELD Secretary-Treasurer Erin Rowley at epautler@buffalo.edu and Bernadette Ewen at ewen@rose-hulman.edu within one week of receiving notification from ELD of their need-based stipend award whether they will or will not be accepting the award. If the awardee accepts the award, the awardee must also register for the 2025 ASEE annual conference and send confirmation of registration to Erin Rowley at epaulter@buffalo.edu and Bernadette Ewen at ewen@rose-hulman.edu within one week of receiving notification from ELD for the need-based stipend award. If the awardee does not contact these two ASEE ELD members and send the required 2025 ASEE annual conference registration confirmation during this time frame, the awardee forfeits the right to a stipend this year, and the stipend will be given to the next person on the need-based ranked list instead. Adherence to this timeline is necessary so that the awardees and alternates can obtain the best ASEE conference pricing.
Awards may be used ONLY to support attendance at the 2025 ASEE annual conference. If you register for the ASEE annual conference and receive a stipend, but do not attend this annual conference, you agree to reimburse ELD the full amount of the stipend.
If the conference stipends are offered in succeeding years, the following guidelines apply:
ELD has two types of stipends: random drawing and need-based. An ELD member cannot receive a need-based stipend for two years in a row, a random drawing stipend for two years in a row, or a random drawing and need-bases stipend in the same year. After receiving either type of stipend, a member is ineligible to receive that same type of stipend for the following year’s conference (e.g., the awardee of a need-based award for the 2024 annual conference is ineligible for a need-based ward for the 2025 annual meeting). However, winning a random drawing one year does not disqualify a person from receiving a need-based stipend the next year, or vice versa.
A person selected for a random drawing stipend may apply for a need-based stipend in the same conference year. If a random drawing winner applies for, and is awarded, a need-based stipend, the member will receive the stipend with the greatest value. The lesser stipend will be awarded to an alternate. A person can only receive one ELD conference stipend per conference.
Stipend awardees are required to update any changes in their contact information by emailing Bernadette Ewen at ewen@rose-hulman.edu and Erin Rowley at epaulter@buffalo.edu.
We are grateful to our sponsors and hope their generosity will enable additional ELD members to attend the 2025 ASEE annual conference in Montreal. Again, please consider applying for a stipend.
Application Form:
ASEE ELD Need-Based Conference Stipend Application: 2025 ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal
For any questions about any of the above, please contact Bernadette Ewen at ewen@rose-hulman.edu.