Division Purpose: The purpose of the Manufacturing Division of ASEE shall be the promotion and development of higher education in manufacturing consistent with the purpose of the society as stated in Article 1. Section 2 of the Constitution of ASEE.
Division Function: The Manufacturing Division of ASEE has as its principal function the support of individual member interests related to manufacturing. Its membership is composed of public and private two and four-year educators who are involved in manufacturing education and representatives from manufacturing industries and organizations. For the most part, educational members represent the disciplines of manufacturing, mechanical industrial, and electrical engineering and engineering technology programs.
Division Officers: The officers of the division shall consist of a Chair, Program Chair, Associate Program Chair, Assistant Program Chair, Secretary/Treasurer/Newsletter Editor, Awards Chair, Webmaster, Membership Chair, and three Members-at-Large.
Meetings of the Division: The division holds three meetings during the summer ASEE conference: a general orientation meeting on Sunday, a Division Awards Banquet on Monday, and a business meeting on Wednesday.
Focus of the Division: The Manufacturing Division strives to advance and coordinate the development of manufacturing engineering and technology programs and research through dialogue between industry and engineering and technology faculty. Annual Conference sessions, a manufacturing education newsletter and other forums focus on curriculum developments and trends, new manufacturing technologies, teaching techniques, laboratory development, research and new resources for more effective manufacturing education.
Activities of the Division: The Manufacturing Division sponsors or co-sponsors six or seven technical sessions as well as workshops and mini-plenary sessions at the ASEE Annual Conference in June. These sessions are coordinated to address pertinent educational issues associated with manufacturing of interest to manufacturing, mechanical, industrial, and electrical engineering and engineering technology educators. Special efforts are made to provide industrial partners with the opportunity to address their educational needs and to provide input and ideas to the educators.
The division has a close relationship with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) with many members involved in joint activities of interest to both organizations. Through this relationship, close liaison has also been established with the Corporate Member Council (CMC) of ASEE. Many members of the division actively participate annually in the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC) which is structured to encourage interaction between industry and education representatives and to meet professional development needs of the participants.
The division’s web site provides an outlet for information concerning its activities within ASEE as well as for information of professional interest to educators and manufacturers. It provides links to a wide variety of related sites. A unique feature of the site is its virtual library that provides resource links in support of the division’s mission to serve as a conduit for the development and promotion of manufacturing education.
Originally published circa 2003-2004.