Bylaws of the Educational Research and Methods Division

PDF of Bylaws of the Educational Research and Methods Division (November 2020)


(Adopted June 1971; Revised June 1982, June 2004, June 2012, June 2013, April 2017, December 2019, and November 2020)



The name of this division shall be the Educational Research and Methods (ERM) Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).



The Division has as its objectives:

  • Promoting rigorous educational research methodologies on learning and methods of engineering instruction
  • Dissemination of knowledge on engineering teaching and learning
  • Encouragement of efforts to improve engineering instruction through development of innovative materials and techniques, sound instructional design, and improved evaluation methodologies
  • Enhancement of the status of scholarship on engineering teaching and learning
  • Improvement of evaluation of engineering instruction as the basis for more adequate recognition, rewarding and encouragement of teaching excellence and scholarship

ERM recognizes diversity, inclusion, and equity as core values in educational research. The division encourages its members and leaders to think broadly about these topics, and to consider both the observable and non-observable characteristics of individual ERM members, the institutions they represent, the positions they hold, the research and pedagogical methods they use, the populations they study and teach, and epistemologies they espouse.


ARTICLE III – Membership

All members of ASEE are eligible to be members of this Division. Membership of this Division shall consist of those members of ASEE who have indicated to ASEE their desire to affiliate with this Division and who are in good standing in regard to any payment of dues associated with membership in this Division.


ARTICLE IV – Officers and Duties of Officers

SECTION 1. The officers of the Division shall be:

  1. the Chair,
  2. the Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs,
  3. the Vice-Chair for FIE Programs,
  4. the Vice-Chair for Publications,
  5. the Secretary-Treasurer,
  6. four Directors, and
  7. a maximum of two At-Large Directors.

These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws.


SECTION 2. The officers shall be appointed or elected to serve terms as specified below. The terms of elected officers shall begin at the close of the annual business meeting of the Division following their election. The terms of appointed officers shall begin upon receipt of notification of their appointment from the Chair.

2.1 The Chair

The Chair shall be elected in odd-numbered years to serve a two-year term, and having served a two-year term, may not be renominated for a succeeding two-year term. The nominees for Chair shall have previously served at least one full term as a Division officer. The Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs shall serve as acting Chair in the event the Chair cannot serve. The Chair shall have administrative responsibility for this Division. The Chair shall serve as ERM representative on such committees or boards of ASEE which the ASEE constitution and bylaws shall designate.

2.2 The Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs

The Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs shall be appointed by the Executive Board each year and shall serve a one-year term which may be renewable. Although the position is officially a one-year term, the commitment is for three years of ASEE conference events. The duties of the Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs are:

  1. Serve as the ERM Program Chair for the Annual ASEE Conference in the designated year,
  2. Organize the ERM Annual Community Celebration & Awards Reception
  3. Organize the ERM Distinguished Lecture at the Annual ASEE Conference in the year following the designated year.
  4. Coordinate the Division program activities in cooperation with the other divisions of ASEE, and
  5. Serve as ERM representative on such committees or boards of ASEE which the ASEE constitution and bylaws shall designate

2.3 The Vice-Chair for Frontiers in Education (FIE) Programs

The Vice-Chair for FIE Programs shall be appointed by the Executive Board each year and shall serve a one-year term which may be renewable. The Vice-Chair for FIE Programs shall be responsible for the ERM Division programs at the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference. The duties of the Vice-Chair for FIE Programs are:

  1. Serve as ERM Program Chair for the Frontiers in Education Conference, and
  2. Coordinate the ERM Division program activities in cooperation with the other sponsoring organizations for the FIE Conference

2.4 The Vice-Chair for Publications

The Vice-Chair for Publications shall be appointed by the Executive Board each year and shall serve a one-year term which may be renewable. The duties of the Vice-Chair for Publications are:

  1. Coordinate the Division publication activities, and
  2. Coordinate the ERM web site

2.5 The Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years to serve a two-year term. The Secretary-Treasurer  shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board, Executive Committee and the annual business meeting of the Division and shall maintain the financial accounts and records of the Division in coordination with the Society Headquarters staff. The Secretary-Treasurer  shall make a written financial report at each meeting of the Executive Board and at the annual business meeting of the Division. The Secretary-Treasurer  shall be responsible for preparing Division financial and activity reports as may be required by ASEE.

2.6 The Directors

Directors shall be elected to serve a two-year term and shall not be eligible to serve a second successive term. Two directors shall be elected each year. Directors may be asked to serve in a capacity as determined by the Chair.

2.7 The At-Large Directors

At-Large-Directors may be appointed by the Chair, if the Chair  desires, and they shall serve for a one-year term. Each At-Large Director may be required to serve on one or more of the Standing Committees associated with the Division or to serve in some other capacity as determined by the Chair.

SECTION 3. In the case of resignation or death of any officer of the Division, the Executive Board will appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term of office.


ARTICLE V – Election/Appointment of Officers

SECTION 1. Elected officer positions include:

  • Chair
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Directors

Appointed officers positions include:

  • Vice-Chairs
  • At-Large Directors
  • FIE Steering Committee members representing ERM
  • Committee chairs and representatives listed in Article VI

SECTION 2. The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee, which shall nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the close of the next Annual Conference of ASEE. To obtain names for nomination, the Nominating Committee will:

  • Solicit nominations from the Division membership.
  • Obtain a brief biographic statement from each nominee (after ascertaining their willingness to serve if elected.)
  • Determine suitable candidates from the pool of nominations by considering such things as previous work within the division or ASEE and how the individual exhibits characteristics commensurate with the objectives of the division.
  • Present the names with brief biographic statements of all candidates for elected positions in an election ballot to all members of the Division in the Spring of each year.
  • Present the names with brief biographic statements of all candidates for appointed positions to the Executive Board for consideration in the Spring of each year.

For elected positions, a simple majority of the ballots counted shall constitute election. In case of a tie vote, the tie shall be broken by a simple majority vote of the members present at the annual business meeting of the Division. The Chair shall notify each candidate of the outcome of the election. Election results will be announced at the annual business meeting of the Division. For appointed positions, a simple majority of votes cast by Executive Board members shall result in appointment.


ARTICLE VI – Executive Board

The Division shall be administered by the Executive Board, which shall consist of the officers of the Division, the most immediate living past Chair, and chairs of Division committees (who are not also serving as officers of the Division.) The National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI) Director shall serve as an ex officio member of the Executive Board.

Executive Board Structure


    1. Chair – elected in odd years
    2. Vice-Chair for ASEE Programs – appointed yearly by the Executive Board
    3. Vice-Chair for FIE Programs – appointed yearly by the Executive Board
    4. Vice-Chair for Publications – appointed yearly by the Executive Board
    5. Secretary-Treasurer – elected in even years
    6. Four Directors – two elected in odd years, two elected in even years
    7. At-Large Directors – appointed by the Chair


  1. Most immediate living Past-Chair
  2. Nominating Committee Chair – appointed by the Chair
  3. ERM representative to the Benjamin Dasher Award Committee appointed by the Chair to a three-year term (intended as two years of serving and training followed by one year of chairing the committee, subject to current committee operating procedures)
  4. ERM representative to the Helen Plants Award Committee appointed by the Chair to a three-year term (intended as two years of serving and training followed by one year of chairing the 12. committee, subject to current committee operating procedures)
  5. Apprentice Faculty Grant Committee Chair – appointed by the Chair
  6. ASEE (ERM) Best Paper Committee Chair – appointed by the Chair
  7. Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair – appointed by the Chair
  8. NETI Director – ex officio



SECTION 1. The limits of annual dues for individual members of the Division shall be as stated in the bylaws of the division, Article VII, Section 2. Initiation of such changes of dues within the limits shall be determined by a majority vote of those Executive Board members present and voting during the meeting at which a dues change is proposed, or if by electronic ballot, by a majority of affirmative votes by the responders to electronic solicitation. Notice of the anticipated vote shall be distributed to the Executive Board no later than 24 hours before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken or, if by electronic ballot, at the time that the electronic ballot is made available.

After a majority vote by the executive board, any change in dues limits shall be presented to the Division membership for a vote and adopted upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the Division members present or, if presented for vote outside the annual meeting, by electronic ballot upon affirmative vote of a majority of the responders to electronic solicitation. If presented by electronic ballot, the ballot shall remain open for no less than one week (7-days). Notice of the anticipated vote shall be distributed to the Division membership no later than 24 hours before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken or, if by electronic ballot, at the time that the electronic ballot is made available.

SECTION 2. the limits of annual dues shall be $3.00.


ARTICLE VIII – Division Committees

SECTION 1. Each year the Chair shall constitute and charge such committees as are necessary to promote the purpose of the Division. It shall be the responsibility of the committee chairs to keep their committee members and division officers informed of the activities being performed by the committee. Committee activities are subject to review and approval by the Division Executive Board.

SECTION 2. Standing Committees

The following standing committees of the ERM Division exist:

1.1. Nominating

1.2. Apprentice Faculty Grant Award

1.3. ASEE (ERM) Best Paper

1.4. ERM Distinguished Service Award

1.5. Diversity & Inclusion

Article VI describes how committee chairs are appointed, with the exception of the ERM Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award committee will be chaired by the current ERM chair and have as its membership the current ERM division chair and the two most recent living ERM division chairs.


ARTICLE IX – Amendment of Bylaws

Bylaws and amendments to the bylaws may be proposed, in writing, by any member of the Division, and if approved by a simple majority of the Executive Board, shall be presented to the membership for vote. If not in conflict with the ASEE constitution and bylaws, ERM bylaws shall be adopted upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Division members present or, if not presented during the annual meeting, by electronic ballot upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of the responders to electronic solicitation.


ARTICLE X – Meetings

An annual business meeting of the Division shall be held at the time and location of the ASEE Annual Conference. An additional business meeting may be held at the Frontiers in Education Conference. Executive Board meetings may be called by the Chair, or by a jointly-signed request from any three members of the Executive Board, at times and places other than the Annual Conference of ASEE.