BY-LAWS OF THE Student Division of the American Society for Engineering Education
Adopted: 2010
Revised: April 24th, 2013
The name of this unit shall be the Student Division.
The objectives of this unit are identical with the objectives of the Society as set out in the ASEE Constitution, with an emphasis on those objectives that pertain to students and student members. Specifically, the unit shall:
[1] Foster programs for ASEE student members at regional and national ASEE meetings.
[2] Promote the development of ASEE Student Chapters at local campuses.
[3] Promote student participation in local K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education activities/outreach.
[4] Support and inform undergraduate ASEE student members considering graduate school opportunities.
[5] Inform ASEE student members of national and international scholarships, fellowships, and post-doctoral, teaching, research, and employment opportunities related to engineering education.
[6] Provide opportunities for students to gain insight into academic careers and teaching practices.
[7] Develop ties between ASEE Student Division members and ASEE Professional members.
[8] Develop collaborations between the ASEE Student Division, Engineering Education Student Organizations (e.g., SPEED, GEECS), and related ASEE Divisions including, but not limited to the New Engineering Educators Division and Graduate Studies Division.
[9] Develop the next generation of ASEE leaders.
[10] Build a community of ASEE student and professional members interested in student interests and needs.
The unit shall consist of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) members who identify to ASEE their wish to be affiliated with the Division. Any ASEE member, whether professional or student, may identify themselves as a member of the unit. Division membership is FREE for as long as a member wishes to be associated with the Division.
The unit shall be administered by an Executive Committee composed of the unit officers. The Chair, noted in [E-1] and [F-2], shall represent the unit on the Council Board of the Professional Interest Council to which the unit has been assigned by the Society.
1. The unit’s officers shall be:
- Immediate Past Chair – serving a term of 1 year immediately following his/her term as Chair
- Chair – serving a term of 1 year and succeeding to the position of Immediate Past Chair
- Chair-Elect/Program Chair – serving a term of 1 year and succeeding to the position of Chair
- Secretary/Treasurer – serving a term of 1 year (may be elected to this position for no more than 3 terms)
- Co-Program Chair – appointed by the Executive Committee (may be appointed to this position for no more than 2 terms)
- Information Chair – appointed by the Executive Committee and serving a term of 1 year (may be appointed to this position for no more than 3 terms)
- Membership Chair – appointed by the Executive Committee and serving a term of 1 year (may be appointed to this position for no more than 3 terms)
- Student Chapter Chair – appointed by the Executive Committee and serving a term of 1 year (may be appointed to this position for no more than 3 terms)
2. The Chair and other elected officers shall assume their duties on the last day of the annual meeting of the Society. Appointed officers shall assume their duties on the last day of the annual meeting of the Society after the newly elected officers have convened to make their appointments.
3. In the event of the resignation or death of one of the members of the Executive Committee, the vacated office shall be filled for the duration of the unexpired term by a person to be appointed by vote of the Executive Committee, except that:
a. in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall take office as Chair immediately, serving out the duration of the unexpired term followed by the term to which he/she was elected;
b. in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair Elect, a special election shall be conducted within 30 days to elect a new Chair Elect and the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, appoint a person to fulfill the duties of the Chair Elect until the position is filled by election;
c. in the event of the resignation or death of the Immediate Past Chair, the vacated office shall remain vacated for the duration of the unexpired term.
4. All officers at the time of the election must be of STUDENT status. Officers who complete their program of study during their tenure on the Executive Committee shall finish out their term.
a. Serve in an advisory role on the Executive Committee.
b. Serve on standing and ad hoc committees as the unit may establish.
2. The CHAIR shall:
a. Have administrative responsibility for the conduct of all functions of the unit in accordance with these by-laws and the policies and procedures established by the Executive Committee.
b. Organize and conduct annual business meetings of the unit and all meetings of the Executive Committee.
c. Appoint all standing committees authorized by these by-laws and special committees authorized by the Executive Committee.
d. Compile an annual report of the activities of the unit if requested by the Secretary of the Society.
e. Assure that official cash disbursement signatures are on file at Society headquarters and approve all expenditures of Society funds.
a. Act for the Chair at business meetings and Executive Committee meetings in the event of the Chair’s absence.
b. Succeed the Chair upon completion of his/her term in office.
c. Take office as Chair, as specified in [E-3-a] above, in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair before his/her term is completed.
d. Arrange and coordinate the unit’s activities, including the annual business meeting, at the Society’s annual meeting.
e. Work with the Executive Committee to develop technical programs in accordance with the unit’s objectives.
f. Coordinate sessions within the time frame set by ASEE headquarters for inviting speakers, notifying headquarters of logistical needs, etc., as set forth in the “Program Chair Guidelines” available from the ASEE Conferences department.
g. Work with ASEE Conferences department staff in the on-site management of sessions.
a. Schedule and organize all meetings of the Executive Committee in collaboration with the Chair.
b. Record the minutes of Executive Committee meetings and the annual business meeting, and distribute copies of the minutes to appropriate unit and Society officers.
c. Be responsible for the official records of the Executive Committee and the unit, and ensure that the files of the unit are passed along to his/her successor.
d. Tabulate, verify, and communicate the results of unit elections and other ballots.
e. Oversee and maintain the financial records of the unit and regularly report on financial status to the Executive Committee.
f. Collect unit income, if any, and disburse monies authorized by the unit Chair.
g. Keep records of all the unit’s outstanding receivables and payables.
h. Ensure that all the unit’s financial activities conform to the standards and procedures set forth in the ASEE Financial Policy Manual, which is available from the ASEE Accounting department.
5. The CO-PROGRAM CHAIR shall:
a. Arrange and coordinate the unit’s annual Student Dinner at the Annual Conference
b. Work with the Program Chair and the Chair to build relationships among ASEE student and professional members
c. Support the Program Chair in arranging and coordinating the unit’s activities at the Society’s annual meeting
a. Collect, evaluate, edit, and publish a periodic newsletter to the unit membership.
b. Develop and maintain the unit’s website.
c. Ensure that the unit website adheres to the policies and standards of the Society as to privacy.
d. Setup online survey for the unit’s election.
d. Resolve all other technological issues.
a. Work with the ASEE Membership Department to maximize recruitment and retention of members affiliated with the unit.
b. Develop methods for getting unit members involved in unit activities.
c. Keep the Executive Committee informed about the activities and accomplishments of the Membership Committee.
d. Manage existing collaborations with other student groups, including the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED) and the Graduate Engineering Education Consortium for Students (GEECS).
a. Coordinate all activities between the unit and the local existing ASEE Student Chapters.
b. Work to develop new and revitalize local ASEE Student Chapters.
9. The BEST PAPER CHAIR shall:
a. Coordinate the best paper review process by working with the Program Chair to identify a pool of eligible best paper nominees,
identify and recruit peer reviewers, establish a consistent scoring rubric for reviews, and select the best paper.
10. The DIVERSITY CHAIR shall:
a. Work with other ASEE divisions (including but not limited to Women in Engineering Division, LGBTQ+ Advocacy in STEM,
Minorities in Engineering Division, Military and Veterans Division, Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) to educate and
promote diversity and inclusion in the engineering and engineering education communities.
b. Work with the Program Chair and Information Chair to disseminate educational information that promotes inclusion.
c. Advocate for issues raised by minority groups in engineering and engineering education communities.
d. Coordinate the best diversity paper review process by working with the Program Chair to identify a pool of eligible best paper
nominees, identify and recruit peer reviewers, establish a consistent scoring rubric for reviews, and select the best diversity paper.
1. Officers to be elected by vote of the unit members are the Chair-Elect/Program Chair and Secretary/Treasurer. Officers to be appointed by the elected officers are the Information Chair, Membership Chair, Student Chapter Chair, and Co-Program Chair.
2. Any member of the unit who has student status at the time of the election is eligible to be nominated as a candidate for any of the unit’s offices. As noted in [E-4] above, candidates may still be nominated if they plan to complete their program of study prior to the end of the given term.
3. Prior to the first annual business meeting, the Chair-Elect will contact the members of the unit asking for nominations for the elected and appointed positions. Additional nominations for any elected or appointed office may be made at the first annual business meeting. These additional nominees shall be voted on along with the candidates tallied prior to the business meeting.
4. Candidates can be self-nominated or nominated by another member of the unit. Self-nominations must be supported by at least one additional member of the unit. Individuals nominated by another member of the unit must accept the nomination before becoming a candidate. There are no limitations on how many candidates can be nominated for each office in a given term’s election.
5. All candidates for elected positions will be required to provide a short 2-3 sentence biography before the end of the first business meeting.
6. Except in the case of a special election necessitated by the resignation or death of the Chair-Elect, as required in [E-3-b] above, election of officers shall be conducted in two phases.
Phase I will be conducted by written ballot among those members of the unit physically present at the first annual business meeting. The Phase I vote will occur once the ballot has been locked and all candidates for elected positions have had 2 minutes to introduce themselves.
Following the business meeting, a special Phase II of voting will be conducted by e-mail or online survey for members not in attendance at the business meeting. The opportunity for online voting will be given to the entire Student Division membership. The time frame for Phase II voting will be determined based upon the schedule of the annual meeting of the Society and in accordance with [G.7] below. Details about the elections and the time frame will be announced via email prior to the start of the annual meeting of the society.
The Information Chair will administer the ballot using the candidates’ submitted biographies. The Secretary/Treasurer will compile the results with the results from Phase I. Those members of the unit who do not have e-mail addresses on record will have the opportunity to vote by fax. Phase II of the election process will be open immediately following the first business meeting and will end at the start of the unit’s dinner allotting approximately 5 hours.
7. Elected officer positions will be announced at the unit’s dinner. Immediately following this announcement, the elected officials will convene to select the appointed officers. Appointed officers will chosen prior to the new officer’s orientation and announced to the membership of the division by the final day of the conference. All elected and appointed officers are encouraged to attend the new officers’ orientation.
1. The Executive Committee shall establish such standing and ad hoc awards and grants deemed fiscally possible in a given year. Priority of extra funding will be placed on establishing funding opportunities that benefit the student members of the unit.
2. The unit shall have one standing award: Student Division Best Paper Award. This award shall be given to the best paper presented in the unit’s sessions.
1. The Executive Committee shall establish such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary to carry out the activities of the unit.
2. At least two standing committees shall be maintained: the Professional Advisory Board, and the Student Division Best Paper Award Committee.
a. The Professional Advisory Board shall consist of three to five ASEE Professional members from Industry and Academia. These members will serve as a continuum advisory council for the Division. Members of this board shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and serve on the board for a minimum of 1 year with the purpose of advising upon the Division’s business. Each year the Executive Committee will evaluate the Professional Advisory Board members to determine who will be invited to serve an additional term. Members can serve for an unlimited number of terms if agreed upon by the member and the unit’s Executive Committee.
b. The Student Division Best Paper Award Committee shall consist of an Award Committee Chair, appointed by the student division chair, and 3 to 5 members of the Student Division selected by the Award Committee Chair and approved by the Student Division Chair. The Awards Committee will be responsible for the annual selection of the Student Division Best Paper Award.
1. One annual business meeting of the unit shall be held during the annual conference of the Society. Those members present at the meetings shall constitute a quorum. The business meeting shall include at least:
a. Reports from the incumbent officers on the unit’s activities for the preceding year, membership, and finances.
b. Phase I of the election of officers.
c. Opportunities for members to discuss the activities of the previous year and possible plans for the subsequent year.
2. The Executive Committee shall hold regular meetings during the annual conference of the Society and monthly meetings throughout the year if called by the Chair. Those members of the Executive Committee present at meetings of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
3. An annual dinner shall be held during the annual conference of the Society. The dinner will include:
a. Announcement of elected officers.
b. Presentation of the Student Division Best Paper Award, unless the unit schedules a separate function for that purpose.
3. The Executive Committee may establish such other activities as deemed desirable to promote the objectives of the unit. These activities may include, but are not limited to roundtable discussions and social gatherings at regional and national conferences.
4. All meetings of the unit are open to all interested persons. Only members of the Executive Committee, however, are eligible to vote on Executive Committee matters and only members of the unit are eligible to vote on unit-wide matters, including the election of officers.
1. The unit shall produce and distribute such publications as the Executive Committee deems appropriate to promote the objectives of the unit. These publications include but are not limited to a periodic newsletter.
2. In accordance with Article VIII of the ASEE Constitution, papers and discussions presented at meetings of ASEE and the councils or groups therein shall become the property of ASEE and may be published as ASEE series, miscellaneous or occasional publications if authorized by the Board of Directors or its delegated representative. The ASEE Board of Directors, through its delegated representative, may grant permission to publish such papers and discussions elsewhere on condition that ASEE receive proper credit or may waive any property right ASEE may have in the paper or discussion. Papers not accepted for publication shall be returned to the authors and shall no longer be considered the property of the Society.
1. Amendments to these by-laws may be made at the annual business meeting of the unit, or by mail or e-mail ballot at any time during the year, upon affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members who vote. If e-mail balloting is used, those members who do not have e-mail addresses on their membership records shall be provided the opportunity to cast their vote by mail or fax. Only members of the unit may vote on proposed amendments to the by-laws.
2. Proposed amendments to these by-laws shall be prepared by members of the Executive Committee. Proposed amendments shall be sent to the full membership of the unit by letter or in the publications of the unit no less than 30 days before they are to be voted upon. Proposed amendments may also be sent to members by e-mail, providing that they are also sent by mail to those members who do not have an e-mail address on their membership records.
3. Amendments approved by the Division membership shall be submitted through the appropriate PIC Chair for approval by majority vote of the ASEE Board of Directors and shall take effect only upon such approval.
The Student Division is firmly committed to promoting diversity throughout ASEE and the engineering and engineering education communities. We uphold diversity as a critical element for fostering individual and organizational growth; cultivating creativity and embracing new perspectives; and promoting inclusive educational and professional practices and settings. Coupled with a commitment to social justice, we view diversity as an active pursuit of dignity and opportunity for all groups of people, including those not typically seen and heard in the fields of engineering and engineering education. Ultimately, we represent and celebrate diversity in our commitment to building respect, caring, equality, and self-esteem among our membership.
1. Any provision of these by-laws shall be deemed invalid if it contravenes the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society or of the Professional Interest Council (PIC) to which the unit belongs.
2. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern this unit in all matters of parliamentary authority to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society and the By-Laws of this unit. In all other matters, the Constitution of the Society shall govern.