Adopted January 2003, Revised February 2004, June 2006, June 2015, March 2016, June 2019
Current Revision July 2021
[A] Name
The name of this organization shall be the Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) of the American Society for Engineering Education.
[B] Objectives
The objectives of this Division are identical with the objectives of the Society as set out in the ASEE Constitution, with an emphasis on those objectives that pertain to the promotion and development of multidisciplinary engineering education. Specifically, the Division shall:
[1] Assist in providing sound curricula in modern engineering by sponsoring papers, presentations, and panel discussions, etc., on the subject matter and on methods of presentation of courses and programs in multidisciplinary engineering education.
[2] Represent the interests of curricula in multidisciplinary engineering by acting as a resource to assist these programs with regard to accreditation, student placement, etc.
[3] Seek to achieve representation from all multidisciplinary engineering programs.
[C] Statement on Diversity and Inclusion
The Division is committed to promoting the inclusion, equity, and education of diverse individuals and to embracing diverse ideas in the profession of engineering. The Division recognizes that diversity offers strength in creativity, broadness of new ideas, and an embracing of new perspectives to arrive at the most truly innovative, resource-smart solutions possible.
[D] Membership
Any member of ASEE shall become a member of the Division by indicating this preference as one of their Division affiliation choices.
[E] Organization
The Division shall be administered by an Executive Committee composed of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and Directors-at-Large. The Chair shall represent the Division on the Council Board of the Professional Interest Council to which the Division has been assigned by the Society.
[F] Officers
[1] The Division’s officers shall be:
Immediate Past Chair – serving a term of two-years
Chair – serving a term of two-years and succeeding to the position of Immediate Past Chair
Vice-Chair – serving a term of two-years and succeeding to the position of Chair
Secretary/Treasurer – serving a term of two-years and succeeding to the position of Vice-Chair
Directors-at-Large – two, each serving a term of two-years
Webmaster – appointed by the Executive Committee
[2] The Chair and other elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the Division’s business meeting conducted at the annual meeting of the Society. Appointed officers shall assume their duties upon appointment.
[3] In the event of the resignation or death of one of the members of the Executive Committee, the vacated office shall be filled for the duration of the unexpired term by a person to be appointed by vote of the Executive Committee, except that:
[a] in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall take office as Chair immediately, serving out the duration of the unexpired term followed by the term to which they had been elected;
[b] in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair Elect, a special election shall be conducted within 30 days to elect a new Chair Elect and the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, appoint a person to fulfill the duties of the Chair Elect until the position is filled by election;
[c] in the event of the resignation or death of the Immediate Past Chair, the vacated office shall not be filled for the duration of the unexpired term.
[2] The VICE-CHAIR shall:
[a] Serve as the Program Chair. In this capacity they shall:
● Arrange and coordinate the unit’s activities at the Society’s annual meeting.
● Work with the Executive Committee to develop technical programs in accordance with the unit’s objectives.
● Coordinate sessions within the time frame set by ASEE headquarters for inviting speakers, notifying headquarters of logistical needs, etc., as set forth in the “Program Chair Guidelines” available from the ASEE Conferences department.
● Work with ASEE Conferences department staff in the on-site management of sessions.
● Preside over the Best Paper Committee
[b] Assume the duties of the Chair when necessary. In this capacity they shall:
● Act for the Chair at business meetings and Executive Committee meetings in the event of the Chair’s absence.
● Succeed the Chair upon completion of their term in office.
● Take office as Chair, as specified in [E-3-a] above, in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair before their term is completed.
[a] Serve as the Secretary. In this capacity they shall:
● Record the minutes of Executive Committee meetings and the annual business meeting, and distribute copies of the minutes to appropriate unit and Society officers.
● Be responsible for the official records of the Executive Committee and the unit, and ensure that the files of the unit are passed along to their successor.
● Implement elections and other ballots.
● Compile an annual report of the activities of the unit as requested by the Secretary of the Society.
● Assure that official cash disbursement signatures are on file at Society headquarters.
[b] Serve as the Treasurer. In this capacity they shall:
● Oversee and maintain the financial records of the unit and regularly report on financial status to the Executive Committee.
● Collect unit income, if any, and disburse monies authorized by the unit Chair.
● Keep records of all the unit’s outstanding receivables and payables.
● Ensure that all the unit’s financial activities conform to the standards and procedures set forth in the ASEE Financial Policy Manual, which is available from the ASEE Accounting department.
[4] The DIRECTORS shall:
● Schedule, plan, and conduct a social event for the Division to be held during the annual conference.
● Solicit programming interest from the Division.
● Serve on the Executive Committee, and upon appointment, on such other standing and ad hoc committees as the Division may establish.
● Other responsibilities may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
● Serve as a consultant for the Executive Committee and other standing and ad hoc committees as needed.
● Form and lead the Nominating Committee in developing the list of candidates for unit elections. Communicate election results to the Division.
● Keep the Executive Committee informed about the activities and progress of the Nominating Committee.
[6] the WEBMASTER shall:
● Develop and maintain the unit’s web site.
● Ensure that the unit website adheres to the policies and standards of the Society as to privacy and all other internet issues.
[H] Election of Officers
[1] Elections for all officers shall be conducted every two years. Officers to be elected by vote of the Division members are Secretary-Treasurer and Directors-at-Large.
[2] Nomination and Election of Secretary-Treasurer
[a] The Nominating Committee shall nominate two or more candidates for the office of Secretary-Treasurer. A diverse slate of candidates shall be submitted to the current Secretary-Treasurer by no later than March 15 of each election year, and ballot distribution shall occur prior to April 1.
[b] All members of the Division, as so listed on the official mailing list of ASEE, shall be eligible to vote.
[c] Voting may take place by an electronic referendum conducted by the Secretary-Treasurer. The referendum shall be completed (ballots received and counted) by no later than May 1 of each election year.
[3] Nomination and Election of Directors-at-Large
[a] The Nominating Committee shall nominate two or more candidates for the Directors-at-Large. Additional nominations for this office may be made at the annual Division Business Meeting by any Division member present at the meeting. These additional nominees shall be voted on along with the nominees selected by the Nominating Committee.
[b] The election of the Directors at Large shall be conducted at the annual business meeting. Members of the Division present at the annual business meeting shall be eligible to vote.
[4] A simple majority of votes cast shall be required for the election of officers. Ballot count shall be certified by both the Secretary-Treasurer and the Division Chair. The Executive Committee shall resolve disputes or ties.
[5] Electronic referendums may be used for election of officers and for ratification or amendment of the By-Laws. The Division Chair may determine action on special issues by a simple majority vote of those members present at the Division business meeting conducted during the Annual Conference of the Society.
[I] Committees
[1] The Executive Committee shall conduct all business of the Division. This committee shall be responsible for formulating the policies of the Division and establishing standing and ad-hoc committees necessary to carry out the activities of the Division. The Division Chair shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.
[2] The Nominating Committee consists of three members: the Immediate Past Division Chair, the current Division Chair, and one Division Member at Large. The Past Division Chair shall appoint the Member at Large, and shall also serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
[3] The Best Paper Committee consists of three members: the Program Chair, who will serve as the Chair of the Best Paper Committee, and two additional members appointed by the Division Chair. The members of the committee may not have papers being considered for the best paper award. The purpose of the best paper award is to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of engineering education with a particular focus on multidisciplinary engineering education, to promote better overall quality in papers, and to strengthen the peer review process.
The pool of papers considered by the committee will be the papers submitted to the division for the annual conference in a given year and subsequently evaluated as outstanding or “best paper” candidates by the reviewer or review coordinator involved in the normal division review process. Self-recommendations or nominations are not permitted. The selection process is based solely on the quality of the written paper and not the presentation.
The Division Chair (or their appointee) will present the award at the division business meeting at the ASEE Annual Conference. The award will consist of a certificate.
[4] There shall be a Division representative to serve as a judge in the Best-Paper-selection process for the PIC (Professional Interest Council) to which MULTI belongs. The Division representative shall be the Vice-Chair of the Division or an appointee designated by the Division Chair. The Division representative may not have papers being considered for this PIC Best-Paper Award.
[5] Any officer of the Division may appoint special committees to assist in conducting the affairs of the Division.
[J] Meetings and Activities
An annual business meeting of the division shall be held during the annual conference of the Society. Those members present at the meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chair as needed. Three (3) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for an Executive Committee meeting.
All meetings of the division are open to all interested persons. Only members of the Division are eligible to vote on division matters and only members of the Executive Committee are eligible to vote on Executive Committee matters.
[K] Publications
The Division shall produce and distribute such publications as the Executive Committee deems appropriate to promote the objectives of the division.
In accordance with the ASEE Constitution, papers and discussions presented at meetings of ASEE and the councils or groups therein shall become the property of ASEE and may be published as ASEE series, miscellaneous or occasional publications if authorized by the Board of Directors or its delegated representative. The ASEE Board of Directors, through its delegated representative, may grant permission to publish such papers and discussions elsewhere on condition that ASEE receive proper credit or may waive any property right ASEE may have in the paper or discussion. Papers not accepted for publication shall be returned to the authors and shall no longer be considered the property of the Society.
[L] Amendments to By-laws
[1] These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of those members voting at the Annual Business Meeting of the Division.
[2] Proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership of the Division at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Business Meeting at which adoption is desired, unless it is unanimously agreed at the Annual Business Meeting to introduce an amendment at that same meeting.
[3] These By-laws may also be amended by two-thirds affirmative vote of the members of the Division obtained by electronic ballot. Ballots shall be approved by the Executive Committee, which shall supervise the voting process and certify all results. Only those ballots received within thirty (30) days of the mailing-out date shall be counted.
[4] Amendments may be submitted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Division or by a petition to the Executive Committee signed by not less than ten (10) members of the Division.
[5] Amendments approved by the division membership shall be submitted through the cognizant PIC Chair for approval by majority vote of the ASEE Board of Directors and shall take effect only upon such approval.
[M] Other Provisions
[1] Any action by the Division shall be invalid if it is in conflict with the Constitution or By-laws of the ASEE or of the Professional Interest Council (PIC) to which the Division belongs.
[2] The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition) shall govern the Division in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are consistent with the Constitution and By-laws of the ASEE and the By-laws of the Division. In all cases the Constitution and By-laws of the Society shall govern.