The Immediate Division Chair (aka Past Chair) automatically becomes the Chair of the nominating committee for one year term. The Voting Administrator serves as an ex officio member of the Nominating Committee.
The committee performs its duties according to the provisions of the ELD Bylaws, Article VII. Typically the positions to be filled are Secretary-Treasurer and one Director.
The duties of the Nominating Committee shall include:
- soliciting nominations for officer candidates, including self-nominations
- considering the current membership and determining people to ask to run for office
- preparing and announcing the slate of candidates by the established deadline
- gathering candidate statements and photographs to post on the ELD website during the election
- preparing and announcing to the division membership the availability of the ballot by the established deadline
- announcing the results of the election by the established deadline
Current Members:
- Chair: Lisa Ngo, 2024-2025,
- Former Chair: Daniela Solomon, 2023-2024,
- Members: Jodi Bolognese, Bob Heyer-Gray