Conference Proceedings:
TELPhE sponsors an annual set of peer-reviewed paper, panel and distinguished speaker sessions at the ASEE Annual Conference. Please search the ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.
Philosophical and Educational Perspectives in Engineering and Technological Literacy
Volume 4 (2017) John Heywood, Suzanne Keilson, Aaron Krawitz, Sheila Tobias, et al.. Philosophical and Educational Perspectives on Engineering and Technological Literacy, IV. (2017) (pdf download)
Volume 3 (2016) John Heywood and Alan Cheville, in John Heywood, (Ed), Philosophical and Educational Perspectives in Engineering and Technological Literacy, Vol. 3, June 2016 (pdf download)
Volume 2 (2015) John Heywood, (Ed) Philosophical and Educational Perspectives in Engineering and Technological Literacy, Vol. 2, June 2015 (pdf download)
- Pragmatism, Practice, and Engineering, Russell Korte
- The Relevance and Significance of Deweyan Pragmatism for Engineering Education, Mani Mina and Iraj Omidvar
- Engineering Insight. The Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan Applied to Engineering, Stephen T. Frezza and David A. Nordquest
- Non Nova, Sed Nove Part I: John Macmurray and Engineering Education, Alan Cheville
Volume 1 (2014) John Heywood and Alan Cheville, in John Heywood, (Ed), Philosophical and Educational Perspectives in Engineering and Technological Literacy, Vol. 1, June 2014 (pdf download)
- Distinguishing Engineering and Technological Literacy, John Krupczak Jr, and John W. Blake
- Engineering and Philosophy, William Grimson
- Philosophy of Engineering as Propaedeutic for the Philosophy of Engineering Education, Jerry W. Gravander
- Abstract Thought in Engineering and Science:Theory and Design, Gregory Bassett and John Krupczak, Jr.
- Investigating the Role Teacher and Student Engineering Epistemological Beliefs Play in Engineering Education, Adam R. Carberry
- Social Justice Framings for Conversations on Engineering and Philosophy, Donna Riley
- Epilogue, John Heywood and Alan Cheville
Distinguished Speaker Lecture (2017):
John Heywood, History for the Present: The Christian Brothers Technology Education Project 1985 – 1992, AI and the Commodification of Education, delivered at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2017 (pdf download)
Technological and Engineering Literacy Publications – Selected Bibliography (2018):
Bibliography of Technological and Engineering Literacy Publications. Prepared for the TELPhE 2018 Workshop on Engineering Courses for Non-Engineers (pdf download)
National Academy of Engineering Technological Literacy Workshop (2005).
Improving the Technological Literacy of Undergraduates: Identifying the Research Issues, A workshop sponsored by The National Science Foundation, Held at the National Academy of Engineering Washington, DC, April 18 – 19, 2005. John Krupczak Jr. and David F. Ollis. (pdf download)
National Academy of Engineering Technological Literacy Workshop (2007).
Technological Literacy of Undergraduates: Developing Standard Models, A workshop sponsored by The National Science Foundation, Held at the National Academy of Engineering Washington, DC, March 26-27, 2007. John Krupczak Jr. and David F. Ollis. (pdf download)