Dear ASEE Zone IV Sections and conference authors,
Hope you are all doing well as we start the new year.
We are looking forward to hosting you for the ASEE Zone IV 2022 conference.
As you may be aware we have worked to be flexible in our planning approach for the conference. Our plan has been and continues to be to host a hybrid conference allowing participants to choose if they would like to participate in a virtual or in-person format. We will continue to update the sections and those registered for the conference as we get closer to the conference date and will continue to use our conference website to keep you appraised of our conference planning:
We are excited to announce two additional registration options:
· A one-day librarian online-only registration for Friday, which will be a full day of conference programming including the keynote and workshops. This does not include the banquet. This will be $100.
· A one-day student registration for Friday, which can be in-person or online and does not include the banquet. This is $50 early bird (by April 1) or $100 after that and available to ASEE student members. Note as well that additional banquet tickets are $75, and thus going with that option will be the same as a full student registration.
Registration is now open for the conference and can be accessed through ASEE’s Monolith system at the following link: Note that you will need to use your old ASEE Monolith login to access this, or create a Monolith account.
Please do reach out if you have any questions or concerns as the conference approaches
All the best,
Agnes d’Entremont and Jonathan Verrett, conference co-chairs, on behalf of the conference planning committee