Welcome to the PCEE Division!
Join the Division
PCEE welcomes ASEE members teaching pre-college (grades preK-12) and those researching preK-12 engineering eduction. Join our dynamic Division to meet colleagues, share ideas, publish, travel, and more!
Meet us in person!
PCEE is returning to in-person events in 2022! Meet us at NSTA Regional and ASEE National conferences this year. More details can be found on our Events page.
How to join the PCEE Division:
- ASEE members may select to join the PCEE Division for $7/year. Select Pre-College Engineering Education Division when you renew your PCEE membership.
- For pre-college teachers, an ASEE P12 Educator membership is $50/year and PCEE division affiliation is $7/year. Join at ASEE.org
- Anyone in PCEE is welcome to join in and listen to our monthly PCEE leadership meetings. Please let us know that you’d like to join by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/VYJRVm6gEPitdF6s9
Want to get more involved? Join a PCEE Committee!
This year there are several committees that you can volunteer to join. The committee work is a fun way to get to know more of the PCEE members and help the division accomplish great things.
If you are interested in being on one of these committees, please email PCEE Chair and say which committee(s) you are interested in joining.
- Help identify potential PCEE Division award recipients and review nominations
Branding Logistics
- We have our brand, but need a good way to keep track of our banner and other materials as they get shipped to different events.
Distinguished Lecturer
- Help identify potential presenters to speak as the distinguished lecturer at the annual conference
- Promote and share best practices for increasing and supporting diversity throughout the year
Fiscal Initiatives
- Assist the division with specific programs that use our division funds to support our mission
PCEE Conference
- The PCEE Conference for P-12 teachers runs on the weekend before the ASEE Annual Conference. Help make a connection with a local district, recruit, and schedule presentations for teachers.
Program Committee
- Help the Program Chair with the division’s sessions in preparation for the annual conference
Social Media & Website
- Help to keep our communications fresh and vibrant
Sunday Workshops
- Help to identify which workshops should run on the Sunday preceding the annual conference