
The objectives of the Military and Veterans Division correspond to the objectives of the Society, as set out in the ASEE Constitution, with an emphasis on those objectives that pertain to active duty military engineers and engineering technologists as well as users of their engineering services and veterans of the military who are pursuing pathways into engineering and engineering technology careers.

Specifically, the Military and Veterans Division shall serve its members as a common agency of collaboration, stimulation and guidance in:

  1. promoting awareness of Engineering Technician, Engineering Technology and Engineering (ETETE) careers, pathways and academic readiness for active duty military and veterans.
  2. recognizing strategies and models that leverage military experience for appropriate academic and professional recognition.
  3. fostering academic environments supportive of a military cultural background.
  4. leveraging academic, industry, and government resources to stimulate the pipeline of active duty military and veterans into ETETE careers.
  5. improving the quality of education in engineering and engineering technology courses and programs conducted by military organizations.
  6. promoting connections and research efforts between civilian engineering schools and appropriate military organizations.
  7. promoting effective means to assist veterans in transitioning to the engineering profession.
  8. promoting effective recruitment and retention strategies for both civilian and military engineers within military engineering institutions (programs).

The full list of the organization’s bylaws are available here. The Executive Committee Roster for the MVD is listed below.

2019-2020 EXCOMM Roster

Position Name Organization
Chair Dr. Patrick Bass The Citadel
Program Chair Dr. Blake Stringer Kent State University
Program Chair-Elect Dr. Alyston Eggleston The Citadel
Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Grant Crawford Quinnipiac University
Veterans Chair Dr. Jerry Dahlberg UNC, Charlotte
News Editor Dr. B. Grant Crawford Quinnipiac University
Historian Vacant
Awards Selection Chair Monica Bubacz The Citadel
Webmaster Dr. John Santiago Retired, Self-Employed
Nominating Cmte Chair Dr. Oscar Barton Jr. George Mason University
Member at Large Colonel Rich Melnyk U.S. Military Academy
Member at Large Dr. John Santiago Retired, Self-Employed
Member at Large Commander Linda Craugh U.S. Naval Academy

2017-2018 EXCOMM Roster

Position Name Organization
Chair Dr. Keith A. Landry Retired – Searching
Program Chair Dr. Blake Stringer Kent State University
Program Chair-Elect Dr. Robert Rabb The Citadel
Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Patrick Bass The Citadel
Veterans Chair Vice Admiral (ret) Mel Williams Jr. Catholic University of America
News Editor Dr. B. Grant Crawford Quinnipiac University
Historian Commander Corinna Fleischmann U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Awards Selection Chair Monica Bubacz The Citadel
Webmaster Dr. David Feinau Norwich University
Nominating Cmte Chair Dr. Oscar Barton Jr. George Mason University
Member at Large Colonel Rich Melnyk U.S. Military Academy
Member at Large Dr. John Santiago Colorado Technical University
Member at Large Commander Linda Craugh U.S. Naval Academy