Once again, Stephanie Cutler and Karen High have done an amazing job with the program, as reflected in these impressive stats: 32 papers, 14 sessions, six technical sessions. You can download an advance copy of our division conference guide at <http://bit.ly/facdev-asee19>. (paper copies available at conference)
Here is a sample of what our program has to offer this year:
- FDCC Social Lunch (Sunday, 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm)
Our bring-your-own-lunch social will be a waterfront picnic at the beautiful Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park, just a short walk from the convention center. Mingle with fellow conference attendees who are passionate about faculty development. We will meet by the entrance/exit of the convention center near the corner of S. Franklin St. and Old Water St. (near shuttle drop-off drive, http://bit.ly/tccfloor1). We will walk to the park as a group or you are welcome to meet us there. - FDCC Business Meeting (Monday, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm)
Learn about our work toward division status and how you can shape and contribute to our activities. - Panel Session: Connecting Theory and Practice in a Change Project – And What I Wish I Knew Before I Started (Tuesday, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm)
- Technical Session: Faculty Development Medley (Wednesday, 1:30pm to 3:00 pm)
Finally, don’t forget to get your Faculty Developer ribbon and FDCC button at the Division Mixer on Sunday or Business Meeting on Monday.