
ASEE Architectural Engineering Division – Bylaws

June 1986 (Revised Fall 1996 / Revised Spring 2010 / Revised Fall 2018)

Section 1: Name, Purpose, and Diversity Statement

The name of the division shall be the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

The purpose of the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education shall be the advancement of the concerns of architectural engineering and architecture educators and shall offer well-rounded programs supported by both educators and practicing professionals for those with a genuine interest in the student, faculty, and the educational objectives of architectural engineering and architecture.

The Architectural Engineering division is committed to promoting the inclusion and education of diverse individuals and embracing diverse ideas in the professions of engineering, engineering technology, and architecture.  The Architectural Engineering division recognizes that diversity is strength in creativity, broadness of new ideas, and embracing new perspectives to arrive at the most truly innovative, resource-smart solutions possible.

Section 2: Membership

Membership shall consist of those individual members of the American Society for Engineering Education that designate Architectural Engineering as a division interest, and that have common professional or technical interest in architectural engineering and architectural education.

Section 3: Officers and Elections

The officers of the Architectural Engineering division shall be:

  • Chair–                       serving a two-year term
  • Program Chair–   serving a two-year term
  • Secretary–              serving a two-year term
  • Treasurer–             serving a two-year term
  • Webmaster–          serving a two-year term

The officers shall be elected every two years during a scheduled business meeting of the Architectural Engineering division held during the annual conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. The elected officers shall hold their positions for a two-year term beginning immediately following the business meeting at the annual conference. The uncompleted term of any elected officer who vacates the position between elections shall be either filled at the discretion of the remaining officers or the duties of the vacated office shall be assumed by the remaining officers. It will be the duty of the remaining officers to immediately notify ASEE Headquarters of changes made in any vacated office. Nominations and elections for the offices shall be made at the business meeting held during the annual ASEE conference. Elections shall be held in the following sequence of positions: Chair, Program Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster. Election will be by the majority present. The nominee need not be present at the business meeting when the election is held but must have consented to serve in that position. Any person nominated or serving as an officer shall be an active member of the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Officers shall be encouraged to rotate from the position of Treasurer to Secretary to Program Chair to Chair, respectively, for two-year terms. An individual may be elected to the same office for not more than two terms (four years) if re-elected by a two-thirds majority vote.

Section 4: Duties of Officers

4.1: Chair

The Chair shall represent the Architectural Engineering division at the PIC I meeting held annually at the national conference. In addition, the Chair shall represent the interests of the division and shall have administrative authority over all division matters. The Chair shall compile and submit the annual report of the Architectural Engineering division, and respond to all requests from ASEE Headquarters and inform the other division officers of matters requiring attention.

4.2: Program Chair

The Program Chair shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating the activities and meetings for the Architectural Engineering division in conjunction with the Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education. The Program Chair shall be responsible for disseminating information to members of the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Papers submitted for publication in the Conference Proceedings and presented at technical sessions of the annual ASEE conference shall be reviewed by at least three peers knowledgeable about the topic. The Program Chair shall enlist the services of reviewers, communicate comments to authors, ensure that the identities of the authors and reviewers are not revealed to each other, and maintain high standards for publication.

4.3: Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the annual business meeting, the division’s financial report and any other information pertinent to the functioning and operation of the division. The secretary shall also be responsible for working in conjunction with the Program Chair in establishing and promoting the activities of the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education. The Secretary shall be responsible for publishing a Newsletter at least annually during the month of September. The Newsletter shall include the minutes of the annual business meeting, the division’s financial report and any other information pertinent to the functioning and operation of the Architectural Engineering division.

4.4: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining all the records showing the acquisition and disbursement of funds for the division. A report of the division’s financial records shall be made at the annual business meeting.

4.5: Webmaster

The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the website for the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Section 5: Standing Committees

An Executive Committee shall guide and coordinate the affairs of the Architectural Engineering division. The committee shall be composed of the officers of the division with the division Chair serving as presiding officer.

An Awards Committee shall develop and administer awards sponsored by the Architectural Engineering division. The committee shall be composed of a committee with the Chair acting as presiding officer along with at least two additional officers of the division.

At each annual Conference, the Awards Committee shall determine the Best Paper and the Best Presentation Awards for the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

The Architectural Engineering division will provide a delegate to serve on the ASEE Diversity Committee.

Section 6: Dues

Any proposed assessment or changes of the status of dues must be approved for submission to division members by a majority vote at the annual business meeting. Approval shall be determined by a majority vote of Architectural Engineering division members responding within a thirty (30) day period set by the Executive Committee. The current dues rate is $2.

Section 7: Meetings

A business meeting of the Architectural Engineering division of the American Society for Engineering Education shall be held during the annual conference with the division Chair as presiding officer.

Additional meetings arranged and coordinated by the Program Chair shall be scheduled during the ASEE conference. The objective of these meetings is to provide a forum for the interaction of educators and professionals to further the educational objectives of Architectural Engineering.

Section 8: Bylaw Changes and Amendments

The Architectural Engineering division Bylaws may be changed, either all or in part, by submitting the proposed alterations in writing to the active members.

The final approval of any changes pertaining to the Bylaws for the Architectural Engineering division shall be determined by a 2/3’s majority vote of division members responding within a thirty (30) day period set by the Executive Committee.

Amendments approved by the division membership shall be submitted through the PIC I Chair for approval by majority vote of the ASEE Board of Directors and shall take effect only upon such approval.