2023-2024 Executive Committee
The ASEE CP12 Executive Board’s makeup and eligibility are described in our bylaws. The members include a Commission Chair, the PCEE Division Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, three PCEE Division representatives (3-year term), three members-at-large who are practicing classroom teachers or work very closely with practicing classroom teachers (3-year term), founding Division representatives from MIND, WIED and First-Year Programs (3-year term), and three founding Council representatives from Corporate Member Council, Engineering Dean’s Council, and Engineering Technology Council (3-year term).
Commission Chair, Secretary-Treasurer
Katey Shirey – katey@edukatey.com
STEAM Education Consultant, eduKatey LLC
Dr. Katey Shirey is an integrated STEAM education expert with experience bringing engineering and art into formal and informal K-12 science and math programs worldwide. Dr. Shirey holds a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning, Policy, and Leadership from the University of Maryland. She also holds bachelor’s degrees in physics and sculpture, and a Master’s in Teaching from the University of Virginia. Through her STEAM education consulting service, eduKatey, LLC, Dr. Shirey has collaborated with educators to create integrated STEAM curriculum, professional development, and strategic program plans. Dr. Shirey supports diverse networks of educators through her work with eduKatey, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), the Engineer Inclusion network, the Knowles Teacher Initiative, e4usa, Advanced Learning Partnerships, UL Research Institutes, and partner universities, schools, and districts.
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Chair
Merredith Portsmore – merredith.portsmore@tufts.edu
Research Associate Professor, Center for Engineering Education Outreach, Tufts University
Merredith Portsmore the director of the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, as well as a research assistant professor. She has the unique honor of being a “Quadruple Jumbo,” having received all her four of her degrees from Tufts University (B.A. in English, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, M.A. in Education, and Ph.D. in Engineering Education). Portsmore’s research interests focus on how children engage in constructing solutions to engineering design problems. Her outreach work focuses on creating resources for K-12 educators to support engineering education in the classroom. She is the founder of STOMP, LEGO Engineering.com, and the online Teacher Engineering Education Program.
Immediate Past Commission Chair
Malinda Zarske
Associate Director and Teaching Professor, Integrated Design Engineering program
University of Colorado Boulder
Malinda Zarske has spent the last 20 years engaged in P-12 engineering education. Previously a public middle and high school science and math teacher, and a former Division Chair of the Pre-College Engineering Education Division, she currently teaches undergraduate product design and core courses through Integrated Design Engineering as well as STEM education courses for pre-service teachers through the CU Teach Engineering program. Her primary research interests include the impacts of project-based service-learning on student identity – especially women and nontraditional demographic groups in engineering – as well as pathways and retention to and through K-12 and undergraduate engineering, teacher education, and curriculum development.
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Representative
Leon Grant – lgrant@marietta-city.k12.ga.us
Marietta City School’s Engineering Pipeline
Leon R. Grant III is a 20-year veteran pre-engineering teacher and the director of the Engineering Pipeline. Leon’s passion and innovation has made him a leader in K-12 engineering education. He has won numerous honors such as 2017 WEPAN Leader in Engineering Education Award, 2017 ACTE National Carl Perkins Community Service Award, 2015 DiscoverE Educator Award, 2012 & 2013 Georgia ACTE Engineering Division Teacher of the Year, and 2010 Paulding District Teacher of the Year. Leon Grant is an active member of ASEE Pre-College Engineering Education Committee, serves on the Atlanta Center for Creative Inquiry Board of Directors, a commissioner on the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, and a teacher representative on the Business & Industry Advisory Committee to the CTAE Division at the Georgia Department of Education.
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Representative
Erdogen Kaya – ekaya3@gmu.edu
Assistant Professor of Education, George Mason University
Kaya is an Assistant Professor of Education in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University. He has a MS in computer science and engineering and a BS in chemical engineering. He is interested in teaching people to code and engineer for social causes to make STEM+CS accessible for all. Areas of research interest include K-16 computing and engineering education, STEM+CS, computational thinking, and robotics in K-12 STEM+CS education.
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Representative
Bruce Wellman
Bruce taught high school students various subjects, including General Chemistry, Honors Engineering Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering Design Capstone, and Introduction to Tech Ed. Bruce received his National Board certification (NBCT, Adolescent and Young Adult, Chemistry, 2006) and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teacher (PAEMST, Kansas, 2009). In addition, he taught English for one year in the national education system of the Comoro Islands (East Africa).
Bruce served in numerous STEM education roles outside of his high school classroom. These included the following organizations: the US Department of Education, the American Society for Engineering Education’s (ASEE) Commission on P-12 Engineering Education, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), and the National STEM Education Advisory Panel. Through these various roles in research and education policy, Bruce learned firsthand the importance of grounding classroom teaching practices and education policy in high-quality education research.
Bruce is currently a PhD student in Engineering Education at Purdue University.
Minorities in Engineering Division Representative
Diane Elisa Golding
Women in Engineering Division Representative
Kristi Shryock
First-Year Programs Division Representative
Katy Schulte Graham
Dr. Kathryn Schulte Grahame is a Teaching Professor at Northeastern University and the Associate Director of the First-Year Engineering Team at Northeastern University. The focus of this team is on providing a consistent, comprehensive, and constructive educational experience that endorses the student-centered, professional and practice-oriented mission of Northeastern University. She teaches the Cornerstone of Engineering courses to first-year students as well as courses within the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. She is a recipient of the Excellence in Mentoring Award and the Outstanding Teacher of First-Year Students Award. Her research interests include service learning and work that informs and enhances the teaching of first-year students.
At-Large Member, Teacher Representative
Mariam Manuel
teachHOUSTON, Assistant Professor
Dr. Mariam Manuel is an Instructional Assistant Professor for teachHOUSTON, a secondary STEM teacher preparation program in the Department of Mathematics at University of Houston (UH). Dr. Manuel oversees the inclusion of engineering design education in the teachHOUSTON program and has authored/taught engineering design education courses for the UH STEM Master’s program. Her research interests include STEM teacher education, engineering design education, and culturally responsive pedagogy. Dr. Manuel was presented with 2018 Million Women Mentors Stand Up for STEM Award which recognizes efforts in mentoring young girls and women to pursue STEM related career pathways. She is also the recipient of the 2019 AWM Certificate of Service to the Field for Mentorship of Girls and Young Women in STEM. Most recently, she was awarded the 2020 UTeach STEM Educators’ Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to STEM Education.
At-Large Member, Teacher Representative
Anna Newley
Sonoran Schools Science Teacher
My name is Anna Newley. I have been a teacher in Arizona for 17 years. I graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Education. I worked hard to achieve my Master of Education in Educational Technology. I worked with the Tempe Elementary School District for six years as a kindergarten and second grade teacher. I then worked in the Sonoran Schools charter school district from 2012 to the present. During my time working with Sonoran Schools, I have taught fifth grade, middle grades science, and high school Biology and Earth Science. I have more than five publications in journals and have presented in sessions at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and the Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA). I coach a FIRST Tech Challenge team that has connections with OnSemiconductor and I mentor a FIRST Lego League for middle school students. I am excited to work with teachers, professors, and professionals on a larger scale and I look forward to contributing to engineering education at all levels!

At-Large Member, Teacher Representative
Ezgi Yesilyurt
Weber State University
Ezgi Yesilyurt is an assistant professor in life science education. She received her Ph.D. in STEM education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her research interests include epistemology of engineering, pre-college engineering education, evolution, and computer science education.
At-Large Member, Teacher Representative
Doug Roberson
Oxford Prep High School Engineering Teacher
Doug Roberson is a teacher at Oxford Preparatory School teaching e4usa (Engineering for Us All) to high school students and STEM to middle school students. He has been in the teaching profession 21 years, having taught in Ohio and North Carolina. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University, majoring in Technology Education with a minor in Graphic Communication. He has trained and certified in other engineering courses such as Intro to Engineering and Design, Principles of Engineering, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Corporate Member Council Representative
P.J. Boardman – pboardma@mathworks.com
Education Marketing Director, MathWorks
P.J. Boardman is the Director of Education Marketing, managing a worldwide education marketing team responsible for product and technology strategy, publishing programs, online learning and digital marketing from K-12 through higher education. She is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Corporate Membership Council for P-12 Education. Prior to joining MathWorks in 2014, P.J. was a Vice President of Cengage Learning and Pearson Education. P.J. has a B.A. in Mathematics from the College of the Holy Cross and an MEd from the University of Massachusetts in Instructional Design and is a Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar where she attended the Universidad de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Engineering Dean’s Council Representative
Engineering Technology Council Representative
John Irwin
Michigan Technological University