
Nominations should be sent to the ELD Awards Committee Chair – Sylvia Jones ( Deadline for all nominations is February 28th, unless otherwise noted.

Self-nominations are not encouraged, unless otherwise stated.

ELD Early Career Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of ELD Members in good standing who are in the early stages of their professional career as engineering librarians. Recipients show exceptional promise of leadership and contribution to ELD and profession.

Award History

Established in 2023.


  • Nominees will have one (1) to five (5) years of professional experience as an engineering librarian/information professional and have been an ELD member for five (5) years or less.
  • The nominee may have additional experience as a librarian beyond the five (5) years, as long as it was in a different area of librarianship, as we understand that the focus of one’s career can shift over time.
  • Multiple ELD Early Career Awards may be awarded should the Awards Committee feel multiple nominees are deserving. However, no more than three (3) Early Career Awards will be awarded annually. The award will be presented annually at the conference.

How to Nominate

  • Award nominations must include the name, title, and contact information of the nominee and nominator, nomination rationale statement, and a curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • The rationale statement should not exceed 500 words and should clearly indicate why the candidate is being nominated for this award. Letters of support from individuals besides the person making the nomination may be included.
  • Nominees must be ASEE and ELD members in good standing. Nominations may be submitted by any member of the association, employer, or colleague.
  • Nominations and all supporting documents should be received by the ASEE/ELD Awards Committee Chair by the deadline.

Past Recipients

Homer I. Bernhardt Distinguished Service Award

Established in 1990. Each year at the ASEE Annual Conference, the Engineering Libraries Division presents an award that recognizes work that contributes to the advancement and development of excellence in engineering libraries.

Homer I. Bernhardt was, from 1966 until his untimely death in 1982, head of the Bevier Engineering Library at the University of Pittsburgh. Homer Bernhardt’s professional activities contributed to engineering and librarianship at Pitt and at ASEE. His commitment to the field is recognized in ELD’s decision to name its Distinguished Service Award in his memory.

Read the complete history of the Bernhardt Award.

Read Homer I. Bernhardt’s “Pitfalls of the Pitt Study” from 1979.

  • Homer I. Bernhardt, “Pitfalls of the Pitt Study,” Proceedings of the 1979 ASEE Annual Conference, Louisiana State University, June 25-28, 1979. © 1979 American Society for Engineering Education.
  • Part 1  and Part 2


  • Nominee has to have had a high level of impact in the field of Engineering Librarianship, Engineering Education, Engineering curriculum development, etc., marked by outstanding contributions, sustained achievement, and leadership.
  • Membership in ASEE is not a requirement.

How to Nominate

  • Award nominations must include the name, title, and contact information of the nominee and nominator, nomination rationale statement, and a curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • The rationale statement should not exceed 700 words and should clearly indicate why the candidate is being nominated for this award.
  • Letters of support from individuals besides the person making the nomination may be included.
  • Letters of Nomination and all required supporting documentation clearly stating why the candidate is being nominated must be received by the ASEE/ELD Awards Committee Chair by the deadline.

Past Recipients

Best Publication Award

The purpose of this award is to honor the best new paper or non-reference monographic work in engineering information.

Award History

Established 1998.


  • Single or multiple authors are eligible. Works authored by Awards Committee members are ineligible during the members’ term of service.
  • Work must have been published during the year prior to the year in which the award will be made (published in 2024).
  • Preprints are not eligible.
  • Work should represent a significant contribution to the field of engineering information. Work should be scholarly, show evidence of thorough research, documentation, and critical evaluation. It should be clearly written and well organized.

How to Nominate

  • Nominations should include justification for why the work is being nominated, how it is a significant contribution to the field of engineering information and how it adheres to the criteria listed.
  • Self-nominations are allowed.
  • Letters of Nomination and all required supporting documentation clearly stating why the candidate is being nominated must be received by the ASEE/ELD Awards Committee Chair by the deadline.

Past Recipients

Innovation in Access to Engineering Information Award

The purpose of this award is to honor innovation in access to engineering information.


  • Awarded to a person or entity for the creation of a resource, service or tool in any format that provides innovation in accessing, utilizing, or presenting engineering information. Members of the Award Committee are ineligible during the members’ term of service.
  • The resource, service or tool must have become available during the two years previous to the year in which the award will be made (should have been published between 2023 and 2024).
  • The resource, service or tool should represent a significant contribution to the field of engineering information.
  • Resources in all media are eligible.

How to Nominate

  • Award nominations must include the full citation of the resource nominated (title, author(s), journal, etc.).
  • Letters of Nomination should include justification for why the work is being nominated, and must be received by the ASEE/ELD Awards Committee Chair by the deadline.

Past Recipients

ELD Best Poster Award

The Best Poster Award recognizes the presenter(s) who display(s) a clear, well-organized poster that most effectively conveys the content of the poster.

Award History

Established 2006.


  • Single or multiple presenters are eligible.
  • Presenters need not be members of ELD, but must be members of ASEE.
  • Posters presented by Awards Committee members are ineligible during the members’ term of service.
  • Poster must be presented during the ELD Poster Session time slot at the annual ASEE National Conference at which the award will be made.



  • Poster should be a solid, quality, complete piece of work.
  • Poster should convey clearly and concisely the information to the reader.
  • Poster should exhibit originality and be relevant to engineering librarianship.


  • Poster should be arranged in an organized and understandable form. The flow of the text and visuals should be easy to follow.
  • Visual aids should enhance the understandability of the poster’s content.
  • Handouts are encouraged and should explain, interpret, extend, and/or synthesize the content of the poster.


  • Presenter(s) should be present to discuss the poster.
  • Presenter(s) should show interest and enthusiasm in the poster’s content.
  • Presenter(s) should communicate effectively the major points of the poster and answer questions about the poster’s content.

How to Nominate

  • All posters accepted for display at the ELD Poster Session during the ASEE annual conference are under consideration.
  • Award will be presented at the ELD Annual Meeting at the ASEE Annual Conference or, in the event the ELD Annual Meeting occurs prior to the ELD Poster Session, at the last ELD session prior to the ELD EEC Meeting.

Past Recipients

Discontinued Awards

Best Reference Work Award

The purpose of this award was to honor the best new reference work in engineering information.

Award History

Established 1998, ceased 2010. Replaced by the Innovation in Access to Engineering Information Award.


  • Single or multiple authors are eligible. Works authored by Awards Committee members are ineligible during the members’ term of service.
  • Reference works must have been published during the previous two years prior to the year in which the award will be made.
  • Reference works should represent a significant contribution to the field of engineering information.
  • Works in all media are eligible.

Past Recipients

Ford Motor Company Digital Librarian Award

The Ford Motor Company periodically sponsors this award to allow a new science/engineering librarian to attend the ASEE Annual Conference. The award, which will defray the cost of registration at the meeting, is given on the basis of an essay which best demonstrates an understanding and vision of the digital sci-tech library of the future.

Past Recipients

1999: Honora Ford Nerz
1998: Shelley Matthews
1997: Joseph Kraus
1996: Kelly Jordan

ASEE National Conference Awards received by ELD members

Past Recipients

2012 ASEE PIC IV Best Paper Award: Fosmire, Michael and Radcliffe, David F. Knowledge-enabled Engineering Design: Toward an Integrated Model.” Session T633, Information Literacy in Context: Enabling Real World Problem Solving. Proceedings of the ASEE 2012 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

2003 Woody Everett Award, Computers in Education Division: Kolko, Beth and Whang, Linda.Assessing Reliability and Credibility for Online Engineering Resources.” Session 1520. Proceedings of the ASEE 2002 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.

2001 ASEE Best Conference Paper Award and PIC IV Best Paper Award: Nerz, Honora F. and Weiner, Suzanne T. “Information Competencies: A Strategic Approach.” Session 2241. Proceedings of the ASEE 2001 Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

1998 ASEE PIC IV Best Paper Award: Cribb, GulcinInformation Skills Training for Engineers.” Session 1441. Proceedings of the ASEE 1998 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

1993 ASEE Centennial Certificate for Distinguished Service: Karen Andrews

ASEE/ELD Awards Committee

Chair: Sylvia Jones, 2023-2025,

Members: Nancy Allee, Julia Gelfand, Hema Ramachandran, Kelly Durkin Ruth, Ally Wood

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